Title: Experimental designs and Analysis of Variance Introduction
1Experimental designsandAnalysis of
- Mark Huisman
- Room 185, Heymans building
- Tel. 3636345
- Email j.m.e.huisman_at_rug.nl
- Questions Tuesdays 16 17 (or via Nestor)
- Rivka de Vries
- Lab classes
- Univariate Analysis of Variance
- Refresher (Moore McCabe Chap. 12 13)
- Principles
- The ANOVA model
- Next lectures
- Assumptions and power
- Multiple comparisons (contrasts and post hoc
4Principles of one-way ANOVA
- I independent populations ? comparison of I
groups - In each population dependent variable y N(µj,s
) - The SDs are equal in all populations s
- I samples of size nj
- Observations yij of person i in group j
- Test H0 µ1 µI vs. Ha not all µs are
equal - F-test based on partitioning of the (total)
variance of y - SST SSG SSE
5Principles of one-way ANOVA
partitioning of variance between groups and
within groups
F ratio between / within
6Experimental error
- Differences between means due to
- Treatment effect
- Chance (motivation, attention, measurement, etc)
- Estimate extent to which differences are due to
experimental error ? evaluate hypothesis of equal
group means - Variability within treatment groups of subjects
provides estimate - If null hypothesis is true and subjects are
randomly assigned to treatments, than variability
between treatment groups also provides estimate - If null hypothesis is false there is a treatment
effect (systematic differences), than variability
between treatment groups reflects treatment
effects and experimental error
7Logic of hypothesis testing
- Experimental error reflected in
- differences (variability) among subjects given
same treatment - differences (variability) among groups of
subjects given different treatment - Inspect the ratio of variabilities
- If H0 is true
- If H0 is false
8Partitioning the variance
One-way ANOVA population model
In sample (based on observations)
Partitioning the variance
9The ANOVA table
10Example Sesame Street
- Sesame street data set evaluating impact of the
first year of Sesame street television series - n 240 children, aged 35
- y test on knowledge about numbers (POSTNUMB,
054) - factor viewing categories (VIEWCAT) coded 1
(rarely) to 4 (often more than 5 times a week) ?
4 groups
11Principles of one-way ANOVA
partitioning of variance between groups and
within groups
12The one-way ANOVA model
13The one-way ANOVA model
One-way ANOVA population model
Testing H0 µ1 µI µT
equals H0 aj 0 for all groups j
14Expected Mean Squares
- F ratio
- from the partitioning (ANOVA table)
- Properties? Look at long-term average (expected
value) and use ANOVA model
15Example Table 14.1
- Keppel Wickens Chapter 14
- I 3 groups, n1 3, n2 6, n3 4 (unbalanced)
- Test H0 all group means are equal
- If H0 true
- Model
16Example Table 14.1
- Model
- Error
- Sum of squares
- unexplained variation (error) in H0 model
- What happens if H0 is false, or what happens if
Ha is true? - Then group means are not equal and best guess
for each group is its sample mean - Model
17Example Table 14.1
- Model
- Error
- Sum of squares
- unexplained variation (error) in Ha model
- Improvement 86.28 24.00
18Model-based comparison
- Treatment SS difference in SS of H0 and Ha
model - Error SS unexplained SS of Ha model (reflects
only sampling error) - Degrees of freedom are equal to the number of
observations minus number of parameters
19Significant result
- Significant result what does it mean?
- at least 1 group differs from the other groups,
based on one or more effects (main/interaction) - Which groups differ (w.r.t. mean)?
- further inspection
- visual inspection ? no statistical proof
- (multiple) comparisons (tests or CIs)
- planned ? contrasts
- post hoc comparisons
20Visual inspection Means plot
Check overlap
? statistical proof for significant
differences tests or CIs