Title: The Periodic Table
1The Periodic Table
2Elements and the Periodic Table
- The Periodic Table is an organized chart of all
of the elements in the entire universe - For example
- Iron (Fe) is an element that is found on Earth.
The Iron on earth is identical to the iron atoms
found on meteorites. -
- The iron atoms on Mars that make the soil red
are the same too. -
3Elements and the Periodic Table
- Elements are the building blocks of all matter
- Elements are the simplest substance in the
entire universe. Elements cannot be broken down
into other substances by chemical or physical
means (except by nuclear means) - - Some examples of elements are Gold (Au),
Oxygen (O), Copper (Cu), Calcium (Ca), Iodine
(I), Chlorine (Cl), and Neon (Ne) - Each element has certain properties which
distinguishes it from other elements - - These properties are boiling point
melting point, atomic mass, atomic number,
4Elements and the Periodic Table
- Elements have many uses
- Examples
- Boron (B) can be found in many soaps. Boron is
often found in the compound known as borax and
refined for other uses. - Carbon (C) is used in printers ink.
- Paper is composed of Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H),
and Oxygen (O).
5Organization of the Periodic Table
- The periodic table is organized into horizontal
rows and vertical rows - The horizontal rows are called periods.
- The vertical rows are called groups.
- There are 7 periods and 18 groups in the
periodic table - Groups are numbered 1-18. These numbers refer
to the number of electrons in the outer shell of
the elements. - (This works for the first 20 elements)
6Reading the Periodic Table
- Each square on the periodic table give
particular information about the atoms of an
element - The number at the top of the square is the atomic
number, which is the number of protons in the
nucleus of the element - The element symbol is an abbreviation for the
element name (usually 1-2 letters) - The element name is below the symbol
- The number below the element symbol is the atomic
mass. This is the mass of all of the isotopes of
the element.
7Fun with Math!!!
- Much information can be derived about an
elements atomic structure just from the
information provided in its element box. - atomic number number of protons
- atomic mass number the total number of protons
and neutrons - To find the number of neutrons, you take the
atomic number and subtract the atomic mass number - number of neutrons atomic number - atomic mass
number - The number of protons is equal to the number of
electrons - number of protons number of electrons
8Reading the Periodic Table
- Open your Chemical Interactions text to page
20-21. - Metals on the left side of the periodic table
and nonmetals on the right side. - -The zigzag line on the right side of the table
separates metals from nonmetals. - Notice The black bolded elements are solid,
the white letters are a gas and there are 2
liquids on the periodic table
9Categories of the Periodic Table
- Metals
- (general)
- Hard and shiny
- 3 or less valence electrons
- Form positive ions by losing electrons
- Good conductors of heat and electricity
10Categories of the Periodic Table
- Metals (specific)
- Reactive metals (alkali and alkaline earth
metals)- - -Alkaline earth metals- very reactive and are
found in the earths crust. - -Alkali metals- soft and malleable ductile (
bendable and can be reshaped) - Transition metals (includes poor metals)-
- less reactive than most metals
- found in foods we eat, for industry (steel,
copper), modern technology catalytic converters,
and incandescent light bulbs), and alloys (steel
and brass). - poor metals- soft, low melting points, ex lead
- Rare earth metals (lanthanide series and
actinide series)- - -previously believed to be rare, however as
mining improved, scientist realized that they are
not rare, just hard to isolate.
11Reading the Periodic Table
NonMetals -Gases or dull, brittle solids -Do not
reflect light -Cannot be rolled into wires or
pounded into sheets -At room temperature, they
can be solids or gases, except Bromine, which is
a liquid. -5 or more valence electrons -From
negative ions by gaining electrons -Poor
conductors of heat and electricity Noble gases-
Group 18, almost never react with other
elements -Some are used to make colorful
lights Halogens- Group 17, very reactive
nonmetals that form salts when combined with many
metals. -Uses to kill harmful microorganisms in
hospitals, to purify drinking water and prevent
growth of algae in swimming pools.
12Reading the Periodic Table
- Metalloids
- Appearance will vary
- 3 to 7 valence electrons
- Form positive and/or negative ions
- Conduct better than nonmetals but nor as well as
metals - Properties of metals and nonmetals
- Often used in semi-conductors for computer chips
- NOTE any element above 92 is too unstable to
occur in nature and must be done in a lab,
scientist were able to predict existence of
elements (neon and germaniuim before they were
even discovered
13Student Misconceptions
- All metals are not magnetic
- Iron is not the only metal that has magnetic
properties - Electrical conductivity is not a property of
only metals - Carbon rod (graphite) is actually an element
with properties that are intermediate between a
metal and a nonmetal - Not all elements are solids
14 15- Memorize the 1st
- 30 element names
- and symbols!!!
- There will be pop quiz very soon over this
16Elements and the Periodic Table
- Even though elements cannot be broken down,
they can be combined with other elements in order
to form new substances. - For example salt is a compound of sodium and
chlorine NaCl - Elements have many uses
- EX Boron (B) can be found in many soaps. Boron
is often found in the compound known as borax and
refined for other uses.