Title: Kalua%20
1Kalua A DML for NETCONF
- bernd.linowski_at_nsn.com
- martin.storch_at_nsn.com
- mikko.lahdensivu_at_nsn.com
- mehmet.ersue_at_nsn.com
2Kalua Basics
- In the first place, Kalua is a DML for NETCONF
- supports the immediate needs of the NETCONF
protocol - provides modeling features for . . .
- the payload of NETCONF get-/edit(-config)
operations - NETCONF notifications
- uses precedent discussion in RFC 3535 as a
guidance - But Kalua also . . .
- addresses extensibility and broader applicability
- integrates data modeling and information modeling
features - aims to support also solutions for different
other IETF issues, e.g. in OPS and APPS areas
3Kalua Basics (II)
- XML based language
- Basic parsing / generation / editing support
available everywhere - No need to learn a new grammar
- Basic validation with Kalua XSD
- Kalua is XSD Mappable
- Reuses concepts from XSD
4Kalua Basics
Kalua Schema (XSD)
Metamodel Layer
Kalua Model (XML)
Model Layer
generated from
KaluaModel Schemas (XSD)
Kalua Model Schemas (XSD)
Data Layer
5Kalua Features
- Build-ins based on XML Schema 1.1 Part 2
Datatypes - Simple-type Modeling
- Restrictions, Enums, Unions and possible
combinations - Data modeling
- Attributes, Structures, Sequences, Type-Defs,
- Essential object-oriented modeling
- Classes, Inheritance, Relationships,
- Modularity
- Model import, Multiple model release support
- Extensibility
- Typed annotations
6Complex Datatype Modeling
- Structures
- set of attributes
- may use attribute groups
- may have a key
- Sequences
- min max-length (unbounded)
- ordering relevance
- Type-Defs
- Makes a datatype available for reuse
ltstructuregt ltattribute namexgt lttypegtdoublelt
/typegt ltattribute/gt ltattribute
nameygt lttypegtdoublelt/typegt lt/attributegt lt/s
ltsequence minLength1
maxLengthunboundedgt lttypegtstringlt/typegt lt/sequ
lttypedef namePointgt ltstructuregt
lt/structuregt lt/typedefgt
ltmodule nameSDHgt ltns-prefixgtsdhlt/ns-prefixgt
ltns-urigthttp//www.xyz.com/sdh lt/ns-urigt ltrelea
segtS7.0lt/releasegt ltimportgt ltns-prefixgttplt/ns-p
refixgt ltns-urigthttp//www.xyz.com/tp lt/ns-urigt
lt/importgt lt/modulegt
- Packages Kalua model elements
- Own namespace
- XML mapping support
- ns-uri
- ns-prefix
- May import other modules
8Module Releases
ltmodule nameSDHgt ltns-urigthttp//xyz.com/sdhlt/n
s-urigt ltns-prefixgtsdhlt/ns-prefixgt ltreleasegtS7.0lt
/releasegt lt/modulegt
- Identifies a particular release of a module
- Release is typically tied to NE release
- Applies to all model elements in the module
ltmodule nameSDHgt ltns-urigthttp//xyz.com/sdhlt/n
s-urigt ltns-prefixgtsdhlt/ns-prefixgt ltreleasegtS8.1lt
/releasegt lt/modulegt
ltimportgt ltns-urigthttp//xyz.com/sdhlt/ns-urigt ltns
-prefixgtsdhlt/ns-prefixgt ltreleasegtS8.1lt/releasegt lt
9Attribute Groups
ltattribute-group nameFTP_Accessgt ltattribute
nameftpServerAddressgt lttypegtstringlt/typegt
ltattribute/gt ltattribute nameftpServerPortgt
lttypegtunsignedShortlt/typegt lt/attributegt
- Equivalent to attribute groups in XML Schema
- Bundles attributes
- Reused by
- Structures
- Classes
- other attribute groups
- Does not define a type
ltuse attribute-groupFTP_Accessgt
- Blueprints for
- network elements or
- abstract entities
- Defines a type
- Has its own identity
- potentially independent life-cycle
- Endpoint of relationships
- May be abstract
- May use attribute groups
ltclass nameLocationgt lt/abstractgt ltattribute
namelocIdgt lttypegtstringlt/typegt lt/attribute
gt ltkeygt ltmembergtlocIdlt/typegt lt/keygt lt/classgt
11Class Inheritance
ltclass nameLocationgt lt!- see previous
slide --gt lt/classgt
- Establishes an is-a relationship
- Reuse of features from base class
- attributes
- keys
- relationships
- Avoid multiple-inheritance for the sake of
reduced complexity
ltclass nameGridLocationgt ltsuper-classgtLocati
on lt/super-classgt ltattribute namexgt ltatt
ribute nameygt lt/classgt
12Reference Relationships
- Connect a source and a target class
- Relate instances regardless of their context of
use - Specify the multiplicity of the relationship
(e.g. 11, 1n, nm) - May be read-only
- May specialize a base relationship
ltrelationship namelocatedAtgt ltkindgtltreferenc
e/gtlt/kindgt ltsourcegt ltclassgtManagedObjectlt/class
gt ltrolegtlocatedObjectlt/rolegt lt/sourcegt lttarget
gt ltclassgtLocationlt/classgt ltrolegtlocationlt/role
gt ltmaxCardinalitygt1lt/maxCardinalitygt lt/targetgt
13Calculated Relationships
- Explicit relationships derived from configuration
data - Read-only
- Avoids informally described relationships
- Condition determines related instances
- Dynamic (re-)evaluation whenever a relationship
is queried
ltrelationship nameConnectedTogt ltkindgt ltcon
ditiongt source/remoteLinkId
target/linkId and source/remoteTslot
target/tslot lt/conditiongt lt/kindgt ltsourc
egt ltclassgtPCM_TPlt/classgt ltrolegtlocalTPlt/rolegt
lt/sourcegt lttargetgt ltclassgtPCM_TPlt/classgt ltro
legtremoteTPlt/rolegt lt/targetgt lt/relationshipgt
14Typed Annotations
ltclass nameBroadbandRoutergt ... ltannotation
nameSMI_Refgt lte nameOIDgt1.
gt lt/annotationgt ... lt/classgt
- Annotations
- enhance semantics of existing DML elements
- Address new modeling needs
- Annotation Types
- Force correct usage of model extensions
- Define annotation properties
ltannotation-type nameSMI_Refgt ltannotatable-t
ypegt class lt/annotatable-typegt ltannotation-pro
perty-type nameOIDgt ltpatterngt
0-9(\.0-9) lt/patterngt lt/annotation-prop
erty-typegt lt/annotation-typegt
15Thank you!
For more information please read NETCONF Data
Modeling Language Requirements http//tools.ietf.o
Kalua - A Data Modeling Language for
NETCONF http//www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-
16 17Kalua Example Partial Lock RPC
- ltkaluamodule name"NCPL" xmlnskalua"urnietfpa
ramsxmlnskalua1" - xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instan
ce" - xsischemaLocation"urnietfparamsxmlnskalua1
\Users\kalua\kalua.xsd" - xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"gt
- ltpresentationgtNETCONF partial
locklt/presentationgt - ltdescriptiongtNETCONF partial lock
operationslt/descriptiongt - ltns-urigturnietfparamsxmlnsnetconfparti
al-lock1.0lt/ns-urigt - ltns-prefixgtncpllt/ns-prefixgt
- ltreleasegt1lt/releasegt
- ltorganizationgtIETFlt/organizationgt
- ltimportgt
- ltns-urigturnietfparamsxmlnsnetconf
base1.0lt/ns-urigt - ltns-prefixgtnclt/ns-prefixgt
- lt/importgt
- ltattribute-group name"lock_id_attribute"gt
- ltattribute name"lock_id"gt
- lttypegtkaluaunsignedIntlt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- lt/attribute-groupgt
18Kalua Example Partial Lock RPC (II)
- ltattribute name"config_name"gt
- lttypegtncconfig_namelt/type
gt - lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"select"gt
- ltsequencegt
- lttypegtkaluastringlt/
typegt - lt/sequencegt
- lt/attributegt
- lt/inputgt
- ltoutputgt
- ltusegt
- ltattribute-groupgtlock_id_a
ttributelt/attribute-groupgt - lt/usegt
- lt/outputgt
- lt/operationgt
- ltoperation name"partial_unlock"gt
- ltdescriptiongtThis operation defines
the element for partial-unlock RPC operation.
lt/descriptiongt - ltinputgt
- ltusegt
19DHCP Example
- ltkaluamodule name"DHCP" xmlnskalua"urnietfpa
ramsxmlnskalua1" xmlnsxsi"http//www.w3.org/
2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsischemaLocation"urni
etfparamsxmlnskalua1 - C\Users\kalua\kalua.xsd" xmlnsxsd"http//www.w3
.org/2001/XMLSchema"gt - ltpresentationgtDHCPlt/presentationgt
- ltdescriptiongtDHCP example, as in
appendix-Clt/descriptiongt - ltns-urigthttp//example.org/ns/dhcplt/ns-urigt
- ltns-prefixgtdhcplt/ns-prefixgt
- ltreleasegt1lt/releasegt
- ltorganizationgtNokia Siemens Networkslt/organizatio
ngt - ltimportgt
- ltns-urigturnietfparamsxmlnsnetmodbaselt/ns-u
rigt - ltns-prefixgtndllt/ns-prefixgt
- lt/importgt
- ltimportgt
- ltns-urigthttp//example.com/ns/intlt/ns-urigt
- ltns-prefixgtintlt/ns-prefixgt
- ltdescriptiongtinterfaceslt/descriptiongt
- lt/importgt
- ltclass name"dhcp"gt
- ltattribute name"default_lease_time"gt
20DHCP Example (II)
- ltrelationship name"subnets"gt
- ltkindgt
- ltcontainment/gt
- lt/kindgt
- ltsourcegt
- ltclassgtdhcplt/classgt
- ltrolegtparentlt/rolegt
- lt/sourcegt
- lttargetgt
- ltclassgtsubnetlt/classgt
- ltrolegtchildrenlt/rolegt
- lt/targetgt
- lt/relationshipgt
- lttypedef name"rangeType"gt
- ltstructuregt
- ltattribute name"dynamic_bootp"gt
- ltpresentationgtdynamic-bootplt/presentationgt
- lttypegtkaluabooleanlt/typegt
- ltdefaultValueLiteralgttruelt/defaultValueLiteral
21DHCP Example (III)
- ltclass name"subnet"gt
- ltattribute name"network"gt
- lttypegtndlipAddresslt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"prefix_length"gt
- ltpresentationgtprefix-lengthlt/presentationgt
- lttypegtkaluaintlt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"range"gt
- ltoptional/gt
- lttypegtrangeTypelt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"max_lease_time"gt
- ltpresentationgtmax-lease-timelt/presentationgt
- lttypegtkaluaintlt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
22DHCP Example (IV)
- ltattribute name"leases"gt
- ltread-only/gt
- ltsequence elementName"lease"gt
- ltstructuregt
- ltattribute name"ip_address"gt
- ltpresentationgtip-addresslt/presentationgt
- lttypegtndlipAddresslt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"starts"gt
- lttypegtkaluadateTimelt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"ends"gt
- lttypegtkaluadateTimelt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"mac_address"gt
- ltpresentationgtmac-addresslt/presentationgt
- lttypegtndlnsapAddresslt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltkey scope"local"gt
23DHCP Example (V)
- lttypedef name"rangeType"gt
- ltstructuregt
- ltattribute name"dynamic_bootp"gt
- ltpresentationgtdynamic-bootplt/presentationgt
- lttypegtkaluabooleanlt/typegt
- ltdefaultValueLiteralgttruelt/defaultValueLiteral
gt - lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"low"gt
- ltmandatory/gt
- lttypegtndlipAddresslt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"high"gt
- ltmandatory/gt
- lttypegtndlipAddresslt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- lt/structuregt
- lt/typedefgt
- ltrelationship name"dhcp_options_Rel"gt
- ltkindgt
24DHCP Example (VI)
- ltclass name"dhcp_options"gt
- ltpresentationgtdhcp-optionslt/presentationgt
- ltattribute name"router_list"gt
- ltpresentationgtrouter-listlt/presentationgt
- ltsequence elementName"router"gt
- lttypegtndlipAddresslt/typegt
- lt/sequencegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"domain_list"gt
- ltpresentationgtdomain-listlt/presentationgt
- ltsequence elementName"domain"gt
- lttypegtndlipAddresslt/typegt
- lt/sequencegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"custom"gt
- ltstructuregt
- ltattribute name"option"gtlttypegtkaluaintlt/type
gt - lt/attributegt
- ltattribute name"ip_address"gt
25DHCP Example (VII)
- ltrelationship name"filtered_interfaces"gt
- ltkindgt
- ltcalculatedgt
- ltconditiongtsource/interface_filter/
interface target/ifNamelt/conditiongt - lt/calculatedgt
- lt/kindgt
- ltsourcegt
- ltclassgtsubnetlt/classgt
- ltrolegtfiltering_subnetlt/rolegt
- ltmaxCardinalitygtunboundedlt/maxCardinalitygt
- lt/sourcegt
- lttargetgt
- ltclassgtintinterfacelt/classgt
- ltrolegtfiltered_interfacelt/rolegt
- ltmaxCardinalitygtunboundedlt/maxCardinalitygt
- lt/targetgt
- lt/relationshipgt
26DHCP Example (VIII)
- ltclass name"shared_network"gt
- ltattribute name"name"gt
- lttypegtkaluastringlt/typegt
- lt/attributegt
- ltkey scope"global"gt
- ltmembergtnamelt/membergt
- lt/keygt
- lt/classgt
- ltrelationship name"shared_network_subnets"gt
- ltkindgt
- ltcontainment/gt
- lt/kindgt
- ltsourcegt
- ltclassgtshared_networklt/classgt
- ltrolegtparentlt/rolegt
- lt/sourcegt
- lttargetgt
- ltclassgtsubnetlt/classgt
- ltrolegtchildrenlt/rolegt