Title: Ch' 4' Nonparameteric Techniques
1Ch. 4. Nonparameteric Techniques
2Nonparametric Density Estimation
- In the previous two lectures we have assumed that
either - The likelihoods p(x?i) were known (Likelihood
Ratio Test) - Or at least the parametric form of the
likelihoods were known (Parameter Estimation) - The methods that will be presented in this
chapter do not afford such luxuries - Instead, they attempt to estimate the density
directly from the data without making any
parametric assumptions about the underlying
3Histogram The simplest form of non-parametric
density estimation
- Divide the sample space into a number of bins and
approximate the density at the center of each bin
by the fraction of points in the training data
that fall into the corresponding bin - Drawbacks
- The final shape of the density estimate depends
on the starting position of the bins - The discontinuities of the estimate are not due
to the underlying density, they are only an
artifact of the chosen bin locations - Curse of dimensionality, since the number of bins
grows exponentially with the number of dimensions - Histogram is unsuitable for most practical
applications except for rapid visualization of
results in one or two dimensions
4Histogram and Curse of Dimensionality
5Nonparametric Density Estimation
6Nonparametric Density Estimation
7Nonparametric Density Estimation
8Nonparametric Density Estimation
9Nonparametric Density Estimation
10Method for Estimating Densities
11Parzen Windows
12Parzen Windows
13Parzen Windows
As hn approaches 0, dn(x-xkc) approaches Dirac
delta function
14Window (Kernel) Functions
- Gaussian
- Triangular
- Rectangular
15Parzen Window Example
16Parzen Window Estimation Example
17Choice of Window Width
- The problem of choosing the window width is
crucial in density estimation - A large window width will over-smooth the density
and mask the structure in the data - A small window width will yield a density
estimate that is spiky and very hard to interpret
18Choice of Window Width
19Parzen Window Estimation
- Unimodal Gaussian
- 100 data points were drawn the true density
(left), the estimates using h1.06sN-1/5 (right)
- Bimodal Gaussian
- 100 data points were drawn the true density
(left), the estimates using h1.06sN-1/5 (right)
20Parzen Window Estimation Example
21Parzen Window Estimation 1D Gaussian
For n??, estimates are the same as the true
distribution, regardless of window width
22Parzen Window Estimation 2D Gaussian
23Parzen Window Estimation 1D bimodal distribution
For n??, estimates are the same as the true
distribution, regardless of window width
24Classification Based on Parzen Window Estimation
25Classification Based on Parzen Window Estimation