Title: Communicative patterns and cognitive architectures Csaba Plh
1Communicative patterns and cognitive
architectures Csaba Pléh
- The concept of mental architecture
- Biological and cultural architectures
- The issue of variability and relativism in
architectures - Representational revolutions and information
technologies -
2The concept of architecture
- Relatively stable arrangements
- Provide for the scaffolding of thought
- Are formed slowly AND change slowly
- Formats of representation
- propositions, images, skills
- Temporal characteristics
- Internal organizations
3Original and new architectures
- Cultural, modern
- Unconstrained
- Flexible
- Slow (min, hours)
- Ancient, orginal
- Evolved, constrained
- Fixed
- Fast (ms, sec)
4External and internal model of man
- Centrifugal
- Socialization
- Interiorization
- Relativism
- Tools lead
- Centripetal
- Innate structure
- Thought expression
- Universalism
- Tools our slaves
5Temporal scale of human architectures according
to Newell (1989)
6Three visions of the modifiability of
architectures (Michael Cole)
7Great architectural changes (Donald, 1991, 2001)
8New patterns in present knowledge carriers
- Traditional
- decades learning
- slow access
- knowledge property
- certainty is a virtue
- Networked
- less schooling
- faster access
- shared knowledge
- certainty is qustinable
9Implications of the theory of Donald
- Continuity of change fom biology to culture
- Representation and communication change
together - New architectures emulating biology
- What is the status of present changes?
10Temporal and spatial dynamics and mobil
- Classical world
- man on stable place, info moves here
- displacement for source
- construct the model of receiver
- Mobil world
- man on moving location, with stable
accessibility - temporal displacement at reception (message)
- spatial displacement at reception (mobile)
- construct flexible model of the receiver
11Some new challenges in IT
- Â External annd internal determination
- Initiative and passivity
- Don Quijote today Real world and communication
- Emotional time the issue of time managment
- Knowledge, image, and skill
- Personal and impersonal in knowledge Â
12Initiation and passivity Two types of usage (FA
from a study by Krajcsi, Kovács, and Pléh)
- 1.Browsing-information
- Browsing in general 0,85
- Browsing information 0,81
- Browsing entertainment 0,71
- 2. Mail-communication
- Email known person 0,91
- Email 0,88
- 3.Entertain-dependency
- Chat 0,81
- Email unknown person 0,76
13Temporal structuring of communication
- The perceived reception is higher
- Email is leading the show during the day
14Subjective judgement of different attributes of
the media
- Face-to-face is the best
- Chat is unreliable
- Phone and email is personal
15Possible consequences of communicative
- New conventions and temporal architectures
- New issues of personal reliabilty
- Classical oral reliability
- Written reliability impersonal, points of no
return - New media rescheduling is too cheap
- Needs for new etiquettes
- Emotional and instrumental codes