Title: Olfactory, Gustatory
1Olfactory, Gustatory
- Objectives For each sense identify
- specialized organs, anatomy
- receptor structure and specializations
- receptor signal transduction mechanism
- coding of intensity and duration
- pathway of conduction to the CNS
- Sense organs nose olfactory epithelium
- Receptor type neuron w/ memb. G-proteins
- Receptor signal transduction mechanism
- Coding of intensity and duration
- Pathway of conduction to the CNS
- Coding for perceived sensation - receptors are
specific for only a few smells
3Olfaction Sense organs nose olfactory
Olfactory area in humans is about 2.5 cm2 w/
approx. 5 million sensory receptor
cells. Recognize thousands of odors.
4Neuronal receptor synapses with CN I - goes to
olfactory cortex in medial temporal lobe
5Receptor neuron w/ membrane G-proteins
Olfactory receptors are specific to a few
molecules G-proteins - bind one or a class of
molecules cAMP is second messenger in some
receptors .leading to Na channel opening
wet grass
- The receptors are located randomly in the
epithelium, each neuron has its own type of
But their axons cluster by receptor type (thus,
by odor) in the olfactory bulb
7Gustation - the sense of taste
- Sense organs tongue throat, taste buds
- Receptor type non-neuronal
8Transduction Each taste has a specific mechanism
to depolarize cell, ?ICF Ca2, release NT Salty
Na influx Sour H, block K Bitter
G-proteinIP3 Sweet G-protein cAMP, block K
9- Taste path
- CN VII (facial)
- CN IX (glph.)
- CN X (vagus)
- ? medulla
- thalamus
- gustatory cortex