Title: Lajos K' Varga
1Lajos K. Varga
- Research Institute of Solid State Physics and
Optics of - Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2Proposal full title Amorphous Metal-Insulator
type soft magnetic composites Proposal
acronym AMINMAG Date of preparation
10.09.2004 Type of Instrument STREP
(Specific Targeted Research project) Submission
stage OUTLINE proposal Activity code
addressed NEST-2003-1 ADVENTURE Duration of
the project 36 months
3(FeSi, FeAl, permalloy) commercialized 100 years
ago (Mn-Zn and Ni-Zn ferrites) commercialized 50
years ago amorphous alloys 25 years ago
nanocrystalline alloys about 10 years
ago Limitations eddy current losses - metals
low temperature limit
ferrites Solution a metal - insulator
nanocomposite -metaferrite Adventure to prove
the theoretical prediction The exchange
interaction can be replaced by the extended
dipolar interaction in averaging out the local
anisotropies and so producing a soft magnetic
4K1 (8-48) 103 J/m3 ltKgt 1-10 J/m3
5- Experimental techniques
- Gas atomizing ferromagnetic bulk amorphous alloy
(FBA) - Coating with Mg or Zn by vapor deposition
- and oxidation of Mg or Zn.
- Compaction between Tg and Tx.
- Spray forming of FBA with ZrO or Al2O3
- Plasma spray of FBA with ZrO or Al2O3
- Preparation of composite oxides (e.g.
Fe(Co)-M-O, where - M Al, Zn, or Si) by mechanical milling
- cold compaction
- sintering and precipitation of nanosized
Fe(Co) - particles by subsequent heat treatment
- Reduction of Fe(Co) nanosized oxide powder in H2
fluidizing bed - Coating with Mg or Zn by vapor deposition
- and oxidation of Mg or Zn
- compaction by hot isostatic pressure
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7Abstract Bad
The project proposed aims to explore the concept
of novel metal-insulator composite materials
consisting of the active amorphous magnetic
particles embedded in a host insulator matrix,
which are expected to exhibit excellent soft
magnetic properties both at high-frequencies (up
to 1 GHz) and at high temperatures (up to 300-400
oC), thus meeting the needs of modern
telecommunication systems and power electronics.
The proposal aims to realize a scientific and
technological break-through in the field of high
frequency and high temperature soft magnetic
materials developing a new meta- material
consisting of the active amorphous magnetic
particles embedded in a host insulator matrix
making possible new applications in informatics
and power electronics at high-frequencies (up to
1 GHz) and at high temperatures (up to 300-400 oC.
8Bad No interdisciplinarity No industrial
partner No prediction of the economical benefit
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