Title: a Pousse
1Ça Pousse!
1,000,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 64,000 32,
000 16,000 8,000 4,000 2,000
Count how many questions you get right and see
how much money you could have won!!!
2 1. A bean is
Un haricot
Un concombre
Une laitue
Un champignon
32. Which of the following does not grow
Les pommes de terre
Les carottes
Les haricots verts
Les oignons
43. Which of these means I really like tomatoes?
Jaime beaucoup les tomates
Jaime les tomates
Je naime pas du tout les tomates
Je naime pas les tomates
54. Which of these questions would a shopkeeper
ask to find out what would you want?
Quest-ce que tu aimes manger?
Vous désirez?
Quest-ce que tu préfere?
Ça combien?
65. Merci means
There you are
Thank you
76. Which of these is French for seed?
Une graine
La tige
Les feuilles
La fleur
87. What is the French word for story?
Le storey
Le storie
Un conteur
98. Who did Jack meet on the way to the market?
Un géant
Une vache
Un petit homme
Un viel homme
109. Where did the giant live?
le château
la maision
le marché
Le forêt
1110. Which of these was not one of the giants
prized possessions?
Un sac magique
Des pièces dor
Une poule
Une harpe magique
12How much did you win?
1,000,000 500,000 250,000 100,000 64,000 32,
000 16,000 8,000 4,000 2,000