Title: Ancient Greek Architecture
1Ancient Greek Architecture
- Dhiren Patel Angel Nuñez
2Styles Of Greek Architecture
- There were two major styles of early Greek
architecture the Doric and the Ionic. Doric
Styles were used in mainland Greece and
eventually spread to Greeces colonies in Italy.
Ionic Styles were used in the cites of Ionia, and
a few of the Aegean Islands. Doric styles were
more formal and serious, while Ionic were more
tranquil and ornamental. There are some key
differences that set them apart, for example
Ionic Columns have bases while Doric Columns
dont. Doric Architecture was mainly used during
the 400sB.C. ,although, it dates back to 700B.C.
Ionic architecture dates from approximately 550
B.C. Ionia. Corinthian architecture is derived
from Ionic, but is more complex than its
Greek architecture was mainly used for temples
,and some Roman buildings, so the works consisted
of one story. The different parts of the
structure were the Base(Ionic Only) , Column,
Capital, Architrave, Frieze, (Triglyphs and
Metopes would be on a Doric building where Ionic
had continuous Friezes) and Pediment
The most common materials used in Greek
Architecture were limestone, which they had an
abundance of. Marble was also used, but it was
much more expensive because good marble was only
found on Mt.Pentelus and a few islands,(i.e.
Paros Island)
4Distinctive Features
- Most of the Ancient Greek buildings followed a
basic rectangular design, surrounded By columns
all around the structure. The roofs would be made
from wood, then covered with marble tiles. The
roof design would leave a triangular shape at two
ends of the buildings, where inscriptions or
pictures were usually sculpted into. No colors
were hardly ever used, as all remaining Greek
buildings today consist of only gray marble. The
columns had deep lines going down their exterior,
but other than that, the designs were smooth in
texture. The columns and the rectangular design
are the most distinct aspects that make it easy
to identify.
The Parthenon, the largest building in the
The Acropolis, an ancient city that consists of
the most famous Greek works recognized today
Lincoln Memorial, a modern well known use of
Doric style architecture.
- http//www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks/archite
cture/doric.htm - http//www.historyforkids.org/learn/greeks/archite
cture/ionic.htm - http//www.crystalinks.com/greekarchitecture.html
- http//www.crystalinks.com/greekarchitect2.html
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_architecture