Title: Specifications Continued
1Specifications- Continued
- Francis Suraweera
- School of CIT
- Griffith University
- Nathan 4111
- These notes are derived from the book Program
Derivation by Geoff Dromey
2Role of the Specification
- What do we mean by
- A program is correct?
- It can be only correct wrt some separate
- entity its specification.
3Specification cont.
FINAL STATES Output data
The state-model for a program specification
4Specifications Cont.
- The two sets of interest are
- One describing the allowable initial states or
inputs, or data supplied to the program - Another describing the corresponding final
states, or required output or data produced by
the program.
5Specification cont.
- Most problems we are concerned with can be
specified by two predicates - A precondition, Q characterizing the allowable
initial states - A postcondition, R characterizing the allowable
final states.
6Specification Cont.
- The pair (Q, R) define a specification
- To satisfy a specification
- the input must make Q true, and
- the output must make R true.
7Specification Cont.
- A predicate is a condition that is either true or
false depending on the values of its variables. - Example
- N gt 0
- The above (predicate) is true for N 1, 2, 3,
- and false for N 0, -1, -2, -3 .etc.
8Example of a Specification
- Sorting of N integers
- Precondition, Q
- there is at least one integer to be sorted
- Postcondition, R
- Rearrange the input data so that the integers
- form a sequence from the smallest to the
- largest.
9Sorting of N integers cont.
- Q N ? 1
- R (?j 1 lt j ? N aj-1 ? aj ) ? perm(a, A)
10The Design Process
- Design involves two essential things
- Decomposition of a problem into simpler
sub-problems - Refinement of strategy for solving a problem
- (or sub-problem) by introducing additional
- detail i.e., make the strategy more explicit
11Example Building a house
- The process starts with client visiting an
architect. - The requirements are as follows
- 3 bedrooms, (all to be in one area) and 2
bathrooms, - A large lounge,
- A kitchen with large bench space,
- A dinning room
12Example Building a house
- Architects proposed floor plan
Dinning room
13Building the house contd.
- The architect then consults the client
- This is to check clients satisfaction with the
- plan
- If the client is not happy then refine the
- plan.
14Example Building a house
- Architects refined floor plan
Dinning room
15Lessons for the program designers
- L1 have a detailed plan and design document
before building the house - L2 the process of creating a plan and developing
a design from the plan is separated from the
process of building and - L3 the detailed design is arrived at by a
process of refinement.
- We have a group of people scattered among several
threatened locations A, B, and C each of which is
progressively further from some safe destination,
D. - To save the people, they must be transported from
where they are (i.e., A, B, or C) to the safe
destination, D. - Assume that in order to transport the people to
D, it is necessary to build a makeshift road
network through to D.
17Problem1 continued.
Possible starting locations
Destination location
18Problem1 Refinement1.
- Precondition Q1
- 1(a) Build a road from A to D, the destination
- 1(b) Transport the people from A to D
19Problem1 continued.
- Precondition Q1
- This mechanism will solve the problem in a
restricted circumstance - the whole population lives at location A
- Note the above refinement will contribute to the
general solution to the problem.
20Problem1 continued.
- A refinement such as
- build a road from C to B
- is rejected at this stage because it could not
establish the postcondition.
21Problem1 Refinement 2.
- Precondition Q2
- 2(a) Build a road from B to A
- 2(b) Transport the population from B to A,
- and then to D.
22Problem1 Refinement 2.
- Precondition Q2
- Again, this mechanism will solve the problem in a
restricted circumstance that - the whole population lives either at A or B
23Problem1 Refinement 3.
- Precondition Q3
- 3(a) Build a road from C to B
- 3(b) Transport the population from C to B,
- and then on to A, and subsequently D.
24Problem1 continued.
- With refinements 1, 2, and 3 - (Q1, Q2, Q3)
- We have a mechanism to solve the problem in
- the circumstance that
- - the whole population lives at either A, or B,
or C.
25Problem1 continued.
Distance from the Goal
26Pre- and Postconditions
- Definition
- A condition (precondition or postcondition) is
said to be stronger if it is true for fewer
27Pre- and Postconditions
- For example, the condition
- N gt 0 which is true for N 1, 2, 3,
- but excludes N 0
- is stronger than the condition
- N ? 0 which is true for N 0, 1, 2, 3,
- NOTE N ? 0 is weaker than N gt 0.
28Weakest Precondition Calculations
- Example
- Consider the problem of computing the quotient,
q, and the remainder, r, when a natural number X
is divided by a divisor D. - This problem can be solved by assigning to r the
value of X and then repeatedly subtracting
multiples of D from r until r is less than D.
29Weakest Precondition Calculations - continued
r q X D
27 0 27 6
21 1 27 6
15 2 27 6
9 3 27 6
3 4 27 6
The remainder is 3 and the quotient is 4
30Weakest Precondition Calculations - continued
The relation between q, r, X and D is given by
X q.D r .(1) this is called an
invariant. A simple program for this is r X
q 0 While r ? D do r r
D q q 1 End
31Commands by calculation
- If q and r represent different values of the
- q and r variables, then the following holds
- X q.D r (2)
- Now suppose we also know that the equation
- r r D (3)
- holds. (corresponds to the program command).
- Show how to obtain q q 1
32Notation for substitution
- If P is a formula, x is a variable, and a is a
term then is the formula that results in when
each free occurrence of x in P is replaced by a. - Example Given that P is (?y)(y gtx)
- P(x/2) (?y)(y gt 2)
- P(x/xz) (?y)(y gt xz)
33Assignment statement
- assigment identifier expression
- Example
- s s i
- i i 1
34If statement
- An IF statement allows the selection and
execution of just one of a number of possible
commands S1, S2, , SN. - To define an IF statement we need the concept of
a guarded command. - A guarded command is of the form
- Guard ? statement
35If statement
- The guard is a predicate which evaluates to
either true or false. The statement to the right
of the arrow is executed only if the guard
evaluates to true. -
36If statement
- For a set of guards B1, B2, , BN and a set of
statements S1, S2, , SN we have - If B1 ? S1
- B2 ? S2
- B3 ? S3
- ....
- BN ? SN
- fi
37DO statement
- For a set of guards B1, B2, , BN and a set of
statements S1, S2, , SN we have - Do B1 ? S1
- B2 ? S2
- B3 ? S3
- ....
- BN ? SN
- oD
38Weakest Precondition and the state model
- What, for a given initial state, will be the
- corresponding final state produced by the
- program?
- Given some set of final states what corresponding
initial states would produce those final states
when transformed by a given program?
39Weakest Precondition
- For a terminating program statement, S,
- and a required postcondition R,
- wp(S, R)
- symbolizes the weakest precondition such
- that execution of S is certain to establish
- the postcondition.
40Properties of Weakest Precondition
- Law of the excluded miracle (1)
- There are no states in which the execution of a
- mechanism S can begin and guarantee to
- terminate in a state satisfying FALSE.
- NO proofs are given. (For proofs please refer to
- Program Derivation by Geoff Dromey.
41Properties of Weakest Precondition
- Law of conjunction (2)
- For a mechanism S and a postconditions R1 and
- R2 the following equivalence holds
- wp(S, R1) ? wp(S, R2) ? wp(S, R1 ? R2)
42Properties of Weakest Precondition
- Law of disjunction (3)
- For a mechanism S and a postconditions R1 and
- R2
- wp(S, R1) ? wp(S, R2) ? wp(S, R1 ? R2)
43Properties of Weakest Precondition
- Law of monotonicity (4)
- For a mechanism S and a postconditions R1 and
- R2 the following relation applies
- (R1 ? R2) ? (wp(S, R1) ? wp(S, R2))
44The Weakest Precondition Concept
- Given the operation
- add 4 marbles to the existing number of
marbles - and that after the operation there are exactly 6
marbles how many marbles must there have been
before execution of the operation?
45The Weakest Precondition Concept - Continued
- The answer is 2.
- Let x number of marbles to start with
- Then
- x ???
- S x x 4
- x 6
46The Weakest Precondition Concept
- The precondition calculation
- x ???
- S x x 4
- x 6
- ----------------------------------
- wp( x x 4, x 6)
- ? x 4 6
- ? x 2 (note ? means equivalent)
47Weakest Precondition Examples
- Complete the following weakest precondition
calculations. - wp( i 3, i 3)
- wp( i i 1, i 3)
- wp( i j 1, i 3)
48Weakest Precondition Examples
- Complete the following weakest precondition
calculations. - wp( i 3, i 3)
- ? 3 3
- ? true
49Weakest Precondition Examples
- Complete the following weakest precondition
calculations. - wp( i i 1, i 3)
- ? i 1 3
- ? i 2
50Weakest Precondition Examples
- Complete the following weakest precondition
calculations. - wp( i j 1, i 3)
- ? j 1 3
- ? j 2
51Weakest Precondition Examples
- Determine the weakest precondition wp(S, R) for
the following commands S and postconditions R. - S R
- i i 2 i gt 1
- i i 2 j j 2 i j 0
- ai 1 ai aj
52Weakest Precondition Examples
- Solution to Problem
- S R
- i i 2 i gt 1
- ---------------------------------------------
- wp(i i 2, i gt 1)
- i2 gt 1
- ? i gt -1
53Weakest Precondition Examples
- Solution to problem
- i i 2 j j 2 i j 0
- --------------------------------------------------
- - wp(ii 2 jj 2, i j 0)
- For these problems, apply wp(S1 S2, R)
- ? wp(S1, wp(S2, R))
54Weakest Precondition Examples
- Solution
- wp(S1, wp(S2, R))
- ? wp(i i 2, wp(j j 2, i j 0)
- ? wp(i i 2, i j 2 0)
- ? (i 2 j 2 0)
- i j 0
- NOTE this method can be generalized to
- handle wp calculations for S1 S2 S3 etc.
55Weakest Precondition Examples
- Given
- S ai 1 R ai aj
- ----------------------------------------------
- wp(ai 1, ai aj)
- ? 1 aj
56Weakest Precondition Examples
- Try this problem
- ???
- a BC (S1)
- b a D (S2)
- Postcondition 2b gt X
57Weakest Precondition Examples
- Step1
- wp(b a D, 2b gt X)
- corresponds to calculation of wp(S2, R)
- ? 2(a D) gt X
- Step2
- wp(a BC, 2(a D) gt X)
- ? 2(BC D) gt X
58Strongest Postcondition Calculations
- Notation
- sp(P, S) ? reasoning forwards
- Useful in doing verification of programs
- wp(S,R)gtreasoning backwards
59Strongest Postcondition Calculations
- Suppose we have
- Â
- P x gt 3
- Â
- x x 2
- Â
- R ????
60Strongest Postcondition Calculations
- R must be expressed in terms of the new x
(eliminate old x) - Â
- x x 2 and so we get
- Â
- xold x -2
- Â
- Substituting for xold in P we get
- Â
- R x - 2 gt 3 x gt 5
61Strongest Postcondition Calculations
- Strongest Postcondition
- Â sp( x gt 3, x x 2) x gt 5
- P xold gt 3
- Â
- x xold 2
- Â
- R x gt 5
62Strongest Postcondition Calculations
- P Precondition
- S1
- S2
- sp(P, S1 S2) ? ???
- To do this apply
- sp(P, S1 S2) ? sp(sp(P, S1), S2)
63Strongest Postcondition Calculations Example
- Pre p xi
- p p x
- i i 1
- Post ???
- ------------------------------------
- sp(P, S1 S2) ? sp(sp(P, S1), S2)
- Step1
- sp(p xi, p p x)
64Strongest Postcondition Calculations Example
- Step1
- sp(p xi, p p x)
- ? p xi x
- Step2
- sp(p (i 1)x, i i 1 )
- ? i (p/x 1) 1
- ? i p/x
- ? p xi