Title: Focus on Folktales
1Focus on Folktales
- To Create Language Rich Thematic Units
Paris Granville Priscilla Russel
- Folk Literature
- Strategies
- Student Performance
- Introduction
- KWL in the sky
- Choosing a story and objectives
- Performance-based Assessments
- Learning Experiences
- Debrief KWL in the Sky
4Know, Want to Know
Download the kwl.pdf from www.languageshaping.com/
5KWL in the Sky
- Write what you
- know on the cloud
Folktale units can be language rich
6KWL in the Sky
- Write what you
- want to know on the airplane
How to choose folktales
7How to choose a story and objectives
8What makes a good story for Foreign Language
It has ? Rhyme ? Rhythm ? Repetition ?
Beginning, Middle, and End ? Intrinsic Drama ?
Richness of the Target Culture ? Targeted
Language Functions ? Connections to other
Download the literature checklist
9What makes a good story for Foreign Language
It lends itself to ? Visuals ? Props (Authentic
a plus) ? Acting it out ? Storytelling ?
Signaling ? TPR (The Asher version)
Download the literature checklist
10What makes a good story for Foreign Language
It is ? Interesting and Engaging ? Meaningful
to Students ? Relevant to Curriculum
Objectives ? Age-appropriate ? Linguistically
appropriate (Krashens Input1)
Download the literature checklist
11Why do we insist on authentic literature?
12Evaluate a story
- Evaluate
- Share
- Reflect
- Choose
13Where do we get our objectives?
14Where do we get our objectives?
- 3 modes
- Interpretive
- Interpersonal
- Presentational
15Where do we get our objectives?
- State Foreign Language
- Standards or Frameworks
16Where do we get our objectives?
17What makes a good objective?
- Directly tied to the standards
- Based on achieving a real-life performance
- Written in terms of Language Functions
- Realistic Performance Levels
- Measurable and Demonstrable
18Good Objectives
19Making Objectives
- Students will fill out a story map based on the
20Making Objectives
- Students will fill out a story map based on the
story. - Students will negotiate in the target language to
fill out a story map.
21Making Objectives
- Students will write a story and tell it to their
22Making Objectives
- Students will write a story and tell it to their
parents. - Students will write and illustrate an animal
story and read it to the students at the
immersion school.
23Creating Performance-based Assessment
24Interpretive Assessment
25Interpretive Assessment
26Interpersonal Assessment
27(No Transcript)
28Interpersonal Assessment
29(No Transcript)
30Interpersonal Assessment
31Presentational Assessment
32Presentational Assessment
33(No Transcript)
34How do we design Assessments?
- What performance directly meets the objectives?
- How do we measure the task?
35Assessment Ladder
36Designing Learning Experiences
37How to choose learning experiences
- Support the objectives
- Learning styles
- Student Interaction
- Scaffold
- Balanced Pre- Read Post-
38The Key to making folk literature accessible
39The Key to making folk literature accessible
40Pre-Reading Activities
- Cocktail Party Interpersonal activity to gather
important information about the setting or
characters in the story.
41Pre-Reading Activities
- Anticipation Guide
- Doù viennent les perles noires?
- Est-ce que tu aimes la plage?
42Pre-Reading Activities
43Pre-Reading Activities
- Authentic TPR
- Action Play
44Story Telling
- Know the story, dont memorize or read
- Practice with Props
- Dress the Part
- Insist on total focus from Students
- Move your voice to your chest
- Read the first time in class in total silence
without distraction - Read several times
- Color code for action and description in the past
- Color code all references to the characters
Por qué se reunieronlos dioses de Teotihuacán?
Por qué se reunieronlos dioses de Teotihuacán?
Querían dar luz al mundo porque el mundo era
muy oscuro.
Querían dar luz al mundo porque el mundo era
muy oscuro.
Qué necesitaba pasar para dar luz al mundo?
Un día los aztecas se reunieron para discutir
cómo dar luz al mundo.
Después, Nanoatzín, un dios viejo y pobre se
levantó y ofreció dar su vida también.
Tecuciztécatl, un dios joven y elegante, se
levantó y ofreció dar su vida.
El grillo era más inteligente que el león.
- Scaffolded conversation about how they liked the
Ah bon?
Jaime bien Tiki parce quil était brave.
Moi, aussi.
Moi, non.
- Retell the story using props
55One Think I Learned
- Write one think you learned on the star.
56For more information contact paris_at_languageshapin