Title: Chapter 15 Interpersonal Persuasion
1Chapter 15 - Interpersonal Persuasion
mass persuasion interpersonal persuasion
electronically mediated typically F2F/voice to
mass audience audience of one
idealized audience M.O.L. aware of other person
typically re attitudes typically re
in a sense, ALL persuasion is interpersonal since
our perceptions are ultimately based on our
individual environment/expectations/desires
but there is still something to be gained by a
discussion of interpersonal, face-to-face
persuasion as distinct from advertisements /or
2interpersonal persuasion is about relationships
4 variables of relationships and interpersonal
- Attraction how individuals feel about each
otherphysical proximityphysical attractiveness
similarities to ourselvesstatus
(high/low)those who can provide us with personal
- Dominance ability to control or influence
another individual - person trying to influence
person being influenced
not all under control or conscious
strategies used to influence
3C. Involvement breadth and depth of our
relationship with the other
intimate relationship
involvement achieved partially throughself-discl
osure telling another person info about yourself
that is not visible otherwise
lts.d. can be used strategicallygt
D. Situation communicate differently based on
the situation
- social environment- physical environment-
tasks and purposes present
4Many researchers try to understand interpersonal
persuasion under the rubric of
compliance gaining use of strategies to induce
behavior in an other
techniques of compliance gaining
- rewarding activity mc ginsberg offers wine to
its patrons
- punishing activity jailing someone, kids
timeout, grounding, etc.
- expertise strategy learn second language b/c
its good for you
- activation of internalized commitments /-
self-feelings, moral appeal, force
individuals to think about themselves
- activation of interpersonal commitments
altruism, debt, cause audience to think
about how others view them
54 situations where people are likely to use
compliance-gaining strats.(p. 389-340)
1. noninterpersonal, short-term consequences (no
interp. relationship, short term results)
2. noninterpersonal, long-term consequences
altruism, debt, /- expertise
3. interpersonal, short-term consequences
altruism, altercasting, liking
4. interpersonal, long-term consequences threat,
promise, altruism
POWER of persuader influences choice of
compliance-gaining strategy
Two Sequential-Request Strategiesfocus on ways
to make initial requests in order to gain
acceptance of an ultimate request
A. Foot-In-The-Door technique small initial
request followed by a larger second request
6ex.- door-to-door solicitations may I leave
these informational materials for you?-
lowball prices as low as 14.99
B. Door-In-The-Face technique large first
request is turned down, smaller second
request is accepted
receiver views the retreat as a concession on the
part of the persuader and feels the need to
reciprocate if they gave a little then I should
ex. selling a house
Conflict what causes it?
different values, different perceptions of the
other, limited resources, turf battles
How are conflicts resolved?
always with/through persuasion and almost always
7Dispute/Conflict Resolution Mediation
http//www.resolv.org/articles/t_meetings.htm http