Title: New AEGIS services
1New AEGIS services
- AEGIS Training for Site Administrators
Dusan Vudragovic Institute of Physics
Belgrade Serbia dusan_at_scl.rs
The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the
European Commission under the FP7 Research
Infrastructures contract no. 211338
2Subversion ViewVC
- SVN is available athttps//svn.scl.rs/
- ViewVC is available athttps//viewvc.scl.rs/viewv
3Subversion from CLI(1/3)
- Default editor
- User certificate .subversion/servers
- Initial project setup
- Useful parameter
export SVN_EDITORvi
groups scl svn.scl.rs scl ssl-client-cert-fi
svn mkdir https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojectgt svn
mkdir https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojectgt/trunk svn
mkdir https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojectgt/tags svn
mkdir https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojectgt/branches
-m ltcommentgt
4Subversion from CLI(2/3)
- Importing an existing project
- Checking out a project
- Get info
- Editing and adding files
- Get a copy of the previous version
svn import ltpath_to projectgt https//svn.scl.rs/sc
l/ltprojectgt/trunk -m 'Initial import'
svn import checkout https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojec
svn info
svn status svn add ltfilenamegt svn commit -m
svn checkout r xyz https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojec
tgt/trunk ltdestination_foldergt
5Subversion from CLI(3/3)
- Create tag
- Deleting
- Renaming
- Create branch
svn copy https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojectgt/trunk
svn rm ltfilename_or_dirnamegt
svn rename ltsourcegt ltdestinationgt
svn copy https//svn.scl.rs/scl/ltprojectgt/trunk
6Subversion from Eclipse
- http//subclipse.tigris.org/
7YUM/APT Repository(1/2)
- YUM/APT repository is available
athttp//rpm.scl.rs/ - YUM configuration files are available
athttp//rpm.scl.rs/yum.conf/ - APT configuration files are available
8YUM/APT Repository(2/2)
- Mirrors (synchronization 6 times/day)
- Latest version of Scientific Linux 3 and
Scientific Linux 4 - gLite-3.1 repositories
- jPackage 1.7 and jPackage 5 repositories
- LCG-CAs repository
- Framework for DN based RPMs uploading and the
creation of APT and YUM repositorieshttps//dwarf
.scl.rs/ - Tool is developed as PHP script with some
JavaScript functions, and MySQL is used for
database backend - Dwarf provides following possibilities
- creation of repository structure followed by
description of each part of the repository - adding new user's DNs and defining parts of the
repository that will be accessible by each DN - RPMs uploading
- preview of repository structure