Title: Tom Jeffery
1Moving on through the Childrens Plannational
priorities, local perspectives
Tom Jeffery Director General Children
Families Department for Children, Schools
ADCS West Midlands Conference 5 September 2008
2Every Child Matters five years on
3The 5 Outcomes five years on
Be Healthy
Infant mortality down by 375 children per year
since 2003
Stay Safe
Over 2000 fewer children killed or injured on
roads annually since 2003
Enjoy Achieve
27,000 more children achieving 5 A- C grades per
year since 2003
Positive Contribution
9000 more young people taking part in residential
activities than in 2003
Economic Wellbeing
600 thousand children lifted out of poverty
between 1998 and 2007
4Improvements in the system
2,907 Childrens Centres and over 10,500 Extended
Schools. Most LAs have developed partial
targeted youth support
Children and Young People Plans draw on
childrens views
Common Assessment Framework and lead professional
role are increasingly used and ContactPoint to
be rolled out in 17 LAs from January 2009
DCSs and Lead Members in all LAs. Local
Safeguarding Children Boards in place
5Every Child Matters Phase II
6Challenge Going Forward
- How can we, together
- deliver whole system change
- close class gaps and
- secure consistency across areas?
7Whole system change progress and challenges
8Whole system change progress and challenges
How do we ensure Childrens Centres reach and
help the most vulnerable
How do we ensure quality as well as quantity in
extended schools and full engagement with
Childrens Trusts
How do we deliver effective targeted youth
support everywhere
How do we ensure consistent NHS engagement with
childrens services from early years to
9Whole system change progress and challenges
How can whole system change break the cycle of
What are the essential elements of a local
strategy to involve and support parents
Will TACs give assurance that additional need
will be identified early and dealt with
effectively for all
What are the essential elements of a strategy to
develop the childrens workforce
Will this system deliver the promise of Care
Matters and AHDC
10Social Class Outcomes Gap
Five year olds in the 20 most deprived areas
have double the number of decayed, missing or
filled teeth than those in the least deprived
Be Healthy
Stay safe
Children of parents who have never worked or are
long term unemployed are 13 times more likely to
die from unintentional injury and 37 times more
likely to die from exposure to fire
Enjoy achieve
36 pupils eligible for FSM achieved 5GCSEs A-C
as opposed to 63 non-FSM pupils in 2007
Make a positive contribution
Young people whose parents are in higher
professional occupations are much more likely
(82) to participate in full-time education than
those whose parents are in routine occupations
About 2 million children live in workless
Achieve economic wellbeing
112007 Index of Multiple Deprivation
12Key Stage 2 English 2007
13Teenage Pregnancy Rates
14Children Killed and Seriously Injured
15Statistical Neighbour Comparison Ratings
16Social Care Assessments
17Social Care Assessments - 2007
18Social Care Assessments
19Teenage Pregnancy Rates
20Health of Looked After Children
21Placement Stability 2000 - 2007
22(No Transcript)
23What will make a difference?
24What DCSs are telling us
- Key enablers
- Good partnership working across health,
education, social care, youth justice. - Strong leadership from DCSs, lead members, heads,
LCSB chairs. - Integrated working through locality based
multi-agency teams around the child. - Formal agreed strategies, e.g. obesity,
anti-bullying, teenage pregnancy. - Robust performance management focused on
outcomes. - Effective joint commissioning.
- Key risks
- Funding, with a key concern at present that
Childrens Trusts might lose part of the 1bn pa
resource allocated to Area Based Grant. - Staff recruitment and retention, especially
social workers and service leaders. - Capacity, particularly to cope with the pace and
scale of change e.g. on 14-19 - Differences in priorities and practices between
partners. - Lack of aspiration among some children and their
Everyone agrees we need to step up the pace and
achieve more consistency. Even the best recognise
the need to go further.
Some of these risks can be mitigated by good
local leadership and partnership. But most need
national action as well.
25National Policy
Child Health Strategy
CAMHS Review
Updated 14-19 Implementation Plan
Childrens Workforce Strategy
CYP Bill (Royal Assent)
Education Skills Bill (Royal Assent)
Children's Plan - One Year On
26Considering Childrens Trusts
- Do your local arrangements arrangements secure
- the confidence of parents
- the full involvement of schools
- the necessary depth of needs analysis
- strong commissioning
- the full involvement of the VCS strategically
and in delivery - the involvement of all essential partners,
particularly those beyond traditional childrens
27Childrens Trusts
- Consultation on supplementary guidance on
Children's Trusts just closed - Looking in detail at Children's Trusts in 6 local
areas to identify good practice and possible
barriers to more effective working. - Informal consultation on legislative options for
strengthening Children's Trusts proposals - Extending the duty to cooperate to schools and
others - Strengthening CYPPs and extending ownership
- Establishing a stronger statutory basis for
Childrens Trust Boards
- Working with an Expert Group to develop a long
term strategy to publish in the autumn. - Starting from the evidence and looking at the
following themes - Capacity (skills, knowledge, management,
leadership, supply, recruitment, retention) - Excellence in practice
- Purpose and roles
- Improving joint working
- Interventions with the workforce what works
- Delivering and managing workforce reform
- Early work on the strategy is raising questions
about how we do workforce reform, whether our
priorities are right and the best way of working
in partnership with others
29Better focused improvement support
Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership
- Childrens Trusts How do we develop Childrens
Trusts to secure systems and outcomes change? - Workforce What are the biggest issues for you
locally and how might the Government help? - Managing Change How do we manage change together
to secure really significant and consistent
improvements in childrens outcomes? - Early Intervention How can we be sure that any
child with additional needs will have those needs
identified and met, early and effectively, no
matter who sees them first and what the
presenting symptom might be?
31Moving on through the Childrens Plannational
priorities, local perspectives
Tom Jeffery Director General Children
Families Department for Children, Schools
ADCS West Midlands Conference 5 September 2008