Title: Book Review: Energy Derivatives: Pricing
1Book Review Energy Derivatives Pricing Risk
Management, Clewlow L., Strickland C.,
2000Chapter 4 Energy Forward Curves
- Li Xu
- Lunch at Lab Talk
- Department of Mathematics Statistics
- University of Calgary
- Introduction
- Forward Curves in the Debt Market
- Constructing Forward Curves
- Cost of Carry Relationship
- Forward Price Bounds for Energies
- Seasonality in Prices
- Forward Curves in the Electricity Market
- Arbitrage Pricing Approach
- The Econometric Approach
- The Spot Price Modeling Approach
- The forward curve contains information about the
prices an investor can lock into today for
different times in the future. - Forward prices are also the key inputs to many
derivative pricing models (See Chapter 8). - Further discussion can be found in Gabillon
(1995), Humphreys and Shimko (1997) and Leong
4Market Forward Curves
5Market Forward Curves
- Backwardation futures prices lower than the spot
prices. - Contango futures prices higher than the spot
prices. - Seasonality
- These three shapes depend on the level of
transaction costs, convenience yield, and
seasonal changes in supply and demand.
6Forward Curves in the Debt Markets
- Forward rates are easily implied from the prices
of bonds and spot interest rates.
- Not arbitrarily set but depend on the
relationship between traded instruments. - Calculated based on the observed current spot
values not the forecasted level of future spot
7Constructing Forward Curves
- Cost of Carry Relationship
- Forward Price Bounds for Energies
- Seasonality in Prices
- Explain the three shapes of the forward curves in
the energy market
8Cost of Carry Relationship
- Cost of carry arbitrage (stock market)
- No arbitrage opportunity
- If asset pays a continuous yield
9Forward Price Bounds for Energies
- Consider cost of storage and transportation
- Cost of carry relationship (oil market)
- Contango forward curves
10Forward Price Bounds for Energies
- Convenience yield
- Cost of carry relationship (oil market)
- Backwardation forward curves
11Seasonality in Prices
- Why?
- Has an arbitrage opportunity
- Reasons for the inefficiency of the gas forward
market (See Leong (1997))
12Forward Curves in the Electricity Market
- Arbitrage Pricing Approach
- The Econometric Approach
- The Spot Price Modeling Approach
13Spot Price seasonality for the electricity market
14Spot Price seasonality for the electricity market
15Reasons for Seasonality
- Leong (1997) suggested the following reasons
- Non-storability of electricity
- Arbitrage relationships which depends on storing
the energy breakdown - Electricity is a very regional market
16Arbitrage Pricing Approach
- Link the forward electricity curve to the prices
of the fuels used to generated the electricity - Consider conversion process
- Heat rate efficiency of generation
- Relationship
- The shape of the two forward curves are similar
- Take into account of other costs
17The Econometric Approach
- Griswold (1997) discussed a simulation model
- Can be performed by many software packages
- Drawback just a prediction of spot hourly energy
prices in the future
18The Spot Price Modeling Approach
- Assume the spot price is driven by stochastic
factors and other key variables - Similar to interest rate models (e.g. Vasicek
model (1977) and CIR model (1985)) - Refer to Gabillion (1995) and Pilipovic (1997)
19Thank you!