Title: Muon Acceleration and FFAG II
1Muon Acceleration and FFAG II
- Shinji Machida
- NuFact06 Summer School
- August 20-21, 2006
- Acceleration of muons
- Evolution of FFAG
- FFAG as a muon accelerator
- Scaling FFAG
- Non-scaling FFAG
- Design example of muon acceleration
- Japanese scenario
- US and Europe scenario
- Appendix Proton driver
- Reference (among others)
- BNL-72369-2004, FNAL-TM-2259, LBNL-55478
- NuFactJ Design study report
- FFAG as a muon accelerator
4Betatron oscillation and Tune
- In transverse plane, a particle in an accelerator
oscillates around the centeral orbit. - It is called betatron oscillation and its
oscillation frequency is tune. Precisely
speaking tune is
FFAG as a muon accelerator
5Cardinal conditions
- Geometrical similarity
- r0 average curvature
- r local curvature
- q generalized azimuth
- Constancy of k at corresponding orbit points
- k index of the magnetic field
The field
satisfies the scaling law. Tune is constant
independent of momentum scaling FFAG
FFAG as a muon accelerator
6Beyond scaling FFAG
- If we can break scaling law, FFAG will be much
simpler and magnet will be smaller. - Why do we keep scaling (constant tune) during
acceleration? - Because of resonance in
No gentle slope at low momentum. - Orbit
excursion is shorter. Constant gradient. -
Linear magnet.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
7Resonances in accelerators
- There are many resonances near operating tune.
Once a particle hits one of them, probably it
will be lost. -
- In reality, however,
- operating tune moves
- due to imperfection
- of magnet (red zigzag line).
- Particles can survive after
- crossing resonances
- if resonance is weak and
- crossing is fast.
Tune diagram of 150 MeV FFAG
FFAG as a muon accelerator
8Non-scaling FFAG
- Muons circulate only a few (15) turns in FFAG.
- Is resonance really harmful to a beam? Maybe not.
- Forget scaling law !
- Let us operate ordinary AG synchrotron without
ramping magnet. - Orbit moves as momentum increases.
- Large ap makes the orbit shift small.
- Focusing force decreases as momentum increases.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
9Orbit for different momentum
- Orbit shifts more at larger dispersion section.
- No similar shape unlike scaling FFAG.
high p
low p
FFAG as a muon accelerator
10Tune variation in a cycle
- Tune decreases as a beam is accelerated.
- dn(tune)/dT(turn)1 for muon rings.
low p
high p
FFAG as a muon accelerator
11Beam dynamics issues
- Acceleration out of RF bucket.
- Crossing of many resonances during acceleration.
- Structure resonance has some effects.
- With alignment errors, integer resonances have to
be considered. - Huge acceptance (30,000 p mm-mrad) for muons.
- Dynamic aperture without acceleration at
injection energy.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
12Synchrotron oscillation and RF bucket (1)
lt lt
lt lt
lt lt
lt lt
FFAG as a muon accelerator
13Synchrotron oscillation and RF bucket (2)
If momentum is too large, it cannot be trapped in
sinusoidal RF voltage. -gt RF bucket.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
14Acceleration in non-scaling FFAG (1)
- Revolution frequency changes because orbit shifts
and path length changes although speed of mouns
is already a speed of light. - If you look at orbits carefully,
- path length at the central
- momentum is shortest.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
15Acceleration in non-scaling FFAG (2)
- In a first half of a cycle, path length becomes
shorter and revolution frequency becomes higher. - In a second half of a cycle, path length becomes
longer and revolution frequency becomes lower.
1/revolution freq.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
16Acceleration in non-scaling FFAG (3)
- Suppose we choose RF frequency that is
synchronized with revolution frequency at the
center. - In the first half of a cycle, a particle lags
behind the RF. - At the center, a particle is synchronized with
RF. - In the second half, a particle lags again.
low center high
FFAG as a muon accelerator
17Acceleration in non-scaling FFAG (4)
- In the longitudinal phase space, a particle
follows the path with constant color. - If there is enough RF voltage, a particle can be
accelerated to the top - energy.
- This is called
- Gutter acceleration.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
18Transverse amplitude effects
Longitudinal phase space (phi, momentum)
5 to 10 GeV ring
- without transverse amplitude
with finite transverse amplitude
Horizontal is 5,000 pi mm mrad Vertical is zero
FFAG as a muon accelerator
19Source of longitudinal emittance growth
- A particle with large transverse amplitude has
longer path length. - This effects become visible because muon
emittance (amplitude) is huge.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
20Matching between two FFAG rings
- Second harmonics and 10 increase of RF voltage
partially cure the problem.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
- Synchrotron oscillation helps to mix momentum
FFAG as a muon accelerator
22Resonance crossing without errors
- Vertical is 5,000 p mm-mrad, normalized, zero
horizontal emittance. - Shows the coupling due to nx-2ny0 (structure)
resonance. - If we start finite horizontal and zero vertical
emittance, no exchange of emittance.
vertical emittance
5 GeV
horizontal emittance
10 GeV
FFAG as a muon accelerator
23Resonance crossing without errors, amplitude
5,000 pi mm-mrad
500 pi mm-mrad
0.5 pi mm-mrad
FFAG as a muon accelerator
24Resonance crossingwith alignment errors
- Beam has to face many integer
tune per cell
tune per ring
FFAG as a muon accelerator
25Resonance crossing with alignment errors,
- Horizontal is 10,000 p mm-mrad, normalized, zero
vertical emittance. - Errors of 0, 0.05, 0.10, 0.20 mm (rms).
Horizontal phase space (x, xp)
0. mm
0.05 mm
0.10 mm
0.20 mm
FFAG as a muon accelerator
26Scaling vs. non-scaling
- Scaling machine principle is proven.
- Large acceptance so that cooling is not needed.
- Magnet tends to be larger. Cost more.
- Non-scaling machine can be more compact. Cost
less. - Need cooling to fit a beam into the acceptance.
- Principle have to be proven.
- Resonance crossing
- Gutter acceleration
- Demonstration by electron model is scheduled in
FFAG as a muon accelerator
27FFAG as a muon acceleratorsummary
- FFAG used to satisfy scaling law, that assures
geometrical similarity of orbit and tune
independent of momentum. - If resonance crossing is not harmful, scaling law
is not necessary. - Just ordinary synchrotron without ramping magnet
makes a new concept of FFAG, namely non-scaling
FFAG. - Acceleration is so fast that RF frequency cannot
be synchronized with revolution frequency. - Gutter acceleration is one possible way.
- Transverse amplitude makes longitudinal growth.
FFAG as a muon accelerator
- Design example of muon accelerator
29Japanese scheme
- Scaling FFAG
- Acceleration with a bucket of low frequency RF,
- 520 MHz
- No time to modulate RF frequency.
- 1 MV/m (ave.) RF voltage gives large
- longitudinal acceptance.
- From 10 to 20 GeV/c within 12 turns.
31Accelerator chain
- Before acceleration
- Target and drift
- No cooling section
- Four scaling FFAGs,
- 0.3 - 1.0 GeV
- 1.0 - 3.0 GeV
- 3.0 - 10.0 GeV
- 10. - 20. Gev
- If physics demands, another FFAG
- 20. - 50. GeV
32Longitudinal emittance vs acceptance(after
target and drift)
Acceptance of US scheme is 0.167 eV.sec (150
mm). Difference comes from frequency of RF (5 vs.
201 MHz).
33Transverse emittance
100 mm (100,000 pi mm-mrad)
34Hardware RD (1)
Low frequency RF (ferrite loaded)
Shunt impedance
Ferrite core
35Hardware RD (2)
Low frequency RF (air core)
36Hardware RD (3)
Superconducting magnet
37US scheme (Europes similar)
- Combination of RLA (LA) and Non scaling FFAG
- High frequency RF, 201 MHz
38Accelerator chain
- Before acceleration
- Target, drift, buncher, rf rotator, and cooling
- Linac
- 0.220 GeV - 1.5 GeV
- 1.5 - 5. GeV
- Two non-scaling FFAGs
- 5. - 10. GeV
- 10. - 20. GeV
- If physics demands, another non-scaling FFAG
- 20. - 50. GeV
39Before acceleration
- Three more stages compared to Japanese scheme.
40A way to make small emittance fit into 201 MHz RF
There is some stage to make longitudinal
emittance smaller so that 201 MHz RF can be used.
41Emittance evolution before FFAG injection
- Cooling is also necessary to fit into the
Emittance mm
Path length m
42Acceleration system requirements
From Reference 1.
Initial momentum 0.3 GeV/c
Final momentum 20 GeV/c
Normalized transverse acceptance 30 mm
Normalized longitudinal acceptance 150 mm
Bunching frequency 201.25 MHz
Maximum muons per bunch 1.1 x 1011
Muons per bunch train per sign 3.0 x 1012
Bunches in train 89
Average repetition rate 15 Hz
Minimum time between pulses 20 ms
43Design example of muon accelerationsummary
- Japanese scheme assumes low frequency (5 MHz) RF
and no cooling is necessary. It uses scaling
FFAG. - US and Europe scheme assumes high frequency (200
MHz) RF. It uses non-scaling FFAG. - Hardware RD is going on.
- Proof of principle model for non-scaling FFAG is
scheduled in UK.
45Requirement of proton driver (1)
- Beam power
- energy x current
- energy x (particles per bunch) x (repetition
rate) - Energy
- MW using a few GeV or more energetic protons.
- Particles per bunch and Repetition rate
- From accelerator point of view, low ppb is
preferable. - Probably rep. rate does not matter as long as
the beam power above is obtained.
46Requirement of proton driver (2)
- Beam quality
- Short bunch is preferable for smaller
longitudinal emittance. - Momentum spread of protons is not important
because that of muons can not be small. - Beam size (transverse emittance) is not important
47Machine candidate (1)
- Slow cycling synchrotron (0.1 1 Hz)
- J-PARC is one of examples
- Maximum energy is 50 GeV.
- Particles per bunch is high, 3e14 to obtain 0.75
MW - Should be more to upgrade to a few MW facility
- Space charge and beam instability are problems.
48Machine candidate (2)
- Rapid cycling synchrotron (10 50 Hz)
- ISIS upgrade is one of examples
- Maximum energy is 50 GeV.
- Particles per bunch can be reduced,
- Design of 30 GeV with 50 Hz is feasible.
49Machine candidate (3)
- Rapid cycling linac (10 50 Hz)
- SPL is one of example
- Maximum energy is limited to a few GeV.
- More particle per bunch is needed compared with
RCS - Space charge and beam instability problem are
less because acceleration is quicker.
50Machine candidate (4)
- FFAG (100 1000 Hz)
- Maximum energy can be as high as synchrotron.
- Particles per bunch can be much less.
- Space charge and beam instability problem are
less because acceleration is quicker.
energy 50 GeV 50 GeV 3 GeV 20 GeV
rep. rate 0.11 1050 50 1001000
ppb high low low much low
Space charge etc. serious moderate less No problem
51Subjects to be studied
- Electron model of non scaling FFAG
- New scheme of acceleration
- Resonance crossing
- High intensity operation
- Optimization of scaling magnet
- Make the magnet superconducting
52Exercise (4)
- Scaling FFAG has magnetic field shape as
- Momentum compaction factor ac is defined as
- Show momentum compaction factor of scaling FFAG.
- RF bucket (half) height is
- where E is total energy, h is harmonic
number, h is slippage factor defined as - how much RF voltage is required to
accelerate 10 to 20 GeV when h20 and k280.
53Exercise (5)
- Scaling FFAG has magnetic field shape as
- where B0 and r0 are magnet strength and average
radius at injection. - Ignore the azimuthal dependence and calculate
orbit shift between 10 to 20 GeV when k is 280
and r0 is 120m. - The present design assumes the muon emiitance of
30 pi mm (or 30,000 pi mm-mrad) normalized.
Calculate beam size at 10 GeV and 20 GeV and
compare them with the orbit shift. - Use the relation
where R is average radius of an - accelerator (120 m) and n is tune (20).