Title: Walking the Talk
1Walking the Talk
- The theory the practice of economic development
in Dunedin
2A little history
- Dunedin the first city to establish an EDU
- Set up as a department within Council
- Very new concept for New Zealand
- Responsible for
- Business advocacy
- City promotions
- Tourism
- Limited business development
- To facilitate growth in the Dunedin economy by
- Creating an environment that supports business
investment - Developing industry through better communication,
promotion and profile - Ensuring access to information that will assist
in industry development - Providing supportive government and improved
Council processes
- Four simple foundation stones
- Core competencies
- Grow your own
- Industry (cluster) led
- Commercial approach
- and always asking
- What value does it add?
5Current Structure
Economic Development Committee
Chief Executive
Industry Advisory Board
General Manager Strategy Development
Marketing Communications
Policy Analysts
Architecture Urban Design
Dunedin Centre
6What were measured on
- Increasing FTEs
- Increasing Dunedin profile
- Increasing residents satisfaction
- Business development
- City promotion
- Festivals events
- Management targets
- Financial and non-financial
7EDU Tool Box
- Rates relief Marketing support
- Cluster support
- Incubators
- Youth employment
- Project Gateway Tourism Dunedin
- City Promotion
8EDU Tool Box
- Rates relief Marketing support
- Cluster support
- Incubators
- Youth employment
- Project Gateway Tourism Dunedin
- City Promotion
- Micro-credit loan fund
- Construction and lease-back
- Cost of funds financing
9EDU Budget
Salaries 400,000 9 Admin.
350,000 8 City promotion
600,000 14 Cluster/incubators
720,000 17 Tourism 1,200,000 28 Youth/micr
o-credit 150,000 4 Rates Relief
400,000 9 Property devt (interest)
400,000 9 Total Operating 4,220,000 Capit
al Budget 2,000,000
10Theory in practice
- Engineering case study Fisher Paykel
- What did we have?
- What did the cluster need?
- How could we engage with industry?
- Development of programmes
11Issues for Dunedin
- Some ever-so-slightly tongue-in-cheek ones
- Too many students from the North Island
- Immigrants only knowing one city in NZ
- Current solution to Aucklands traffic congestion
- Auckland property prices pushing up interest
12Issues for Dunedin
- The old favourites
- Our District Plan, the RMA and Public support
- Skill and population shortages
- Youth aspirations
- Available industrial land
- Central Government policies/compliance
- Partnership that means something
- Regional co-operation and leadership
- Communities of interest
- Vision philosophy provide the base
- Know why youre doing it
- No me too attitude
- What do you do thats different/better?
- Always be industry-led