Title: Universal Access: Definitions, Objectives
1ITU/BDT CTO Workshop on Universal Service
Policies and Funding Sanaa, Yemen, 07-09 Oct
- Universal Access Definitions, Objectives
- David N. Townsend
2Universal Access Definitions, Objectives
Workshop Approach and Objectives
- Background
- ITU/CTO Model Universal Access Policy
- Initial focus on Africa, least developed
countries - Best practices for promoting access where
little or no infrastructure/service - Growing interest in these issues around the world
- Goal is to examine, adapt models to regional
3Universal Access Definitions, Objectives
Workshop Approach and Objectives
- Workshop approach
- Interactive, participant-oriented discussions, to
identify key concerns, ideas, options - Presentations and discussion of each major Model
topic, with focus on feedback and participant
input - Inclusive concentration cover different issues
as they affect different countries, players
4Universal Access Definitions, Objectives
Traditional Telephony gtgt Information Society
- What are the goals of communication?
- economic, social, cultural, political
- Traditional measures of telephone service
- teledensity, payphones, etc.
- Transformation and Convergence
- explosive growth of mobile
- emergence of the Internet
- access to information and communication seen as a
basic human right - economic development critically depends upon
advanced Info-structure
5Universal Access Definitions, Objectives
Definitions, Objectives
- Access to what?
- Voice telephone
- Internet, e-mail
- Advanced ICT services
- Television, multimedia, broadband
- What is universal?
- Community, location-based
- Homes, offices
- Affordability
- Quality, reliability, convenience
6Universal Access Definitions, Objectives
Participant Objectives
- BRIEF (2-3 min) participant introductions, and
interests - What are your highest priority goals for
telecommunications development in your country? - What are the main barriers or challenges to
achieving these development goals? - What initiatives have you taken already, or are
you considering taking? - What do you hope to gain from this workshop?
- Thank You
- For more information, please contact
- David N. Townsend
- President, DNTA
- DNT_at_dntownsend.com
- www.dntownsend.com/dnta/
- 1-781-477-9356 (tel)
- 1-781-593-4707 (fax)