Title: Dia 1
1EPICS for Virtual Erasmus LOGOS Open Conference
on strengthening the integration of ICT research
effort Budapest 19-20 January 2009
George Ubachs
2Our frameworkThe EU Lifelong Learning Programme
- 3 million individual participants in student
mobility by 2012. Reality is 1.7 million
participants over the last 20 years. Unrealistic
to achieve the goals set for mobility. - The current scheme is restricting for lifelong
learners. Discriminating non-mobile/lifelong
students. - Solution only by supplementing the current
physical mobility schemes with institutionalised
virtual mobility schemes the opportunities of
achieving the goals set in student mobility can
be approached.
3Our definition of VM
- Two or more institutions agree to offer their
students the opportunity to acquire a number of
ECTS points at one of the foreign partner
universities by virtual presence or through a
joint international activity of the partners - EPICS is focussing on virtual mobility and not at
distance education as such. - Meaning university to university relation.
- Student exchange (enrolling at another
university) and virtual seminars
(internationalisation within the university)
4Forms of Mobility of Students
- Physical Mobility (PM)
- on-site physical travel stay in a country
abroad - for limited period
- takes substantial amount of time / creates
additional cost - student experiences face-to-face activities and
meetings, teaching and the everyday life of the
country - social, cultural and educational enrichment
- Virtual Mobility (VM)
- from home, university or work place / no physical
stay abroad - no restrictions in length of time spent studying
- time and cost effective
- no face-to-face activities
- access to courses and study schemes in foreign
country communication with teachers and fellow
students abroad via ICT - educational enrichment
- (interaction intercultural competences)
5E-MOVE models of virtual mobility
6CSVMCross sector Virtual Internships
- Remote internships targeting talented distance
education students and - top-class business assignments.
- EADTU offers a matchmaking service for
organisations that wish to address a business
challenge for distance working skilled students
and for non-mobile students who are looking for
state-of-the-art working credentials. - Offers http//www.eadtu.nl/internships/default.as
7What does Virtual Mobility add?
- Facilitate accessibility and widen participation
of students and universities - Virtual mobility can offer more flexible mobility
(shorter, time and place independent) - more personalised and more specialised
opportunities for the student. - enriched content
- broadened international experience (multi
country) - new opportunities of mobility for students and
staff (permanent) virtual learning communities,
virtual internships, the involvement of many
universities simultaneously in a project or
course, international collaborative learning and
teaching - combining physical mobility with virtual
components so that students can follow obligatory
learning activities while staying in a host
university. - Therefore, virtual mobility reinforces
- European mobility in HE
8EPICS Key Objectives
- To increase student mobility
- throughout Europe
- To support the realisation of a European Higher
Education Area by organising a - Virtual Erasmus scheme.
- Approach
- P2 EuroPACE (BE)
- P3 NSHU (SE)
- P4 OUNL (NL)
- P5 UNED (ES)
- P6 OUUK (UK)
- P7 EITF /TU (EE)
- P8 Uninettuno (IT)
- P9 Universidade Aberta (PT)
- P10 Anadolu University (TR)
- P11 Fern Schweiz (CH)
- Share expertise and experience of Virtual
Mobility coordinators - Combine networks of Virtual Mobility
- Extend as well as offerings of Virtual
Mobility courses -
- Develop the supporting technical
- Integrate infrastructure of EPICS
11Building EPICS
Build on existing initiatives E-MOVE 3 models
of Virtual Mobility REVE modes of Virtual
Mobility by traditional universities Venus
Virtual and E-Mobility for Networking
Universities in Society VM-base VM before and
after student exchange SPUTNIC technology
enhanced international educational
cooperation Net-Active model of intercontinental
virtual mobility CSVM and CVBE model of virtual
internships MORIL European model of Open
Educational Resources Build additional services
and add new courses Building supporting
networks Like in Physical mobility the dynamics
of Virtual mobility is to come from University
staff organised in bi-lateral and multilateral
12(No Transcript)
13What is EPICS offering?
- In EPICS we will integrate the available
knowledge and expertise on VM by its consortium
of experts in this field. Make current VM
initiatives sustainable - Concept Students looking for international
courses can find a selection of these on their
own universitys website rather than on project
title - EPICS is not just a database of courses, but a
fully supported offering of European virtual
mobility courses. - Improved accessibility and attractiveness
- Overcome barriers and opportunities of
accessibility restricting factors like - -student admission,
- -fee structures,
- -assessment modes etc.
14How to guarantee recognition?
- Recognition of degrees and credit points is to be
guaranteed by - Agreements to guarantee recognition of degrees
and support to students - Trust between institutions mutual awareness
amongst the institutions involved and the
reliability of quality education. - Quality assurance systems should be applied. The
need to accredit the quality of all university
institutions and of the education provided. - Transparent information students and staff
- Flexibility there are still huge organisational
differences. The maximum flexibility should be
applied, notwithstanding the necessary
strictness, to any academic recognition carried
out between different universities. - Innovative methods that facilitate learning, by
incorporation of ICTs into the educational
- Virtual Mobility will not replace Physical
Mobility. VM is a supplement to - achieve the mobility goals set and widen
participation in a lifelong - Learning context.
- Virtual mobility will not only contribute to the
original vision of the - Erasmus Programme it will also deliver new
flexibility and breadth to - the ambition.
- With the further development of
- new learning environments
- new educational models,
- and exploiting the full potential of ICT
- virtual higher education is likely to be one of
the most - Important driving forces in the academic
community, with virtual - mobility playing a core role in the European
learning space.
16- Thank you
- George.ubachs_at_eadtu.nl