Title: The Renewed Frameworks
1The Renewed Frameworks
- Subject Leaders Day 1
- Peter McCarthy
- Marilyn Jones
- Paula Murray-Mower
- Helen Radmore
- Rebecca Stainsby
2Session 1
- Introduction
- Excellent teaching gives children the life
chances they deserve. Enjoyment is the birthright
of every child. The most powerful mix is the one
that brings the two together
3Objectives for Day 1
- Subject Leaders will have a good understanding
of - How to plan for a range of CPD to support
learning about and using the Renewed Frameworks - How their chosen themes will provide a vehicle
for learning about and using the Renewed
Frameworks - How the Renewed Frameworks will support schools
in addressing their priorities and hence raise
standards and achievement for all - How to begin to plan for selecting, tailoring and
adapting PDMs as part of the schools overall CPD
plan and strategy for implementing the Renewed
- Introduction and Big Picture
- PDMI and Navigation
- Tea Coffee
- Themes PDM2
- Lunch
- Themes contd.
- Tea Coffee
- Gap Tasks and the Way Forward
5Why Has It Been Renewed?
- Current strengths
- Effective pedagogy
- Excellence and Enjoyment
- FLEXIBILTY-Fitness for purpose.
- Expectations
- Progression
6Generic Main Differences
- Electronic version
- Slimmed down objectives adjusted to show
progression more clearly - Clearer structure of objectives and strands for
learning - One-stop shop for resources
- Some raising of expectations so a steeper
incline to allow more time for consolidation in
Years 5 and 6 - Bigger emphasis on the review-plan-teach-practise-
apply-review cycle - Longer planning sequences
- Greater emphasis and recognition of importance of
S and L in all aspects of Teaching and Learning.
7Strengths We Want To Keep
- Children's opportunities for use of practical and
other resources - Pace and challenge
- Good balance of immersion/scaffolding/independent
- Planning which reflects and allows children
practice time, e.g. summative and day-to-day
assessment (Oral and Mental Rolling Programme) - Connectionist approach.
8The Big Picture Timeline
- Head Teacher Launch (October 06)
- 10 schools piloting planning (Nov/Dec 06)
- Senior Leaders Briefing (16/01/07)
- LA based SLs Day 1 (07/03/07)
- School-based CPD including SL gap tasks and PDM1
and 2 (Day 2) - LA based SLs Day 3 (18/06/07)
- School-based CPD including SL gap tasks and PDM 3
(Day 4) - LA based SLs Day 5 (TBC)
- Schools continued CPD including PDM 4
- Fully implemented with all staff fully trained,
familiar and confident with Renewed Frameworks
(Sept 08)
9CPD Themes/Options
- Maths
- Calculation
- Using and Applying Mathematics
- Literacy
- Communication, language and literacy
- Improving writing
These themes are VEHICLES for learning and using
the Renewed Frameworks.
10LA Support
- Breaking down/aligning/simplifying/tailoring
- Mediating National messages and materials
- Providing additional support and guidance
materials - Local planning trial
- Key events this year and ongoing tailored events
in Literacy, Numeracy and ICT over the next year - Supply cover (10 days per school)
- Minimum of half day support in every school (by
the end of Summer 08).
11Primary Strategy Renewed Frameworks
- Introduction to the Renewed Primary Framework for
- To become familiar with the rationale and
structure of the Renewed Primary Framework ,
including the support for planning, teaching and
assessment - To explore elements of the Renewed Primary
Framework for Mathematics.
14The Structure of the Renewed Framework
- Planning
- Learning and Teaching
- Assessment
15The e-Framework Learning Objectives
- http//www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframeworks
17Progression in Learning Objectives
- Click on the Learning Objectives tab and select a
strand and a year group, e.g. Calculating Year 3
. - Find the objectives for the year above and below.
- Consider
- How this could support progression within units
of work and accessing and building on previous
knowledge and understanding. - How the Using and Applying Mathematics strand can
be built into all units of work.
18Block A Counting, partitioning and calculating
Using and applying mathematics
Counting and understanding number
Block B Securing number Facts, understanding shape
Planning Blocks
Using and applying mathematics
Knowing and using number facts
Understanding shape
Block C Handling data and measures
Using and applying mathematics
Handling data
Block D Calculating, measuring and
understanding shape
Using and applying mathematics
Understanding shape
Block E Securing number facts, calculation and
Using and applying mathematics
Counting and understanding number
Knowing and using number facts
19Planning Across the Year
- This is the same for all year groups.
20The e-Framework Planning Blocks
- http//www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframeworks
21Medium Term Planning
- BLOCK (A, B, C, D, or E) UNIT 1
- Activity
- Select a particular block, e.g. Block A, in your
year group. Look through - The learning overview of Unit 1 for that block.
- How could you use this, not only in your daily
planning but also across a series of lessons? - The objectives in this unit and then the
objectives in Unit 1 of Block A in the year group
either side of the year group you are
considering. - How would this help a teacher of a mixed-age
class? How would this help a teacher of a class
with a single-age year group? - The assessment questions linked to objectives.
- How would you use these questions in your
planning of daily lessons? - How would you use what you learn in subsequent
units on this topic and other topics?
22Medium Term Planning contd.
- Consider
- How the different strands of objectives and
Speaking and Listening have been linked
throughout each unit - How to select a list of key vocabulary that
children should be using when they are learning
the mathematics in a block - How to select from the resources offered in each
unit. - How opportunities to apply mathematics within
science and been linked with reference to the QCA
Schemes of work - How the key aspects of learning have been
emphasised within a block.
23The e-Framework Planning Blocks
- http//www.standards.dfes.gov.uk/primaryframeworks
24Short Term Planning
- Review of prior learning
- Identification of where childrens learning will
be by the end of the unit - Map of Unit to identify possible pathways from
prior learning to expected outcomes - Identification of a variety of teaching
strategies to address outcomes and cater for the
learning needs - Relevant vocabulary, appropriate resources.
25Objectives for a Unit/Block are Supported by
- Speaking and listening
- Mathematics in science
- Key aspects of learning
- Vocabulary
- Prior learning
- ICT Resources
26The Teaching and Learning Cycle
- Over a 2 or 3 week unit, different structures
of the following sequence should be employed - Review
- Teach
- Practise
- Apply
- Review
27Planning Example
- Discuss the example of a planned block of work.
- Consider the similarities and differences to your
current planning. - Look at
- How the teaching cycle has been structured
- The use of AfL to review learning
- How the Using And Applying Mathematics strand
has been embedded.
28Evaluating Learning Outcomes of Each Block
- Redbridge Evaluation Grids
29Browsing Time
- Task
- Now explore the e-Framework
- with your own planning in mind.
30Gap Task
- Plan and teach a unit of work
- before the next PDM.
- To become familiar with the rationale and
structure of the Renewed Primary Framework ,
including the support for planning, teaching and
assessment - To explore elements of the Renewed Primary
Framework for Mathematics.
32The Renewed Frameworks
- Subject Leaders Day 1
- Peter McCarthy
- Marilyn Jones
- Paula Murray-Mower
- Helen Radmore
- Rebecca Stainsby