Title: Klaus M
1Klaus Mönig and Jadranka Sekaric
DESY - Zeuthen
2T E S L A
- In order to predict the precision of measurement
of trilinear gauge couplings (TGC) at a photon
collider -
- signal to background separation study (e? ?W? )
- for real and parasitic e? -mode
- observables sensitive to TGC
- (angular distributions, cross-sections )
- estimated errors, ??? and ??? of measurement of
?? and ?? parameters, obtained by
fit-minimizing the ?2 value - - effect of photon beam polarization on ??? and
??? measurement
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
3T E S L A
- PYTHIA event generator
- SIMDET V3 detector simulation
- sample of 105 mixed signal and background events,
generated with PYTHIA at ECM (e?) 450 GeV - background for real and parasitic e?-mode
- e? ? ?W ? ?qq ?T ? 37 pb
- e? ? eZ0 ? eqq ?T ? 3.5 pb
- ?? ? qq ?T ? 137 pb
- ?? ? WW ? l?qq ?T ? 82 pb
- ?? ? qq ?T ? 128 pb
- response of a detector simulated with SIMDET V3
- Ws are reconstructed from hadronic final states
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
4sufficiently high W production cross-section
allows us to efficiently separate signal from
- Applied cuts
- acceptance of detector - 7
?? ? qq
e? ? ?W
e? ? eZ0
- angular distributions for signal and bck.
hadronic final states
- hadronic final states energy spectrum
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
5T E S L A
?? ? qq
e? ? ?W
e? ? eZ0
High efficiency for hadronic channel, 84 with
low background
- hadronic final states mass spectrum
- final angular distributions after selection
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
6T E S L A
Background for parasitic e? mode ?? ? WW ?
l?qq same cuts as previous ?? ? qq
- Applied cuts
- acceptance of detector - 7
e? ? ?W
?? ? qq
?? ? WW
angular distribution
energy distribution
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
7T E S L A
mass distribution
S/BWW 91, purity 90
angular distribution after selection
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
8T E S L A
total and differential cross-section
- analytic formula for total (differential)
cross-section (A. Denner, A.Dittmaier,
Nucl.Phys. B398 (1993)239 - helicity amplitudes for different initial photon
and final W states (E.Yehudai, Phys.Rev.
D11(44)1991)) - differential cross-section distribution over the
decay angle (Bilenky at al.,Nuc.Phys. B(409)
(1993)22 - WHIZARD Monte Carlo treelevel generator
(W.Kilian,University of Karlsruhe)
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
9T E S L A
ANOMALOUS TGC can affect the total production
cross-section and the shape of the differential
DCS in presence of anomalous coupling for J?
1 state normalized to its SM value
DCS for J? 1 state in SM
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
10T E S L A
Contribution of each helicity state of the W
boson ? affects the distribution of their decay
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
11T E S L A
- WHIZARD Monte Carlo generator, 106 mixed pairs
(du-bar and sc-bar) at ECM 450 GeV, fixed
photon-beam energy, polarized beams (P100),
anomalous couplings - for each event we observe 3 kinematic variables
- -W production angle with respect to the e- beam
direction - cos? - -W polar decay angle - angle of the fermion with
respect to the W flight direction measured in the
W rest frame cos?1 - -azimuthal decay angle ? of the fermion with
respect to a plane defined by W and the beam axis - Monte Carlo SM events are reweighted with
function R(??????) (??? and ??? are free
R(??????) 1 A??? B??? C(???)2
D(???)2 E ??? ???
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
12T E S L A
- 2D (over cos?, cos?1 ) and 3D (over cos?,
cos?1,? ) cross-section distributions are fitted
?L-error on the luminosity measurement norm-normal
ization constant
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
13T E S L A
- Estimated errors of ?? and ?? for 1 photon
polarization state (P100) single parameter 2D
and 3D fit
real mode/ parasitic mode ECM 450 GeV, ?L?t 110 fb-1 Monte Carlo 2D ECM 450 GeV, ?L?t 110 fb-1 Monte Carlo 2D ECM 450 GeV, ?L?t 110 fb-1 Monte Carlo 2D
real mode/ parasitic mode J? 1 J? 1 J? 1
?L 1 0.1 accurate
??? 10-3 3.6/3.7 1.0/1.0 0.4/0.4
??? 10-3 1.5/2.2 1.5/2.2 1.4/2.1
real mode/ parasitic mode ECM 450 GeV, ?L?t 110 fb-1 Monte Carlo 3D ECM 450 GeV, ?L?t 110 fb-1 Monte Carlo 3D ECM 450 GeV, ?L?t 110 fb-1 Monte Carlo 3D
real mode/ parasitic mode J? 1 J? 1 J? 1
?L 1 0.1 accurate
??? 10-3 3.0/3.1 1.0/1.0 0.4/0.4
??? 10-4 2.6/2.9 2.6/2.9 2.6/2.9
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
14T E S L A
- ? distribution slightly decreases error of ??
(?L 1) and of ?? for a factor 7 ! ? shape
sensitivity in phi distribution ? phi
distribution influences much more on
??? 3D - Mean error on ?? comes from ?L, not
case for ?? - Good agreement between 2
modes for ??? and ???
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
15T E S L A
- Polarization influence on ?? and ??
- ? variation of laser polarization in the laser
wave - ? beam field influences the photon polarization
- sample with P?0.9 polarized photons
- ? mixing the events with P?1 and P?-1 in
order to get preferred polarization (955) - ? errors obtained from the fit are in a good
agreement with previous ones - sample with 1 different polarization
- ? increased the Nev with P?-1 for 10 ?
increase of Nev correspond to the P?0.89 ?
test-fit and - we found 1 changes in polarization (accurate
fit) - ? ?? within 12?
- ? ?? within 1?
- Contribution from normalization and from
02/04/2003, Amsterdam
16T E S L A
- -Efficient signal to background separation for
both e? modes - - ??? ,??? 10-3 (error on luminosity
measurement, ?L, - is included)
- - Main contribution to the error of ?? comes from
?L - Shape sensitivity for anomalous ?? in phi
distribution decreases error of ?? - Variable polarization (1) affects the ??
measurement - Future plans
- Variable photon-beam energy in WHIZARD
- Resolution on reconstructed variables
- Background influences on error predictions
02/04/2003, Amsterdam