Title: Technology Mathematics II: Introduction
1Technology Mathematics II Introduction
Learning outcomes
Application of calculus in design, technology and
management Use of appropriate mathematics
techniques Data management, presentation and
interpretation Problem solving
2Structure of the module
Today Introduction, objectives of the module,
methods of assessment. Concept of function,
graphs, function domain. 3 February Concept of
differentiation, graphical illustration of the
function gradient, slope of curves, limit
theorem. 10 February Interpretation of the
derivative, differentiation of simple functions,
examples. 17 February Differentiation of a
product, quotient rule, differentiation of
function of a function 24 February Application
of derivatives maximum and minimum of a
function, practical examples from engineering and
life sciences. 2 March In-class test 1
Functions and differentiation rules.
3Structure of the module (cont.)
9 March Concept of integration, inverse of
differentiation, limit theorem of sums, basic
rules of integration. 16 March Integration of
elementary functions, examples 23 March Definite
and indefinite integrals, numerical integration.
30 March Practical applications of
integration. 27 March Revision, practical
applications of integration. 4 May In-class
test 2 Integration. 11 May Practical examples
from design, technology, business and management.
19 May Revision, QA session.
4Method of Assessment
2 in-class tests 02nd of March - Functions and
differentiation 04th of May - Integration 1.5-ho
ur examination (late May/early June) Weighting
50 in-class tests / 50 examination Resits Au
gust/September 2003 - 2-hour examination
5Teaching Methods
Lectures, tutorials and computer classes given in
1-hour slots in 0.16 Phoenix. Computer classes
are given on Thursdays and Fridays in C3.08
Chesham. Attendance will be recorded and absences
will be reported.
Teaching staff
Dr Kirill V. Horoshenkov K.Horoshenkov_at_bradford.a
c.uk, Room C1.11, Chesham Building Mr Zahir
Jamil Meetings by appointment via e-mail.
Library (L51) Web-based lecture notes
www.staff.brad.ac.uk/kvhorosh Foundation
Mathematics for Engineers, by J. Berry and P.
Wainwright, MacMillan Press, 1991. Foundation
Mathematics, by A. Croft and R. Davison, Prentice
Hall, 1997. Engineering Mathematics, by K. A.
Stroud Palgrave, 2001. Practical Mathematics
using MATLAB, 2e, by Gunnar Backstrom,
Studentlitteratur, 2000.
7Lecture 1 Functions and Concept of
Revisit functions Identify a function as a
rule Determine domain, range and limit of
function Construct the function graph Identify
function gradient Introduce the concept of
derivative Solve related problems in class
8The Mathematics of Change
9Real-life Examples of Functional Relations
Geometrical - relationship between the side of a
square and its area Mechanical - relationship
between space and time, i.e. the position of
a moving body at a given time Structural - relatio
nship between the load on a beam and distance
from one end Fluid - relation between the
fluid velocity and fluid pressure Financial - rela
tionship between value of investment and time.
10Concept of a Function
11Functions Domain
12Graphical Representation of a Function
13Example of Graphical Representation of a Function
Attenuation of sound in a sewer pipe
rubber granulate
sand paper
14Linear Functions
15Gradient of a Linear Function
16General Rules for the Gradient of a Linear
17General Rules for the Gradient of a Linear
Function (cont.)
18Quadratic Functions
19Quadratic Functions (cont.)
20Gradient of a Quadratic Function
slope tan(q) b/a
21Other Functions
22Rate of Change
Plot the graph and find its slope and intercept
23Questions for Practice