Title: Welcome back from summer break!
1Welcome back from summer break!
IMPORTANT Make sure you print out a copy of an
Inservice Form and sign it so you can receive you
MIP points for this session. Once this has been
signed by all participants at your site, send it
to Bill Zwicker, Instructional Technology
Department at the administrative center
- Introductions
- Review of Basics
- How to get help
- Your role
- How teachers do their attendance
- What parents see
- Reminder of features you may want to be aware
of - Questions/Answers
- We will cover this information rather quickly
today but I will stay after this session to
answer any questions or help as needed. I am also
available to assist you either on the telephone
or coming to your school for one-on-one
assistance. All you have to do is ask.
3 Introductions
- Please share
- Your name
- Your School
- Position at your school
- Years in this position
4Basics-CCPS Help
Click here if you need help. Emphasize this to
all of your teachers.
5Basics-CCPS Help2
Scroll down to see Office Staff.
Then, click here to see the documentation.
6Basics-eSembler Help
Click here to get help with the program
documentation from eSembler. It is well indexed,
has a search feature, and very easy to use.
However, this Help does not contain any
information pertaining to admin users. Teachers
have complained in the surveys that there is no
written documentation. This manual is over 200
pages long. I dont recommend that anyone prints
7Attendance Procedures for Office Staff
This page can be found at
Click here for admin documentation.
8Attendance Procedures for Office Staff
Scroll down to Attendance Office Staff
Then, click here for documentation.
9Attendance Procedures for Office Staff
Click here to see the documentation.
10Teachers Attendance
Notice 2d and 2e. You are probably curious as to
how teachers will do their attendance. We will
look at those two briefly.
11Basics-Login Hyperlinked
Click anywhere on this page go to the CCPS Login
Page so we can view 2a, 2d and 2f-ii plus the
documentation for the attendance staff. We will
leave this PowerPoint for a few minutes to go
over some on-line documentation.
12Parent Access (not available for elementary at
this time)
Parents can click on a class to see the class for
the current marking period.
Parents can click on a grade to see the grades in
any particular marking period.
13Reminders of features that you should be aware of
in case someone asks (Parent/student access is
not available for elementary students at this
- Parents/Students On-line The grades information
on the parents and students opening page is
real-time but the attendance information is
summarized at 2AM in the morning so it will not
show any attendance updated the current day until
the following day.
14Reminders of features that you should be aware
of in case someone asks (Modify for training)
- Ways to see more information on your screen
- ltF11gt does full screen. Some teachers like this
hint the best of all. - 1024 x 768 Resolution is much better than 800x600
15Attendance Procedures for Office Staff
Scroll down to Attendance Office Staff
Then, click here for documentation.