Title: Conners 3
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3Conners 3
- Revision of the CRS-R
- A thorough, focused assessment of ADHD, comorbid
disorders, and associated features - Integrates the key elements of its predecessor
with a number of new enhancements
4Conners 3 Key Features
- In-depth coverage of ADHD and associated features
- Assesses two commonly co-occurring disruptive
behavior disorders, ODD and CD - Links to DSM-IV-TR and IDEA 2004
- Multi-informant
- Parent and Teacher forms for ages 6 to18 years
- Youth Self-Report for ages 8 to 18 years
- Full-length, Short Form, and Index Form options
- Parent and Self-Report forms also available in
Spanish - Easy administration, scoring, interpretation of
results - Excellent reliability and validity
5Conners 3 Form Options
- Conners 3
- Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report
- Conners 3 Short Form
- Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report
- Conners 3 ADHD Index (Conners 3AI)
- Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report
- Conners 3 Global Index (Conners 3GI)
- Parent and Teacher
6Conners 3 Content Conners 3 Content Conners 3 Content
Empirical and Rational Scales Empirical and Rational Scales Empirical and Rational Scales
Parent (110 items) Teacher (115 items) Self (99 items)
Executive Functioning (Executive Functioning subscale) -
Learning Problems Learning Problems/Executive Functioning Learning Problems
Aggression Aggression Aggression
Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Hyperactivity/Impulsivity
Peer Relations Peer Relations Family Relations
Inattention (Rational) Inattention (Rational) Inattention (Rational)
- Symptom Scales
- ADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive
- ADHD Inattentive
- Conduct Disorder
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Validity Scales Negative Impression Positive
Impression Inconsistency Index
Impairment Questions
Severe Conduct Critical Items
Screener Items Anxiety Depression
Additional Questions
7Conners 3 What is new?
- Up-to-date normative sample
- Scales for DSM-IV-TR symptoms of ODD and CD
- Screener Items for Anxiety and Depression
- Assessment of Executive Functioning
- Validity Scales
- Severe Conduct Critical Items
- Impairment Items
8Conners 3 Enhancements
- Increased similarities across parent, teacher,
and self-report forms - Modified age range
- Respondent-friendly translations of DSM-IV
concepts - Created a companion rating scale, the Conners
Comprehensive Rating Scales (Conners CBRS), to
provide broader coverage of common childhood
disorders and problems
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10Conners CBRS
- Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales
- Behavioral, social, emotional, and academic
issues - Violence Potential, self-harm, and other critical
issues - Symptoms of DSM-IV-TR diagnoses
11Conners CBRS Key Features
- Multi-informant
- Parent and Teacher forms for ages 6 to18 years
- Youth Self-Report for ages 8 to 18 years
- Parent and Self-Report forms also available in
Spanish - Easy administration, scoring, and interpretation
of results - Excellent reliability and validity
12Conners CBRS Form Options
- Conners CBRS
- Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report Forms
- Conners Clinical Index (Conners CI)
- Parent, Teacher, and Self-Report Forms
13Conners 3 Content Conners 3 Content Conners 3 Content
Empirical and Rational Scales Empirical and Rational Scales Empirical and Rational Scales
Parent (203 items) Teacher (204 items) Self (179 items)
Emotional Distress (Upsetting Thoughts, Worrying, Social Problems) Emotional Distress (Upsetting Thoughts/Physical Symptoms, Separation Fears, Social Anxiety) Emotional Distress
Aggressive Behaviors Aggressive Behaviors Aggressive Behaviors
Academic Difficulties (Language, Math) Academic Difficulties (Language, Math) Academic Difficulties
Hyperactivity/Impulsivity Hyperactivity Hyperactivity/Impulsivity
Separation Fears (Separation Fears subscale) Separation Fears
(Social Problems subscale) Social Problems -
Perfectionistic and Compulsive Behaviors (Rational) Perfectionistic and Compulsive Behaviors -
Violence Potential (Rational) Violence Potential (Rational) Violence Potential (Rational)
Physical Symptoms (Rational) Physical Symptoms (Rational) Physical Symptoms (Rational)
14- DSM-IV Scales
- ADHD Hyperactive/Impulsive
- ADHD Inattentive
- CD
- Major Depressive Episode
- Manic Episode
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Social Phobia
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Autistic Disorder (P T)
- Aspergers Disorder (P T)
- Other Clinical Indicators
- Bullying Victimization
- Bullying Perpetration
- Enuresis/Encopresis (P T)
- Panic Attack
- Pica (P SR)
- Substance Abuse
- Specific Phobia
- Tics
- Trichotillomania
- PDD (SR)
Validity Scales Negative Impression (PI) Positive
Impression (NI) Inconsistency Index (IncX)
Severe Conduct Critical Items Self Harm Critical
Impairment Questions
Clinical Index
Additional Questions
15Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Normative Sample
- Co-normed
- Large
- 1200 youth rated by parents and teachers
- 1000 youth self-reports
- Stratified by age (year) and gender
- Diverse (based on most recent U.S. census)
- Stratified by race/ethnicity
- Represented all SES groups
- Represented all geographic locations
16Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Reliability
- Internal consistency
- Test-Retest reliability
- Inter-rater reliability
- Standard Error of Measurement
- Standard Error of Prediction
17Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Validity
- Factorial Validity
- Construct Validity Compare Conners 3 and Conners
- Discriminative Validity (predictive validity)
18Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Administration
Scoring Options
- Administration
- Paper-and-Pencil
- Online
- Scoring
- QuikScoreTM
- Computerized
- Unlimited use software
- Online
19Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Use and Applicability
- Assessment
- Clinical Assessment
- Diagnostic Aid
- Educational Classification
- Screening
- Determining Participants for Research Studies
20Conners 3 and Conners CBRS Use and Applicability
- Intervention
- Developing an individualized treatment plan
- Monitoring an individuals response to treatment
- Evaluating an intervention program
21Conners 3 and Conners CBRS When to use each
1. Broad-band assessment can be used to
identify suspected and unknown areas of concern.
2. Once the areas of concern have been
identified, a focused instrument can be used for
in-depth assessment of the problem area
22Thank youQuestions/Comments