Title: Von Ameisen und Menschen
1Modelling of Traffic Flow and Related Transport
Andreas Schadschneider Institute for Theoretical
Physics University of Cologne Germany
General topic Application of nonequilibrium
physics to various transport
- Highway traffic
- Traffic on ant trails
- Pedestrian dynamics
- Intracellular transport
- basic phenomena
- modelling approaches
- theoretical analysis
- physics
- Traffic macroscopic system of interacting
particles - Nonequilibrium physics
- Driven systems far from equilibrium
- Various approaches
- hydrodynamic
- gas-kinetic
- car-following
- cellular automata
4Cellular Automata
- Cellular automata (CA) are discrete in
- space
- time
- state variable (e.g. occupancy, velocity)
- Advantage very efficient implementation for
large-scale computer simulations - often stochastic dynamics
5Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
6Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process
Caricature of traffic
- Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (ASEP)
- directed motion
- exclusion (1 particle per site)
- stochastic dynamics
Mother of all traffic models For applications
different modifications necessary
7Update scheme
In which order are the sites or particles updated
- random-sequential site or particles are picked
randomly at each step ( standard update for
ASEP continuous time dynamics) - parallel (synchronous) all particles or sites
are updated at the same time - ordered-sequential update in a fixed order (e.g.
from left to right) - shuffled at each timestep all particles are
updated in random order
ASEP Ising model of nonequilibrium physics
- simple
- exactly solvable
- many applications
- Applications
- Protein synthesis
- Surface growth
- Traffic
- Boundary induced phase transitions
9Periodic boundary conditions
fundamental diagram
- no or short-range correlations
10Influence of Boundary Conditions
- open boundaries density not conserved!
exactly solvable for all parameter values!
Derrida, Evans, Hakim, Pasquier 1993 Schütz,
Domany 1993
11Phase Diagram
Maximal current phase JJ(p)
Low-density phase JJ(p,?)
2.order transitions
1.order transition
High-density phase JJ(p,?)
12Highway Traffic
13Spontaneous Jam Formation
jam velocity -15 km/h (universal!)
Phantom jams, start-stop-waves interesting
collective phenomena
15Fundamental Diagram
Relation current (flow) density
free flow
congested flow (jams)
more detailed features?
16Cellular Automata Models
- Discrete in
- Space
- Time
- State variables (velocity)
dynamics Nagel Schreckenberg (1992)
17Update Rules
- Rules (Nagel, Schreckenberg 1992)
- Acceleration vj ! min (vj 1, vmax)
- Braking vj ! min ( vj , dj)
- Randomization vj ! vj 1 (with
probability p) - Motion xj ! xj vj
(dj empty cells in front of car j)
Configuration at time t Acceleration (vmax
2) Braking Randomization (p 1/3) Motion
(state at time t1)
19Interpretation of the Rules
- Acceleration Drivers want to move as fast as
possible (or allowed) - Braking no accidents
- Randomization
- a) overreactions at braking
- b) delayed acceleration
- c) psychological effects (fluctuations in
driving) - d) road conditions
- 4) Driving Motion of cars
20Realistic Parameter Values
- Standard choice vmax5, p0.5
- Free velocity 120 km/h ? 4.5 cells/timestep
- Space discretization 1 cell ? 7.5 m
- 1 timestep ? 1 sec
- Reasonable order of reaction time (smallest
relevant timescale)
21Discrete vs. Continuum Models
- Simulation of continuum models
- Discretisation (?x, ?t) of space and time
necessary - Accurate results ?x, ?t ! 0
- Cellular automata discreteness already taken
into account in definition of model
22Simulation of NaSch Model
- Reproduces structure of traffic on highways
- - Fundamental diagram
- - Spontaneous jam formation
- Minimal model all 4 rules are needed
- Order of rules important
- Simple as traffic model, but rather complex as
stochastic model
23Analytical Methods
- Mean-field P(?1,,?L)¼ P(?1)? P(?L)
- Cluster approximation
- P(?1,,?L)¼ P(?1,?2) P(?2,?3)? P(?L)
- Car-oriented mean-field (COMF)
- P(d1,,dL)¼ P(d1)? P(dL) with dj headway of
car j (gap to car ahead)
24Fundamental Diagram (vmax1)
vmax1 NaSch ASEP with parallel dynamics
- Particle-hole symmetry
- Mean-field theory underestimates flow
particle-hole attraction
25Paradisical States
(AS/Schreckenberg 1998)
- ASEP with random-sequential update no
correlations (mean-field exact!) - ASEP with parallel update correlations,
mean-field not exact, but 2-cluster approximation
and COMF - Origin of correlations?
(can not be reached by dynamics!)
Garden of Eden state (GoE)
in reduced configuration space without GoE
states Mean-field exact! gt correlations in
parallel update due to GoE states
not true for vmaxgt1 !!!
26Fundamental Diagram (vmaxgt1)
- No particle-hole symmetry
27Phase Transition?
- Are free-flow and jammed branch in the NaSch
model separated by a phase transition?
No! Only crossover!!
Exception deterministic limit (p0) 2nd order
transition at
28Modelling of Traffic Flow and Related Transport
Lecture II
Andreas Schadschneider Institute for Theoretical
Physics University of Cologne Germany
29Nagel-Schreckenberg Model
- Acceleration
- Braking
- Randomization
- Motion
vmax1 NaSch ASEP with parallel dynamics
vmaxgt1 realistic behaviour (spontaneous jams,
fundamental diagram)
30Fundamental Diagram II
more detailed features?
high-flow states
free flow
congested flow (jams)
31Metastable States
- Empirical results Existence of
- metastable high-flow states
- hysteresis
32VDR Model
- Modified NaSch model
- VDR model
(velocity-dependent randomization) - Step 0 determine randomization pp(v(t))
- p0 if v 0
- p(v) with
p0 gt p - p if v gt 0
- Slow-to-start rule
33Jam Structure
NaSch model
VDR model
VDR-model phase separation Jam stabilized by
Jout lt Jmax
34Fundamental Diagram III
Even more detailed features?
non-unique flow-density relation
35Synchronized Flow
- New phase of traffic flow (Kerner Rehborn
1996) - States of
- high density and relatively large flow
- velocity smaller than in free flow
- small variance of velocity (bunching)
- similar velocities on different lanes
(synchronization) - time series of flow looks irregular
- no functional relation between flow and density
- typically observed close to ramps
363-Phase Theory
free flow (wide) jams synchronized traffic
3 phases
Cross-correlation function cc? J(?) / h ?(t)
J(t?) i - h ?(t) i h J(t?)i
free flow, jam synchronized traffic
free flow
Objective criterion for classification of traffic
38Time Headway
synchronized traffic
many short headways!!!
39Brake-light model
- Nagel-Schreckenberg model
- acceleration (up to maximal velocity)
- braking (avoidance of accidents)
- randomization (dawdle)
- motion
- plus
- slow-to-start rule
- velocity anticipation
- brake lights
- interaction horizon
- smaller cells
Brake-light model
(Knospe-Santen-Schadschneider -Schreckenberg 2000)
good agreement with single-vehicle data
40Fundamental Diagram IV
- Empirical results
- Monte Carlo simulations
41Test Tunneling of Jams
42Highway Networks
- Autobahn network
- of North-Rhine-Westfalia
- (18 million inhabitants)
- length 2500 km
- 67 intersections (nodes)
- 830 on-/off-ramps
- (sources/sinks)
43Data Collection
- online-data from
- 3500 inductive loops
- only main highways are densely equipped with
detectors - almost no data directly
- from on-/off-ramps
44Online Simulation
- State of full network through simulation based on
available data - interpolation based on online data
online simulation
(available at www.autobahn.nrw.de)
classification into 4 states
45Traffic Forecasting
state at 1351
forecast for 1456
actual state at 1454
462-Lane Traffic
- Rules for lane changes (symmetrical or
asymmetrical) - Incentive Criterion Situation on other lane is
better - Safety Criterion Avoid accidents due to lane
Locally increased randomization pdef gt p
Ramps have similar effect!
Defect position
48City Traffic
- BML model only crossings
- Even timesteps " move
- Odd timesteps ! move
- Motion deterministic !
2 phases Low densities hvi gt 0 High
densities hvi 0 Phase transition due to
49More realistic model
- Combination of BML and NaSch models
- Influence of signal periods,
- Signal strategy (red wave etc),
Chowdhury, Schadschneider 1999
- Cellular automata are able to reproduce many
aspects of - highway traffic (despite their simplicity)
- Spontaneous jam formation
- Metastability, hysteresis
- Existence of 3 phases (novel correlations)
- Simulations of networks faster than real-time
possible - Online simulation
- Forecasting
Sometimes spontaneous jam formation has a
rather simple explanation!
Bernd Pfarr, Die ZEIT
52 Intracellular Transport
53Transport in Cells
(short-range transport)
(long-range transport)
- microtubule highway
- molecular motor (proteins) trucks
- ATP fuel
54Molecular Motors
- DNA, RNA polymerases move along DNA duplicate
and transcribe DNA into RNA - Membrane pumps transport ions and small
molecules across membranes - Myosin work collectively in muscles
- Kinesin, Dynein processive enzyms, walk along
filaments (directed) important for intracellular
transport, cell division, cell locomotion
8 nm
56Mechanism of Motion
- inchworm leading and trailing head fixed
- hand-over-hand leading and trailing head change
57Kinesin and Dynein Cytoskeletal motors
Fuel ATP
- Several motors running on same track
simultaneously - Size of the cargo gtgt Size of the motor
- Collective spatio-temporal organization ?
58ASEP-like Model of Molecular Motor-Traffic
ASEP Langmuir-like adsorption-desorption
(Lipowsky, Klumpp, Nieuwenhuizen, 2001
Parmeggiani, Franosch, Frey, 2003 Evans,
Juhasz, Santen, 2003)
Competition bulk boundary dynamics
59Phase diagram
Position of Shock is x1 when SH
x0 when LS
60Single-headed kinesin KIF1A
KIF1A is a single-headed processive motor.
General belief Coordination of two heads is
required for processivity (i.e., long-distance
travel along the track) of conventional
TWO-headed kinesin.
Then, why is single-headed KIF1A processive?
612-State Model for KIF1A
- state 1 strongly bound
- state 2 weakly bound
Hydrolysis cycle of KIF1A
62New model for KIF1A
t 1
Release ADP (Ratchet)
63Phase diagram
0.2 (0.9)
0.1 (0.15)
0.01 (0.0094)
Blue state_1 Red state_2
0.00001 (1)
0.00005 (5)
0.001 (100)
64Spatial organization of KIF1A motors experiment
MT (Green)
10 pM
KIF1A (Red)
100 pM
2 mM of ATP
2 mm
position of domain wall can be measured as a
function of controllable parameters.
Nishinari, Okada, Schadschneider, Chowdhury,
Phys. Rev. Lett. (2005)
65Modelling of Traffic Flow and Related Transport
Lecture III
Andreas Schadschneider Institute for Theoretical
Physics University of Cologne Germany
66 Dynamics on Ant Trails
67Ant trails
ants build road networks trail system
- Ants can communicate on a chemical basis
- chemotaxis
- Ants create a chemical trace of pheromones
- trace can be smelled by other
- ants follow trace to food source etc.
chemical trace pheromones
70Ant trail model
- Basic ant trail model ASEP pheromone dynamics
- hopping probability depends on density of
pheromones - distinguish only presence/absence of pheromones
- ants create pheromones
- free pheromones evaporate
71Ant trail model
(Chowdhury, Guttal, Nishinari, A.S. 2002)
- motion of ants
- pheromone update (creation evaporation)
f f f
parameters q lt Q, f
(OLoan, Evans Cates 1998)
equivalent to bus-route model
72Limiting cases
- f0 pheromones never evaporate
- gt hopping rate always Q in stationary
state - f1 pheromone evaporates immediately
- gt hopping rate always q in stationary
state - for f0 and f1 ant trail model ASEP (with
Q, q, resp.)
73Fundamental diagram of ant trails
velocity vs. density
non-monotonicity at small evaporation rates!!
Experiments Burd et al. (2002, 2005)
different from highway traffic no egoism
74Experimental result
Problem mixture of unidirectional and counterflow
75Spatio-temporal organization
- formation of loose clusters
early times
steady state
coarsening dynamics cluster velocity gap to
preceding cluster
76Traffic on Ant Trails
Formation of clusters
77Analytical Description
- Mapping on Zero-Range Process
ant trail model
(v average velocity)
phase transition for f ! 0 at
hindrance effect through interactions (e.g. for
79 Pedestrian Dynamics
80Collective Effects
- jamming/clogging at exits
- lane formation
- flow oscillations at bottlenecks
- structures in intersecting flows
81Lane Formation
82Lane Formation
83Oscillations of Flow Direction
84Pedestrian Dynamics
- More complex than highway traffic
- motion is 2-dimensional
- counterflow
- interaction longer-ranged (not only nearest
neighbours) -
85Pedestrian model
idea Virtual chemotaxis chemical trace
long-ranged interactions are translated into
local interactions with memory
- Modifications of ant trail model necessary since
- motion 2-dimensional
- diffusion of pheromones
- strength of trace
86Long-ranged Interactions
- Problems for complex
- geometries
- Walls screen interactions
Models with local interactions ???
87Floor field cellular automaton
- Floor field CA stochastic model, defined by
transition probabilities, only local interactions - reproduces known collective effects (e.g. lane
Interaction virtual chemotaxis (not
dynamic static floor fields interaction with
pedestrians and infrastructure
88Static Floor Field
- Not influenced by pedestrians
- no dynamics (constant in time)
- modelling of influence of infrastructure
- Example Ballroom with one exit
89Transition Probabilities
- Stochastic motion, defined by
- transition probabilities
- 3 contributions
- Desired direction of motion
- Reaction to motion of other pedestrians
- Reaction to geometry (walls, exits etc.)
- Unified description of these 3 components
90Transition Probabilities
- Total transition probability pij in direction
(i,j) - pij N Mij exp(kDDij)
exp(kSSij)(1-nij) - Mij matrix of preferences (preferred
direction) - Dij dynamic floor field
(interaction between pedestrians) - Sij static floor field
(interaction with geometry) - kD, kS coupling strength
- N normalization (? pij 1)
91Lane Formation
velocity profile
Conflict 2 or more pedestrians choose the same
target cell
- Friction not all conflicts are resolved!
(Kirchner, Nishinari, Schadschneider 2003)
friction constant ? probability that no one
93Herding Behaviour vs. Individualism
Large kD strong herding
- Minimal evacuation times for optimal combination
of herding and individual behaviour
Evacuation time as function of coupling strength
to dynamical floor field
(Kirchner, Schadschneider 2002)
94Evacuation Scenario With Friction Effects
(Kirchner, Nishinari, A.S. 2003)
evacuation time
effective velocity
Faster-is-slower effect
95Competitive vs. Cooperative Behaviour
- Experiment egress from aircraft (Muir et
al. 1996)
- Evacuation times as function of 2 parameters
- motivation level
- competitive (Tcomp)
- cooperative (Tcoop )
- exit width w
96Empirical Egress Times
Tcomp gt Tcoop for w lt wc
Tcomp lt Tcoop for w gt wc
97Model Approach
- Competitive behaviour
- large kS large friction ?
- Cooperative behaviour
- small kS no friction ?0
(Kirchner, Klüpfel, Nishinari, A. S.,
Schreckenberg 2003)
Various very different transport and traffic
problems can be described by similar models
- Variants of the Asymmetric Simple
Exclusion Process
- Highway traffic larger velocities
- Ant trails state-dependent hopping rates
- Pedestrian dynamics 2-dimensional motion
- Intracellular transport adsorption desorption
- Highway traffic
- Traffic forecasting
- Traffic planning and optimization
- Ant trails
- Optimization of traffic
- Pedestrian dynamics (virtual chemotaxis)
- Pedestrian dynamics
- safety analysis (planes, ships, football
stadiums,) - Intracellular transport
- relation with diseases (ALS, Alzheimer,)
Thanx to
Rest of the world Debashish Chowdhury
(Kanpur) Ambarish Kunwar (Kanpur) Vishwesha
Guttal (Kanpur) Katsuhiro Nishinari
(Tokyo) Yasushi Okada (Tokyo) Gunter Schütz
(Jülich) Vladislav Popkov (now Cologne) Kai
Nagel (Berlin) Janos Kertesz (Budapest)
Duisburg Michael Schreckenberg Robert
Barlovic Wolfgang Knospe Hubert Klüpfel Torsten
Huisinga Andreas Pottmeier Lutz Neubert Bernd
Eisenblätter Marko Woelki
- Cologne
- Ludger Santen
- Ansgar Kirchner
- Alireza Namazi
- Kai Klauck
- Frank Zielen
- Carsten Burstedde
- Alexander John
- Philip Greulich