Book of Psalms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Book of Psalms


Hebrew poetry does not rhyme but employs parallelism (defining characteristic) ... Antithetic 2nd line states the opposite of 1st (Prov. 10:1, 4) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Book of Psalms

Book of Psalms
  • Israels Hymnbook

Nature of Hebrew Poetry
  • Poetry is found throughout Hebrew Bible.
  • 3 books are purely poetic Psalms, Song of Songs,
  • Mostly poetic prophetic books, Job, Proverbs.
  • Hebrew poetry does not rhyme but employs
    parallelism (defining characteristic), meter, and
    figurative language.
  • Parallelism second line of a pair repeats,
    echoes, or balances the thought of the first.
    (dominant feature of Hebrew poetry)
  • Synonymous 2nd line restates 1st in different
    words (Psalm 241-2).
  • Antithetic 2nd line states the opposite of 1st
    (Prov. 101, 4).
  • Synthetic (formal) 2nd line balances the form
    but not the idea.
  • Meter/rhythm certain number of accented
    syllables per line (33, 22, 32) does not
    translate well.
  • Figurative language simile, metaphor, allegory,
    personification (Psalm 9612 trees sing for

Book of PsalmsFavorite book of all the saints
Martin Luther
  • Collection of 150 individual psalms not
    chapters. (Dont say Psalms 231 say Psalm
  • Some go back to 1st Temple period, others are
  • Collected in postexilic period hymnbook of 2nd
    Temple (and later of the synagogues).
  • Divided into 5 books probably in imitation of
  • Superscriptions at beginning of many psalms
    provide musical directions, names of tunes, and
    names of collections.
  • Davids name in many does not necessarily
    attribute authorship to him.
  • Other names appear as well Solomon, Moses,
    Asaph, sons of Korah.
  • Liturgical material, intended for use in worship
    (liturgy worship practices).
  • Many different types of psalms express range of

Types of Psalms
  • Hymns songs of praise
  • Praise God as Creator of world, Redeemer of
    Israel, etc.
  • Two main parts
  • Summons to praise God.
  • Rehearsal of reasons for praising God often
    introduced by for or because.
  • Examples
  • Psalm 33
  • Psalm 100

Types of Psalms
  • Laments cries for help in times of distress
  • Often subdivided into individual and communal
  • Three main parts
  • Complaint graphic description of
    distress/crisis (illness, suffering, enemies,
    guilt of sin, etc.) often blaming God for it.
  • Petition urgent plea for God to remedy the
  • Assurance always close with assurance of
    deliverance conviction that God has heard plea
    and will answer.
  • Examples
  • Psalm 6 individual lament in time of illness
  • Psalm 13 prayer for deliverance from enemies
  • Psalm 79 communal lament over destruction of
    Temple (cf. Lamentations)
  • Psalm 51 prayer for forgiveness
  • Psalm 23 song of trust, focused entirely on
  • More laments than any other type give
    permission for honesty with God in prayer.

Types of Psalms
  • Thanksgivings
  • Thanking God for a specific deliverance.
  • May recall an earlier time of lament that has now
    been resolved.
  • Examples
  • Psalm 30 thanksgiving for a healing
  • V. 2, 8-10 recall earlier situation of lament
    similar to Psalm 6.
  • Sheol (v. 3) abode of the dead depicted as
    under the earth.
  • Psalm 92 thanksgiving for deliverance from

Types of Psalms
  • 4. Royal Psalms
  • Accompany ceremonies involving king coronation,
    battle, wedding, etc.
  • Examples
  • Psalm 20 prayer for a kings victory
  • Psalm 21 thanksgiving for a kings victory
  • Psalm 45 royal wedding song
  • Psalm 72 prayer for a kings coronation

Types of Psalms
  • 5. Songs of Zion
  • Hymns celebrating the Temple and Jerusalem
    (Zion was the temple mount in Jerusalem).
  • Jerusalem is Gods chosen city, where he dwells
    enthroned in Temple protects and defends
    Jerusalem Zion becomes symbol of refuge and
  • Examples
  • Psalm 46 inspired Martin Luthers hymn "A
    Mighty Fortress Is Our God."
  • Psalms 48, 76, 87, etc.
  • Psalm 122 pilgrimage psalm I was glad when
    they said to me, Let us go to the house of the

Types of Psalms
  • 6. Wisdom Psalms
  • Teaching Psalms employing wisdom themes, such
    as advice to pursue virtue and avoid wickedness
    or instruction in Gods law.
  • Examples
  • Psalm 1 Happy are those who do not follow the
    advice of the wicked, or take the path that
    sinners tread, or sit in the seat of scoffers
    but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and
    on his law they meditate day and night...The
    wicked are not so...
  • Psalms 37, 73, 112, 119, 128, etc.
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