Title: Networks and Pathways II
1Networks and Pathways II
CBW Bioinformatics Workshop February 23th 2006,
Toronto Christopher Hogue The Blueprint
2About this talk
- The Future and Requirements for Cell Simulation
- Systems Biology and Modeling
3The Old Future
Jules Verne Machines and adventures
4Artists Concept Adventures in faraway places
and the machines that get us there
Galileo Probe Concept Instrument Design
5The New FutureAdventures Inside Cellular Life
6David Goodsells painting at the molecular level
Zoom in to the bacterium a simple cell
Protein Motor
Assembly Line for Proteins
8How did this image come about?
- Information integration by the artist
- High level view taken from light microscope
- Filled in with parts drawn to scale
- Parts from Life Science Databases
- Over 25,000 protein structures in PDB database
- Complete E. coli, Human Genome in GenBank
- 12 Million PubMED articles
9Software, not hardware, does the last
- The Artist the human brain
- Memory, knowledge, semantics, inference
- Bioinformatics Software
- Ultimately has to be rule based
- Integrate a disparate variety of information
sources - Creating a computer simulation of the living
cellular system
Whole Cell Visualization
Modular Cell Simulation Software Layer
Data Access Layer
PARTS Molecules SeqHound
InteractionsReactionsKinetics, PTMs
Initial Conditions
Machine Readable Data
Expression, Concentration, Localization/distributi
The PRINT Literature (PubMed)
Human Readable Data
11Classification of Simulation Methods
- Deterministic get same results with same input
(large scale input) - Stochastic get different results with same
input (small scale input) - Spatial movement (diffusion) of entities in
space accounted for - Non-spatial assumes homogeneous mixture in
unlimited volume
12Modeling Techniques
- Quantum Mechanics
- Molecular Dynamics
- Brownian Dynamics
- Monte Carlo Molecular
- Cellular Automata
- Petri Networks
- Partial Differential Equations
- Stochastic Differential Equations
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Flux and Energy Balance
- Boolean Networks
- Static Models
Increasing scope and efficiency Decreasing
resolution and complexity
13Static Model
- Static implies no analysis of temporal effects
- An example of how protein interaction networks
recapitulate cellular structure - Nucleolar network derived from core analysis of
high-throughput yeast interactions
- F Fibrillar Center
- transcription of rDNA into rRNA
- D Dense Fibrillar Center
- finishing of rRNA with various enzymes snoRNP
- migrates to cytoplasm during chromatin
condensation in cell cycle - G Granular Component
- Ribosome assembly
- Stays in the nucleus
149-core from 15,000 yeast interactions
Dense Fibrillar Center
Fibrillar Center
Granular Component
Surprisingly, a simple dense interconnected
network of F, D, and G proteins recapitulates the
Nucleolar image, ignoring spatial and temporal
15Flux Balance Analysis
- Simulates Flux or Flow thorugh Metabolic Pathways
- Kinetics of each step not required
- Predicts effects of gene knockouts
B. Palsson UCSD Engineering
16Ordinary Differential Equations - Nonlinear ODE
- Assumes a homogeneous solution with unlimited
volume - v1
- 2x ? y
- dx/dt -2v1
- dy/dt v1
17A simple ODE model of yeast glycolysis
18ODE Based Systems
- Gepasi (Mendes, 1997 Mendes Kell, 2001)
- SBML http//www.sbml.org
- A data exchange format for network models
- JWS Online http//jjj.biochem.sun.ac.za/
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21JWS online
22JWS OnlineDatabase of ODE based Models
23(No Transcript)
24Oscillation a common behavior
25Control Theory Fourier Transform of Oscillatory
Can we reduce the ODE model even further to
Amplitude and Frequency?
Biophys J, January 2002, p. 99-108, Vol. 82, No.
1 Control Analysis for Autonomously Oscillating
Biochemical Networks Karin A. Reijenga, Hans V.
Westerhoff, Boris N. Kholodenko, and Jacky L.
26Some Problems with DE approaches
- Almost all simulation systems are ultimately
based on solving either ordinary differential
equations (ODEs), partial differential equations
(PDEs) or stochastic differential equations
(SDEs) - Differential equations are hard to work with
when simulating - spatial phenomena,
- discrete events (binding, switching)
- non continuous variables (low copy number)
- when key parameters are unknown or unknowable
27More Problems
- DEs are notorious for instabilities or situations
where small rounding errors lead to singularities
or chaotic behavior - DE methods are not conducive to visualization or
interactive movies - DE methods require considerable mathematical
skill and understanding (not common among
biologists) - DE methods dont easily capture stochasticity or
noise (common in biology) - Issue of realism cells dont do calculus
28Do we need the calculus?
- Sidney Brenner calls it biological arithmetic
not calculus - Needs to accommodate the discrete (binding,
signaling) and continuous (substrate
concentration) nature of many cellular phenomena - Approaches which avoid DEs
- Petri Nets (stochastic and hybrid)
- Cellular Automata
- Monte Carlo simulations
29Petri Nets from network control analysis
30Petri Nets
- A directed, bipartite graph in which nodes are
either "places" (circles) or "transitions"
(rectangles) - A Petri net is marked by placing "tokens" on
linked or connected places - When all the places have a token, the transition
"fires", removing a token from each input place
and adding a token to each place pointed to by
the transition (its output places) - Petri nets are used to model concurrent systems,
particularly network protocols w/o differential
eqs. - Hybrid petri nets allow modeling of continuous
and discrete phenomena
31Hybrid Petri Nets Phage Assembly
Matsuno H, Tanaka Y, Aoshima H, Doi A, Matsui M,
Miyano S. Biopathways representation and
simulation on hybrid functional Petri net.In
Silico Biol. 20033(3)389-404.
Predicted protein expression
l phage control circuit
32Petri Nets - Limitations
- Not designed to handle spatial events or spatial
processes easily - Stochasticity is imposed, it does not arise
from underlying rules or interactions - Does not reproduce physical events (brownian
motion, collisions, transport, binding, etc.)
that might be seen in a cell Petri Nets are
more like a plumbing and valving control system
33Cellular Automata
- Computer modeling method that uses lattices and
discrete state rules to model time dependent
processes a way to animate things - No differential equations to solve, easy to
calculate, more phenomenological - Simple unit behavior -gt complex group behavior
- Used to model fluid flow, percolation, reaction
diffusion, traffic flow, pheromone tracking,
predator-prey models, ecology, social nets - Scales from 10-12 to 1012
34CA Methods in Games
SimCity 2000
35Cellular Automata
Can be extended to 3D lattice
36Dynamic Cellular Automata
- A novel method to apply Brownian motion to
objects in the Cellular Automata lattice (mimics
collisions) - Brownian motion is scale-free in heterogeneous
mixtures - Allows simulations to span many orders of time
(nanosec to hours) and space (nanometers to
37SimCell http//wishart.biology.ualberta.ca/SimCel
- CA or Agent-based simulation system
- Designed to permit easy set-up (4-step set-up
Wizard) - Allows for general dynamic, stochastic modeling
of almost all cellular processes (enzyme
kinetics, diffusion, metabolism, operon activity) - Allows real time monitoring (graphing) and
animation of the system
39SimCell Interactions
- User defines interaction rules between molecular
objects using a simple GUI according to
biological observations and measurements - Interaction rules framed internally as logical
boolean operations (if-then-else and do
while) that respect boundaries and cellular
40SimCell Interactions
- Five different types of objects allowed in
SimCell - small molecules
- soluble proteins
- membrane proteins
- DNA molecules
- membranes
- Interactions reduced to relatively small number
of possibilities - Touch and Go (TG)
- Bind and Stick (BS)
- Transport (TRA)
41Touch Go
No interaction
42Bind Stick
Preserve ID
1-way in 1-way out
both ways
44SimCell Molecules and Interaction Rules
45Enzyme-Substrate Progress Curves CA is more
realistic - sensitive to number of molecules
Lactate Lo (1 e-kt)
Lactate Lo (1 e-kt)
pyruvate NADH ? lactate NAD
46Drawing Interaction Rules with SimCell
47The TCA Cycle SimCell
Succinate dehydrogenase
48Metabolic Profiling with NMR
49Succinate Production
Observed Predicted (SimCell)
50Glycerol Consumption
Observed Predicted (SimCell)
Nature, 403 335-338 (2000)
53Repressilator ODE predicted behavior
54Repressilator observed in growing culturecells
55SimCell Repressilator Oscillations
56SimCell vs. ODE
57Monte Carlo Simulation Method
- Monte Carlo Simulation Method random binding
and displacement of molecules based on given rate
and diffusion constants - Attempt to model instances of molecules, their
physics, motion and binding - More detailed than CA approach, but similar
58Modeling receptor motion on a cell surface
- Assuming the cell is a sphere
- The surface area of the cell is vast compared to
those of molecules - Local interactions between molecules on the cell
surface can be considered to be planar - Spherical 3D surface can be mapped on to a 2D
planar surface by uniform area mapping
59Example EGFR
- A 3D structure is transformed and viewed at the
axis perpendicular to the cell membrane - Binding sites are determined from the positions
of alpha carbons of the two farthest residues
that constitute the site - Radius of the molecule is the average distance
from the center of mass to the surface binding
sites (circle enclosed by blue circle)
60Representation of a protein
- Each molecule is represented as a solid circle
with a radius on a planar grid. - The area of the circle is used for collision
detection. - The radius is the approximate distance from the
center of mass to the edge of the molecule
(determined by the average positions of all
surface binding sites) - Binding sites are represented as arcs on the
circle, with the arc lengths representing the
sizes of the binding sites - The distance of the binding sites to the center
of mass must be at least that of the radius
(surface) but can be greater (distal)
61Collision and Diffusion
- Rotational diffusion is random (fast in this time
scale) -
- Unidirectional displacement of molecules follows
a Gaussian-like distribution - Time step decided by the maximum possible
displacement traveled by a molecule that is less
than the diameter of the smallest molecule. - This is to ensure that molecules dont skip
over each other.
62Modeling motion on a Membrane2D Probabilistic
model of Molecular MotionHow far does a molecule
travel? Sample a move distance using
probability density function.
Sampling over 30 intervals of displacement
?0Inf f(s)ds 1
Derived from Ficks Second Law for 2 Dimensions
- Two types of binding reactions
- 1. Diffusion limited kgtgt D
- 2. Not diffusion limited Dgtgtk
- Binding is said to occur based on the following
criteria - Two interaction sites are compatible
- The sites are within line of sight of each
other and within interaction distance - The probabilistic threshold of binding (dependent
on the kinetics of the binding sites) is met - More detailed than CA approach but requires
microscopic binding parameters.
64Modeling Techniques - Redux
- Quantum Mechanics
- Molecular Dynamics
- Brownian Dynamics
- Monte Carlo Molecular
- Cellular Automata
- Petri Networks
- Partial Differential Equations
- Stochastic Differential Equations
- Ordinary Differential Equations
- Flux and Energy Balance
- Boolean Networks
- Static Models
Decreasing scope and efficiency Increasing
resolution and complexity
65How to Choose a Modeling Method?
- With unlimited time and computation resources
choose the modeling method of the lowest level
(i.e. Quantum Mechanics) - It may account for largest amount of data
- Its solutions may converge to higher level
solutions if the extra detail is not needed - It does not scale
- Occams Razor the simplest explanation is the
one to choose! - Choose the highest level-of-detail method that
can satisfactorily depict the given phenomenon. - Biology and evolution do not always take the
simple route. - Sensitivity Analysis is the answer you get from
modeling robust to different parameter values
taking into account possible error or differences
in biochemical measurements?
66Cyber Cell DBhttp//redpoll.pharmacy.ualberta.ca/
A unique compilation of parameters required for
modeling an entire E. coli cell. Useful
resource for systems biology.