Title: Applications and benefits of PAT
1Applications and benefits of PAT
- Steve Hammond
- Global Manufacturing Services
- Process Analytical Support Group
- Sandwich, UK
- API Manufacture
- Reaction monitoring
- Crystallisation
- Drying
- Drug product manufacture
- Granule dying - fluid bed dryers
- Blending
- Compression - PQRI recommendations
- Benefits
- Control, knowledge, quality and costs
3No samplingNo operator exposureAccurate end
pointControl of impurities
Mid-IR to Monitor and Control Reactions
The profile was generated using peak heights
referenced to a 2-point baseline,
producing the following curves.
Blue - Step (starting material,
) at 2239 cm
Red Step (starting material,
) at 930 cm
Green Step (product,
) at 1308 cm
4Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement
Probe inserted into crystalliser Circulating
light beam bounces of particles suspended in
solvent Measures crystal diameter
5Crystal size change during formation
0-50 microns
O-10 microns
Seed point
50-100 microns
gt 100 microns
6Endoscope picture inside crystalliser
Benefit - Control of fines or agglomerates in
API Reduced need to mill Control of particle
7Pan Dryer
Sample Point
Drain Point
NIR Outside Dryer Room
8Drying API in a vacuum dryer
Disappearance of acetonitrile clearly
evident. Control of dryer residence
time Benefits- quality and cost
9 NIR on a fluid bed dryer - granule drying
10Glatt Multi-Cell Fluid Bed Dryer
11On-Line analysis of blending
- Driven by safety issues with new potent APIs
- Uses battery power and radio communication
- Small fast diode array instrument
- Mounted on the moving blender
- Controlled outside of containment area
12On- line NIR bin blender
Battery RF Module
Fibre optic
NIR Instrument
Reading Head
13Lid of blender window
Corona Sensor Head
Focal Point just inside bin
Fibre Optic Collector
Contributing sample weight is 300mg
Fibre Optic to Detector
14Saccharin Specific Absorption
Saccharin increasing absorbance with blending
15Magnesium Stearate Specific Absorption
Mag Stearate decreasing absorbance with blending
Mag Stearate
16Absorbance of Blend Components (Step 1)
17Saccharin Uniformity (Step 1)
18Magnesium Stearate Uniformity (Step 2)
19NIR Instrument in production plant
20Blender Filling
Drug Substance
21Online Monitoring of Aromatic Absorption
Profile at this point
22Online Monitoring of Aromatic Absorption
Profile plot
Phase 2
Phase 1
Phase 3
Phase Change
23On-line blending - benefits
- No operator contact - safety
- No sampling errors - no thief
- Real-time information
- Multi-ingredient uniformity
- Process understanding
- Process finger- printing for scale up
- Right first time
- Fast release of the blend - reduced cycle times
24NIR Tablet Transmission Device
25Tablet core potency - blend segregation in the
26Automated tablet analysis
Weight Thickness Hardness Dr S Pharmatron
NIR Identity Potency Uniformity Bruker
27Bruker NIR Transmission Head
Open architecture for process analysis
28Absorbance of active tablets Vs placebos
29NIR transmission Vs conc in tablets 0.1 - 2.0
30On-line tablet cores - benefits
- No operator contact - safety
- Sampling - comply with PQRI
- Real-time information
- Multi-ingredient uniformity
- Process understanding
- Process finger- printing for scale up
- Right first time
- Immediate release - reduced cycle times
31Microscopic View of Dosage Form
32The Future..
- Take Off Crude bulk NIR measurement.
- Use more sophisticated NIR method and actually
image the blend in the blender!
33Benefits of Improved Control
- Conventional methods give product which is fit
for intended use, but - Advanced control gives
- better batch to batch consistency
- better quality (less impurities)
- fewer reworks/rejects
- improved process understanding
- faster response times
- better productivity
- lower cost