The Verilog Hardware Description Language - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Verilog Hardware Description Language


Material from The Verilog Hardware Description Language, ... Called inertial delay oddly named, how wide must an input spike be to be seen? a=1 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Verilog Hardware Description Language

332437 Lecture 11Verilog Event-Driven Simulation
  • Structure vs. Behavior
  • Timing Model and Event-Driven Simulation
  • Delays
  • Instantiation
  • Procedural Models
  • Scheduling
  • Summary

Material from The Verilog Hardware Description
Language, By Thomas and Moorby, Kluwer Academic
Structure Vs. Behavior
  • Structure Look at it from the module (adder)
  • Strong physical connotations
  • The internal structure of a system includes its
    state and state transition mechanism as well as
    the state to output mapping
  • Behavior again from the module ports
  • Outer manifestation of a system
  • The external behavior of a system is the
    relationship it imposes between its input time
    histories and output time histories

Where is the state in these models?
Verilog Structure Vs. Behavior
  • Structure
  • gate level built-in models for AND, OR,
  • modules and instantiations
  • wires
  • Behavior
  • C-like programs or Boolean algebra (but with a
    few extra operators)
  • assign statements
  • always blocks procedural statements (next
  • Hmm
  • If a module has an assign statement in it, is it
    behavior or structure?
  • On the outside, it appears as structure its
    wired in, takes up space (its physical) maybe
    it is an ALU slice
  • On the inside, it appears as behavior we only
    know the translation of inputs to outputs, but
    without physical connotations

Mixing Levels
  • Generally there is a mix of levels in a model
  • e.g. part of the system is at the gate level and
    another part is at the behavioral level.
  • Why?
  • Early in design process you might not have
    fully-detailed models you dont actually know
    all the gate implementations of the multipliers,
    adders, register files
  • You might want to think of the design at a
    conceptual level before doing all the work to
    obtain the gate implementations
  • There might be a family of implementations
  • Finer grain of distinction
  • Levels switch, gate, functional block (e.g.
    ALUs), register-transfer, behavioral
  • for now, well deal with gate and behavioral

An Execution Model for Gates/Assigns
  • Execution model
  • Execution (sometimes timing) model how
    time is advanced, what triggers new processing
    and the generation of new state in the model
  • State is held on wires, gates and continuous
    assigns advance state
  • Definition
  • when an input changes, the simulator will
    evaluate the gate or continuous assign,
    calculating a new output
  • if the output value is different, it is
    propagated to elements on the fanout

module nandLatch (output q, qBar, input set,
reset) nand 2 g1 (q, qBar, set), g2
(qBar, q, reset) endmodule
Gate Level Timing Model
  • For gates and continuous assigns
  • Whats an input?
  • Whats an output?
  • Whats state?
  • Outputs on this side of the language are all
  • no registers are latched/loaded, no need to know
    about a clock event

Gate inputs and RHS of assign equation
Gate outputs and LHS of assign equation
Gate Level Timing Model
  • Contrast
  • At the gate level, theres nothing special about
    two cross-coupled gates
  • A register is an abstraction above this side of
    the language
  • The left-hand sides on the behavioral side of
    the language are all registers

Approach to Simulating a System
  • Two pieces of a simulation
  • The model an executable specification including
    timing, interconnect, and input vectors
  • Written in a language like Verilog or VHDL
  • Whats a VHDL?
  • The simulation scheduler
  • keeps track of when events occur,
  • communicates events to appropriate parts of the
  • executes the model of those parts, and
  • as a result, possibly schedules more events for a
    future time.
  • it maintains simulated time (sometimes virtual
    time) and the event list.
  • Parts of the scheduler function define the

How Does the Simulator Work?
  • A gate level model doesnt look like a program
  • No ifs or loops what gets executed?
  • Heres how gate-level Verilog is executed
  • You specify a bunch of primitive gates that are
  • When an input of a gate changes, the simulator
    will evaluate the gate primitive and calculate a
    new output
  • If the output value is different from the
    current, it is scheduled to propagate at some
    time in the future (or possibly now).
  • After the specified time delay (possibly zero),
    the new value is propagated along wires to other
    gate-primitive inputs
  • Simulator keeps track of time
  • and what has been scheduled to happen at any
  • Inputs and Outputs?
  • An input to a gate primitive, the output of a
    gate primitive

Are These Two Modules the Same?
Alternate drawings of a mux
Inside the Simulator
  • A time-ordered list of events is maintained
  • Event a value-change scheduled to occur at a
    given time
  • All events for a given time are kept together
  • The scheduler removes events for a given time
  • propagates values, and executes gate models,
    creates new events

time-ordered event list
schedules new event
remove current events

looks at
Gate Models
Network Connections (fanouts)
Gate Outputs
all the events for time tj
Event-Driven Simulation
while (something in time-ordered event list)
advance simulation time to soonest events time
retrieve all events e for this time For each
event e in arbitrary order update the value
specified follow fanout evaluate the
model(s) schedule resulting events
evaluate these
New event
One traversal of the while loop is a simulation
cycle. In 1 cycle, we remove all events for a
time execute them. New events may be
scheduled for the current time they are put in
the event list and retrieved in the next sim.
Event-Driven Simulation
the event list
initial values as shown
g2 3
A1 at 25
g1 2
g3 5
Eval g1
(at 27)
g2 3
g1 2
g3 5
Eval g2, g3
(at 30)
g2 3
g1 2
g3 5
How Does It Keep Track of Time?
  • Explicitly
  • Events are stored in an event list (actually a
    2-D list) ordered by time
  • Events execute at a time and possibly schedule
    their output to change at a later time (a new
  • When no more events for the current time, move to
    the next
  • Events within a time are executed in arbitrary

Lets say A changes to 0 here. B and C have delay
time a
time a75
time a75492
Two Types of Events
  • Update events
  • Action update state and propagate new values
    along a fanout.
  • Possibly produces new events
  • Evaluation events
  • Action evaluate, or execute, a model.
  • Possibly produces new events
  • Plan
  • Will deal with update events now
  • Evaluation events come in with behavioral models

Event-Driven Simulation
  • while something in time-ordered event list
  • advance simulation time to top events time
  • retrieve all events for this time
  • For each event in arbitrary order
  • If its an update event
  • update the value specified
  • follow fanout, evaluate gates there
  • If an output changes
  • schedule update event for it
  • else // its an evaluation event
  • evaluate the model

A 1
B 0
A 0
C 0
What about Zero Delay Events?
  • while something in time-ordered event list
  • advance simulation time to top events time
  • retrieve all events for this time
  • For each event in arbitrary order
  • If its an update event
  • update the value specified
  • follow fanout, evaluate gates there
  • If an output changes
  • schedule update event for it
  • else // its an evaluation event
  • evaluate the model

A gate with 0 delay gets scheduled for the
current time
The simulator can spend several iterations at the
same simulation time
Verilog Gate Level Timing Model
  • What if an update event is already scheduled for
    an primitive gate output?
  • If the value being scheduled is different, the
    currently scheduled value is removed from the
    event list the new event is not scheduled
  • Called inertial delay oddly named, how wide
    must an input spike be to be seen?

Deviation from pure discrete event simulation.
nand 5 (c, a, b)
update scheduled
propagation delay 5
update removed, final value
Instantiation Hierarchy
module r(o1,i1, i2, i3) input i1, i2,
i3 output o1 assign o1 i1 i2
i3 endmodule
module above (out, ) output 20 out wire 2
0 h, I, j r a(out0, h0, I0,
j0), b(out1, h1, I1, j1), c(out2,
h2, I2, j2) endmodule
Not all connections shown
  • Hierarchical name
  • o1 is really above_inst.c.o1
  • Used for debugging why just debugging?

  • Why?
  • Hides detail
  • Supports alternate implementations
  • Encapsulates side effects understood
  • Observations
  • Hardware resources allocated (instantiated) to
    perform a function exclusively
  • No other function will use it
  • Thus, physical concurrency and structure are

module r (output o1, input i1, i2,
i3) assign o1 i1 i2 i3 endmodule
module r (output o1, input i1, i2, i3) or
(2, 5) (first, i1, i2), (o1, first,
i3) endmodule
Summary of Gate Evaluation
  • Simulation languages concurrent
  • Maintain explicit notion of time
  • Describe models with physically concurrent
  • Interconnection of models allows for data-driven
  • Timing model
  • Timing-execution model
  • How time is advanced and new state created
  • Any gate input or assign righthand-side change
    causes the model to be evaluated during the time
  • This is not the case for behavioral models
  • Fanout list is static design never changes
  • What if you dont like Verilogs gates?
  • e.g., inertial delays?
  • Use behavioral models (or user defined

Procedural Models Whats Needed?
  • Obvious things like operator set that matches
    hardware functionality
  • Bit hacking, etc. a b3, b1, c4
  • Concurrent operators
  • Similar to what youd find in other threaded
  • plus hardware functionality such as
  • Edge triggering
  • Concurrent/buffered state update
  • Control of time
  • minus a few such as
  • Support for critical sections P,V

Procedural Models
  • This is the other side of the language
  • Always and initial statements are concurrent
  • They start when the simulation starts, in
    arbitrary order
  • Assignments are made to registers
  • Everything on left hand side is a register
  • Statements execute sequentially
  • Atomicity only one element (gate, always,
    initial) executing at a time. No pre-emption
    continues executing until done.
  • Stuff between concurrent statements executes in
    zero time

always begin _at_ (posedge clock) h f k g
f g _at_ (posedge clock) f g q f
Because statements execute in zero time and are
atomic, it looks like lots of parallel stuff is
Why is this important?
At First Look, It Is a Lot Like C
  • Most of the operators are the same as C
  • is XOR, etc.
  • Makes it easy to read
  • But there are major differences (quick list,
    well get to these)
  • Concurrent statements like delay, _at_event,
  • Four-valued logic (1, 0, x, z) and the operators
    to go with them
  • Arbitrary bit width operations
  • There are a couple of procedural assignments (,
    lt) with subtle differences
  • A different timing model in fact, C doesnt
    have one
  • It has a sequencing model sequence being a more
    abstract view of time.
  • Hmm, do we even know if the program sequencing

Review from Before
  • Behavior vs. Structure
  • These two models are functionally interchangable
    either could have been instantiated into a
  • ports in same order
  • same delay from clock to q
  • one is abstract, clear
  • one is structurally specific
  • there are subtle differences

module d_type_FF (output q, input clock,
data) nor 10 a (q, qBar, r) nor b
(qBar, q, s), c (s, r, clock, s1), d (s1, s,
data), e (r, r1, clock), f (r1, s1,
r) endmodule
module d_type_FF (output reg q, input clock,
data) always _at_(negedge clock) q 10
data endmodule
Procedural Timing Model
  • How does the procedural model advance time?
  • delaying a specific amount of time
  • _at_ delaying until an event occurs
  • posedge, negedge, or any change
  • this is edge-sensitive behavior
  • When the statement is encountered, the value v is
    sampled. When v changes in the specified way,
    execution continues.
  • wait possibly delaying until an event occurs
  • this is level sensitive behavior
  • While one model is waiting for one of the above
    reasons, other models execute values change,
    time marches on

always begin 5 q w _at_ (negedge v) q
y wait (c 0) q 3 end
Everything executes in zero time time advances
when youre not executing!
An Example of Wait
module handshake (ready, dataOut,
) (input ready, output reg 70 dataOut)
reg 70 someValueWeCalculated always
begin wait (ready) dataOut
someValueWeCalculated wait (ready) end
  • Semantics
  • wait (expression) statement e.g. wait (a
    35) q q 4
  • if the expression is FALSE, the process is
  • when a becomes 35, it resumes with q q 4
  • if the expression is TRUE, the process is not
  • it continues executing

Do you always get the value at the edge when
ready goes from 0 to 1? Isnt this edge behavior?
Wait Vs. While
  • Are these equivalent?
  • No The left example is correct, the right one
    isnt it wont work
  • Wait is used to wait for an expression to become
  • the expression eventually becomes TRUE because a
    variable in the expression is changed by another
  • While is used in the normal programming sense
  • in the case shown, if the expression is TRUE, the
    simulator will continuously execute the loop.
    Another process will never have the chance to
    change in. Infinite loop!
  • while cant be used to wait for a change on an
    input to the process. Need other variable in
    loop, or or _at_ in loop.

module yes (input in) wait (in 1)
module no (input in) while (in ! 1)
Blocking Assignments and
  • Weve seen delay
  • Delay for specified time
  • and blocking assignments they use
  • Options for specifying delay
  • 10 a b c
  • a 10 b c
  • Note the action of the second one
  • an intra-assignment time delay
  • The event list is used for temporary storage!
  • The differences
  • 10 a b c Values b and c are from time
    (now 10)
  • a 10 b c Values b and c are from time

Blocking Whats It Mean?
  • Blocking the always or initial block stops
    (blocks) for some reason
  • , _at_, wait(FALSE)

always begin q blahblah r q -
someInput a 10 q r t a -
someOtherInput end
It blocks (stops) here, other things (always,
gates, assigns) execute. Finally at t10, this
continues executing
Intra assignment delay delay within an
Events _at_Something
  • Action
  • when first encountered, sample the expression
  • wait for expression to change in the indicated
  • This always blocks you never execute straight
    through guaranteed edge sensitivity
  • Examples

always _at_(coke or cola) a b
always _at_(posedge ck) q lt d
always begin yadda yadda _at_(posedge hello or
negedge goodbye) a b end
always _at_(hello) a b
always a _at_(hello) b
Sensitivity Lists
  • In the gate level timing model
  • model execution was sensitive to any change on
    any of the inputs at any time.
  • sensitivity list a list of inputs that a model
    is sensitive to
  • a change on any of themwill cause execution
    ofthe model
  • In the gate level timing model,the lists dont
  • Ditto with continuous assign
  • In procedural models
  • the sensitivity list changes asas function of
    time and execution

Procedural Timing Model
  • What is the behavioral model sensitive to?
  • The behavioral statements execute in sequence
  • Therefore, a behavioral model is sensitive to its
  • i.e. it is only sensitive to what it is currently
    waiting for
  • time, edge, level (, _at_, wait)
  • The following model is not sensitive to a change
    on y or w.

always begin _at_ (negedge clock1) q y _at_
(negedge clock2) q w _at_ (posedge
clock1) /nothing/ _at_ (posedge clock2) q
3 end
Here, it is only sensitive to clock1
Here, it is only sensitive to clock2. A posedge
on clock1 will have no effect when waiting here.
Fanout Lists
  • Outputs of things are connected to inputs of
    other things
  • No surprise
  • The simulator maintains a fanout list of inputs
    driven by each output
  • Why maintain a fanout list?
  • When the output changes, its easy to figure out
    what other models need (to be) evaluated
  • Because of procedural models
  • Sensitivity lists change
  • Fanout lists change
  • Sensitivity lists ltgt Fanout lists
  • Whats an output in a behavioral model?

List Changes
  • Change in sensitivity lists in procedural models
    cause fanout lists to change

clock1 fanout is A, B, D clock2 fanout is C.
always beginD _at_ (negedge clock1) q y _at_
(negedge clock2) q w end
clock1 fanout is A, B clock2 fanout is C, D.
Scheduling , _at_, and Wait
  • How are , _at_, and wait tied into the event list?
  • delay
  • schedule the resumption of the process put it
    in the event queue delay units into the future.
    Essentially an evaluation event scheduled in the
  • _at_ change
  • when suspended for an _at_v, the behavioral model is
    put on the fanout list of the variable v. i.e.,
    the behavioral model is now sensitive to v.
  • When an update event for v occurs, (e.g.
    posedge), then the behavioral model resumes at
    the current time.
  • Wait (exp)
  • if exp is TRUE, dont stop
  • if exp is FALSE, then the behavioral model is put
    on the fanout list(s) of the variable(s) in exp.
    (its now sensitive to the variable(s))
  • When there is an update event for any of the
    variables in exp , exp is evaluated. If exp is
    TRUE, resume executing in the current time , else
    go back to sleep

Procedural Model Sensitivity?
  • Quick example
  • Gate A changes its output
  • What models get executed?

Order of Execution
  • Assume A changes.
  • In what order do these models execute?
  • The simulator will try to make them look like
    they all occur at the same time how?

Arbitrary, dont count on any specific order
By controlling virtual time.
Arbitrary Order? Oops!
module dff(q, d, c) always _at_(posedge c) q
d endmodule module sreg () dff e (q0,
shiftin, clock), f (q1, q0, clock), g
(shiftout, q1, clock) endmodule
  • Sometimes you need to exert some control
  • Consider the interconnections of this D-FF
  • At the positive edge of c, what models are ready
    to execute?
  • Does it matter which one is done first?

Oops The order of execution can matter!
Non-blocking Concurrent Assignments
module fsm (output reg Q1, Q0, input clock,
in) always _at_(posedge clock) begin Q1 lt in
Q0 Q0 lt in Q1 end endmodule
Values after the clock edge (t) calculated
in response to the clock edge, using values at
the clock edge
Values at the clock edge. (At t -)
  • Concurrent Assignment primary use of lt
  • The assignment is guarded by an edge
  • All assignments guarded by the edge happen

  • Structure vs. Behavior
  • Timing Model and Event-Driven Simulation
  • Delays
  • Instantiation
  • Procedural Models
  • Scheduling
  • Summary
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