Title: The%20Life%20Cycles%20of%20Stars%20and%20our%20Sun
1The Life Cycles of Starsand our Sun
2Your Questions
- Have you ever heard of the sun song by the group
They Might be Giants?
3Fun websites
Appreciating Hubble at Hyper-speed
41. How are distances between galaxies and between
galaxy clusters calculated? The Hubble Flow
v Ho d (Ho 71 km/s/Mpc)
- Observer 1 sees both galaxies at distance d with
speed v - Observer 2 sees the furthest galaxy at distance
2d, with speed 2v
52. Elaborate on the difference between the Dark
Matter theory and the MOdified Newtonian Dynamics
theory (MOND).
6Describing Motion
- Motion is when the position of an object changes
in time - If position does not change, the object is at
rest - The describe motions we need to monitor position
and time - The rate at which an objects covers a given
amount of space in a given amount of time is
called speed - v d/t
- (when you add a direction to speed, it is called
- An acceleration is a change in velocity.
- Acceleration occurs when either the magnitude or
direction of the velocity (or both) are altered. - Uniform Circular Motion is Accelerated Motion
8Acceleration and Force
- An object in constant velocity (or at rest) has
no force acting on it. Or if an object is being
accelerated, there must be a net force acting on
it (Newtons first law) - Acceleration is caused by force but also related
to the mass of the object (Newtons second law)
Force Mass x Acceleration
F ma
Or a F/m
9The gravitational force on an object nearthe
surface of Earth is Fgrav mg (g
- We can summarize the universal law of gravitation
with the following statements - Every mass attracts every other mass through the
force of gravity. - If mass 1 exerts force on mass 2, and mass2
exerts force on mass1, the force must depend o
both masses, namely - The force of attraction is directly proportional
to the product of the two masses. - The force of attraction is inversely proportional
to the square of the distance between the masses.
11The Law of Gravity
G 6.67x10-11 m3/kg/s2
12 so why dont planets just fall into the sun?
13 because they miss it!
This is the concept of an orbit M2 is being
attracted by M1, which causes an acceleration,
but has sufficient tangential velocity that the
fall becomes an orbit
14The same is true for galaxies
Their stars rotate around their center of mass.
If you know the distance of your star from the
center, R, and its speed, v, you can calculate
the mass of the galaxy contained within the
radius R
M(ltR) v2 R / G
And the acceleration a v2 / R
For the sun M(lt8kpc) 9x1010 Msun a 2.5x10-8
15and when you reach the edges of galaxies
The flat rotation curve seen beyond the visible
edges of galaxies does not agree with the
expectation that the galaxy ends. In this case
one would expect a trend v R(-1/2)
16- DM Fg ma GMm/r2 , a GM/r2
(gravitational force) - Fc m v2 / r
(centripetal force) -
- Flat rotation curves imply unseen mass in
galaxies - 2. MOND F m ?(a/ao) a GMm/r2
- ao 1.2 10-8 cm s-2
- Flat rotation curves stem from very small
accelerations - at the edges of galaxies, where the
Newtonian dynamics - is modified to imply a (Gmao)(1/2) / R
- and v const.
17Current difficulties for MOND
- Gravitational lensing
- (still in progress recent
- MOND covariant
- formulation)
2. Density profiles of galaxy clusters