Title: The Tao of Quitting Smoking Seminar
1The Tao of Quitting Smoking Seminar
- By Joe Weaver, author of the book, Nic-the Habit
- With Hypnotist Irael
- Private or Group Seminars available
- Rates vary from 60/pp for Group
- Private sessions 120 with Book and Subliminal
Tape - Contacttaoseminar_at_cigarettesmokingkills.com
- For dates and availabilities
2Introduction of the Course
- Overview of course and expectation.
- The book Nic-the Habit will be used as the text
book for the course. Very little writing is
necessary, just focusing and listening.
Assignments listed in book. - Participants talk about reasons why they want to
quit. - How and why they began to smoke?
- General questions and answers about their
expectations? - Which treatment methods have they tried and which
treatments are effective? - Ending question why do their want to quit and
what methods have they tried to quit?
3Why we smoke and how we stop
- Becoming Hooked on an Image.
- Media Representation.
- Peer Pressure
- The Psychology of a Smoker
- Finding yourself again
- Reasons why you smoke
- What you enjoy about cigarettes
- What you dont enjoy about smoking and how you
can begin to end your addiction.
4Nicotine Addiction
- How do we measure addictiveness?
- How addictive is nicotine?
- What is nicotine and how it works on
- In the body and the brain?
- Nicotines chemical structure and it similarity
to other street drugs, e.g Cocaine.
5How do we heal our addiction?The Tao of Quitting
- What does it mean to be born a human instead of
being born as an animal. - What is the difference between our soul and our
willpower - How do we take control of our life?
6The Power of Nicotine
- To what extent does Nicotine control behavior?
- gt90 percent of experimental animals made addicted
to nicotine prefer doses of nicotine to food. - Tobacco Industries role.
- Time line of Tobacco and its deadly chemicals.
7Nicotine Vs. Tobacco
- Tobacco and its smoke
- What is tobacco
- Chemicals, toxins and Poisons
- Tobacco Smoke and its harmful effects.
- 4000 chemical and 200 or more are toxic.
8Why is it easier for some to quit than others
- Tolerance
- Withdrawal
- Denial
- Craving
- Self love and worth
- You cant truly love yourself and remain a smoker
when you know the facts.
9Ways to Quit.
- Cold Turkey no real plan
- Pills, Patches, Herbs, Acupressure.
- Hypnotherapy (Hypnosis Done By Irael)
- Read a book.
- Nic-the Habit way.
- Cold-Turkey with a Plan
- Meditation-Relaxation Techniques
- Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs
- Reconditioning your mind, body and Spirit
- Exercise
- Self honesty and understanding.
10Addiction and your Spirit
- Nicotine Addiction and your genes
- Can you overcome your genes make-up
- Virus and bacteria do, Why cant we.
- The powerful approach to your soul
- Denial
- Living in truth with yourself
- Living life in the present concept
- Overview of your past, present and future
- Why is this so important!
11Biology of Nicotine on your system
- More examples on Nicotine and the Brain
- How it is broken down.
12Minding your own business
- Learning how to stay focused on your own affairs
instead of others. - Controlling your urges and thoughts
- Staying tough and in control
- Meditation of thought.
- Non-Judgment
- No one is exempt from misfortune and pain.
13Lessons of Simplicity.
- Lessons from the book.
- Learning the difference from being in denial,
being stubborn or being ignorant. - Cool to be Not Cool fallacy.
- Free Will.
14Research and Some Statistics
- Latest findings
- Topics in the book
- What does Research prove?
- We are only as good as the tool we event.
15Excuses of why you cant quit now?
- Myths about Smoking and
- Concentration
- How hard it is to quit
- How you cut down on the numbers you smoke
- Its relaxation effect
- Boredom
- Too much going on.
16Dangers of smoking
- Listing from the book, which is used as a
hand-out. - Other Sources
17Assignments in the Book
- Encourage the smoker, just how important it is to
take the book home and read it from the beginning
and to follow all of the assignments.
18Will you gain weight?
- Nicotine and the rule on carbohydrates storage.
- Recommendations of food groups
- Avoidance food groups
- Herbal and Vitamin suggestions
- Exercise planning with your physician
- How to not gain weight.
19What are the withdrawal Symptoms
- Depression
- How to deal with the depression
- Relaxation techniques
- My CD or Tape Hypnotic and Subliminal
- Herbal and Vitamin Suggestions.
- Typical withdrawal symptoms of people who quit.
- How to deal with the withdrawal symptoms
- How long will it last
- What to do and What not to do
20You are blameless of your Past
- Describing certain sections of my book.
- Mind Control
- Learning from past mistakes
- Revisiting the Present concept
21How people change
- The goal is to help the client move one stage at
a time towards change - Help smokers see the benefits of quitting
- Help smokers make a decision to quit
- Encourage smokers who are ready to develop an
action plan and set a Quit Date - Help the former smoker cope with life without
22The Secrets of Remaining a non-smoker
Suggestions, Recommendations from my book and
from other sources
23Support Groups
- My Website http//cigarettesmokingkills.com
- How to use chat-rooms, bulletin boards
- Access my website.
- Links for 24 hour message boards
- The Need to stay connected to others, who have
24Time to Say Good-bye To Tobacco and the old You
- Choosing a quit date or using the book to quit
- What happens if you quit before your date.
- Sections from the book
- Building up a loathing for tobacco is Okay
25Summation of the course
- Outline and Explained
- Questions and Answers
- Developing a partner within the group to help
through the rough times - What happens light up again?
- Re-read book and go through all the assignments
again. No short cuts.