Title: Fundamentals Stream Session 2: ClientServer, RPC and RMI
1Fundamentals Stream Session 2Client-Server, RPC
and RMI
Distributed Systems
- CSC 253
- Gordon Blair, François Taïani
2Overview of the Session
- Introduction to the client-server model
- The key concept of remote procedure calls (RPC)
- What is RPC
- Styles of RPC
- Implementation considerations
- From RPC to RMI
- Essential characteristics
- Advanced features
Associated Reading Tanenbaum and van Steen, pp.
145-158, 68-98, 99-134
3The Client-Server Model
4Example Servers
- Naming and trading services
- DNS service www.bbc.co.uk ? (IP
address) - Service discovery protocol SLP, SDP, UPnP, Jini,
etc. - Distributed file service
- Samba (MS Windows), NFS (Network File Service)
(UNIX) - And many others (AFS, Coda, etc.)
- Security services Kerberos, etc.
- Time and coordination services
- NTP (network time protocol)
- Concurrency control and recovery services
- Etc.
5What is RPC?
- Higher level mechanism supporting the
construction of distributed applications (see
also discussion on transparency later) - Supports the calling of a procedure in a separate
address space (process) as if it exists in the
local address space the process may or may not
be on the same machine - But what is the semantics of a local procedure
6RPC and Middleware
7Styles of RPC
- First class RPC
- Integrated into the language gt normal language
mechanisms can be used for exceptions etc - Examples include Java RMI, Ada and Argus
- Second Class RPC
- A special Interface Definition Language (IDL) is
used to define communications (see later) - Language independence
- Examples include Sun RPC, CORBA and DCE
8Asynchronous RPC
- The interconnection between client and server in
a traditional RPC - The interaction using asynchronous RPC
9Programming with Interfaces
- Separation of interface and implementation
- Client software does not need to know the details
of the implementation, cf. abstraction - Important for platform and language independence
- Also important to support the evolution of
10Interface Definition Languages
- What is an IDL?
- A language independent means of specifyingan
interface - Similar to abstract data type specification
- Dealing with Parameters
- IN parameters value passed to server
- OUT parameters value returned from server
- IN/OUT parameters combination of above
11Example CORBA IDL
interface inventory // attributes and type
definitions const long MAX_STRING 30
typedef long part_num typedef long
part_price typedef long part_quantity
typedef string part_nameltMAX_STRING1gt struct
part_stock part_quantity max_threshold
part_quantity min_threshold part_quantity
actual //end of part_stock
12CORBA IDL (continued)
// operations boolean is_part_available(in
part_num number) void get_price (in
part_num nmb , out
part_price price ) void get_stock (in
part_num number , out
part_quantity quantity) long order_part(in
part_num number , inout
part_quantity quantity, in
account_num account ) //end of interface
13The Issue of Transparency
- Definition
- Transparency (as defined in session 1) refers to
the property of hiding aspects of distribution
from the user, e.g. location and access
transparency - Transparency in RPC
- Ultimate goal, but generally compromised by
- Overall cost of an RPC
- Every remote call will cost O(1-10)ms
- Extra exceptions that are raised
- Parameter passing is different, e.g. pointers
14Implementing RPC
N.B. Proxies, stubs, dispatchers are generated
automatically by an appropriate IDL compiler
15Key Components Client Side
- Proxies (see also smart proxies)
- Masquerades as a local version of the remote
interface - Redirects calls to client stubs
- May perform other actions (smart proxies)
- Client stubs
- Carries out marshalling (flattening) of calls and
the requests the retransmission of the message - Also must unmarshal returning replies
16Key Components Server Side
- Dispatchers
- Receive incoming messages and direct them to an
appropriate server stub - Server stubs (skeletons)
- Unmarshals message and then invokes appropriate
code body - Must also marshal reply values and initiate
transmission back to the client
17Focus on Underlying Protocol
- Task
- You are asked to design the communications module
for RPC which will provide a protocol that mimics
the semantics of a local call - Problems
- Request message may get lost
- Reply message may get lost
- Client may crash
- Server may crash
N.B. This assumes you are implementing over an
unreliable protocol such as UDP. In practice, RPC
can equally be implemented over TCP, especially
in large scale systems.
18Lightweight Protocols
- Maybe
- Send request to server which sends back a reply
- No real guarantees at all if anything goes wrong
- At least once
- Sends message and if reply not received after a
given time, the message is re-sent (failure
assumed after n re-sends) - Will guarantee the call is made at least once,
but possibly multiple times - Ideal for idempotent operations
19At Most Once Protocols
20From At Most Once to Exactly Once
- Semantics
- The remote procedure call will be carried out
once (completely) or not at all (the operation
will be aborted) - Approach
- Builds on at most once protocol
- Requires additional support for atomicity
See lectures on fault tolerance and dependability
21From RPC to RMI
- Common organization of a remote object with
client-side proxy.
But what are the essential differences?
22Essential Characteristics of RMI
- Full integration with object-oriented programming
language - Ability to exploit objects, class and inheritance
- Added benefits from exploiting built in
(object-oriented) approaches to, for example,
exception handling - From procedure calling to method invocation
- Added expressiveness of supporting object
references - More sophisticated options for parameter passing
- E.G. See lecture on Java RMI
- Pass by (object) reference
- Pass by value (exploiting serialisation)
- Often integrated with code (object) mobility
- E.G. Use of class loading in RMI
See lectures on Java RMI and on code mobility and
23Advanced Features
- Static vs. dynamic invocation
- Static invocation is the default and assumes that
interfaces are known at compile time (stubs are
compiled from the IDL) - Any changes in the system require re-compilation
- Dynamic invocation in contrast is used when
unanticipated classes of object are discovered at
run-time (programmer must compose the invocation
explicitly - Object adapters
- Provide a wrapper around an object or set of
objects to present a common abstraction, e.g. to
hide heterogeneity - At its most sophisticated, an object adapter can
encapsulate policies for dispatching, thread
allocation, object activation and passivation and
object persistency - Such advanced features are most commonly found in
more advanced distributed object platforms such
24More on Object Adapters
- This diagram shows a server with different object
adapters each supporting a set of objects - Each adapter can implement its own policies
suitable for that category of object (see
previous slide)
25Alternative Approaches 1 Beyond Client-Server
- Can we move from a world of clients and servers
to a world of peers co-operating on a given task
(i.e. peer to peer) - In this new world, can we re-create all the
services that users of a distributed system
expect - Routing
- Searching and discovery
- Distributed file sharing
- Group communication
- What impact does this have on key properties
- Scalability
- Dependability
26Alternative Approaches 2 Beyond RPC/ RMI
- Can we move from the rather synchronous world of
RPC or RMI towards more asynchronous modes of
interaction - Message passing, e.g. MPI
- Event communication/ publish-subscribe
- Tuple space communication
- Or, can we hide distribution more thoroughly by
presenting one world-wide address space - Distributed shared memory
- What impact does this have on key properties
- Scalability
- Dependability
27Expected Learning Outcomes
- At the end of this session
- You should understand the concept of RPC and the
various styles of RPC that area available - You should appreciate the issues involved in the
design of an RPC service, e.g. transparency - You should also appreciate how modern RPC
services may be implemented, including the key
architectural elements involved - You should understand the essential
characteristics of RMI and how this adds value to
RPC-based approaches - You should also be aware of characteristics of
more advanced distributed object systems - You should be aware of alternative approach to
those presented in this lecture, especially P2P
approaches, asynchronous communication models and
also approaches based on distributed shared memory