Title: Patterson Chiweshe
1A roaring Zimbabwe lion goes to London
- Patterson Chiweshe
- Karen Frisch
- Sergio Penchas
- Denis Rappaport
2Zimbabwe Main Facts
- Zimbabwe nation was created in 1980.
- Single political party dominance since 1980 with
relative political stability. - One of the most diversified African economies-25
GDP from Manufacturing. - Economy has been previously closed to foreign
3Meikles Africa Limited
- More than a 100 years of established operations.
- 4 divisions supermarkets,hotels, department
stores and corporate. - Revenues of U170 Million in 1996(3.8 of GDP).
- Revenues CAGR (93-96) of 7 in real terms
4Private Placement
- International private placement of US 75 Million
(33 of company capital) - Why a private deal
- Size of the transaction
- Sovereign risk
- Easier placement to sophisticated investors
5Discount Factor - Risk Considered
- Characteristics of the company
- Domestic costs and revenues structure
- Low domestic competitive environment
- Entry barriers
- Strong alliances with South African companies
- Proceeds of private placement to highly
internally invest
6Discussions Topics
- Discount Rate
- Risk considered
- Time varying discount rates
- Terminal discount rates
- How to mitigate risks
- Additional information required to invest