Title: Bahiagrass Breeding Program
1Bahiagrass Breeding
- well adapted
- grows on poor soil
- drought tolerance
- persistent
- forage/sod/seed
- Paspalum notatum
- most P. notatum are apomictic
- plant breeding limited to sexual types
4Bahiagrass Varieties
- Diploid
- Pensacola
- Tifton 9
- Sand Mountain
- RRPS Cycles 0, 4, 9, 23
- PICA Cycles 2, 3, 4
- Tetraploid
- Argentina
- Paraguay 22
- Tifton 7
- Claudina types
- Quesenberry/Smith lines
5DIPLOID bahiagrass
Ona Light Study
Forage yields with bahiagrass resulted in winter
harvests yielding slightly more than half the
peak yield harvested in early summer. This
resulted in approximately a 6-fold increase for
bahiagrass (Sinclair et al., 1997).
6Quincy Light Study
7Tiller number and crown area for 1999 greenhouse
grown bahiagrass seedlings.
8Crown area of field-grown bahiagrass Recurrent
Restricted Phenotypic Selection plants in 2000
and 2001, at the NFREC-Quincy, FL.
9October C069, C476, C947 increase, and
C239 decrease January C067, C482, C929
increase, and C23ns
10significant height (and flowering) effects
11approximately a 50 decrease in crown spread
12Quincy Light Study
- later cycles were less daylength sensitive
- plant growth shifted to upright growth during
long days - some individual plants were not affected by
daylength - plants varied in cold tolerance
extended vs. natural light
13Envirotron Light Study
14Cold Tolerance December 2002
16Cycle 9
Cycle 4
Cycle 23
Cycle 18
17Cold tolerant selections
LEFT Argentine is cold-sensitive damaged at 200 F
RIGHT FL67 is cold-tolerant with approximately
30 leaf damaged.
19Anatomical exam for cold tolerance
4th Leaf Lamina
Small lacuna thick cell walls
20Ona plots on 7 Jan. 2003
21PICA Cycle 4 spaced-plants at Ona on 7 Jan. 2003
22TETRAPLOID Bahiagrass
Tifton 7-not released
Q4188 and Q4205 Sexual Tetraploids
Q4188 has short, stout, ascending rhizomes erect
growth habit red-purple basal leaf sheaths and
purple anthers and stigmas.
Q4205 has short rhizomes, upright growth habit,
red-purple leaf sheaths, white stigmas, and is
100 sexual. It has a visually recessive marker
for white stigmas.
23Trifurilin Orylazin Colchicine
Doubled Diploids
24Dollar spot fungusSclerotinia homoeocarpa
Bahiagrass cultivar disease severity ratings in
2001 and 2002 at NFREC, Marianna.
Rating based on 0 to 100, where 0 no visible
leaf area damaged to 100 whole plant dead.
25Other plant breeding considerations
Mole cricket tolerance
Plant morphology
Turf characteristics