Jeremiah Against False Teachers - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jeremiah Against False Teachers


False Prophets Denied Jeremiah's Prophecy - Proclaimed 'Peace' (Jer. 5:12; 14:13) ... False Prophet Hananiah, Claiming. Characteristics of False Teachers ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Jeremiah Against False Teachers

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Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Gods Law Constitutes a Yoke of Restraint That
    Prevents People From Behaving As They Would
  • Jeremiah 55 - I will go to the great and will
    speak to them, for they know the way of the Lord,
    and the ordinance of their God. But they too,
    with one accord, have broken the yoke and burst
    the bonds.

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah Lists 4 Classes of Leaders Kings,
    Officials, Priests and Prophets (Jer. 226)
  • The Priests and Prophets Were the Classes That
    Were Entrusted With Providing Spiritual
  • THEY FAILED (Jer 28) - The priests did not say,
    Where is the Lord? And those who handle the law

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • not know me The rulers also transgressed against
    me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal and
    walked after things that did not profit.
  • (Jer. 88) How can you say, We are wise, and
    the law of the Lord is with us? But behold, the
    lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie.

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah 530, 31 - A horrible and shocking
    thing has happened in the land The prophets
    prophesy lies, and the priests rule by their own
    authority, and my people love to have it this
    way. But what will you do in the end? (Passhur
    prophesied lies 206)
  • These Words Immediately Precede The Graphic
    Warning of Destruction (Chap. 61-8)

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Tell People What They Want to
  • Jeremiah 530, 31 - The prophets prophesy lies,
    and the priests rule by their own authority, and
    my people love to have it this way
  • 2 Tim. 43 - For the time will come when they
    will not endure sound doctrine but wanting to
    have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for
    themselves teachers in accordance to their own

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Minimize The Consequences of Sin
    Error, Often Redefining Sin
  • Jeremiah 614 811 1413 2317 288, 9 Ezk.
    1310 - Peace, Peace
  • Jer. 1413 - But, Ah, Lord God! I said, Look,
    the prophets are telling them, You will not see
    the sword nor will you have famine, but I will
    give you lasting peace in this place.

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • Illustration
  • Jeremiah Prophesied Babylonian Invasion and 70
    Years of Captivity (Jer. 2511 2910)
  • False Prophets Denied Jeremiahs Prophecy -
    Proclaimed Peace (Jer. 512 1413)
  • Babylonians Invaded and Carried Off People and
  • False Prophet Hananiah, Claiming

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • Illustration
  • To Speak On Behalf Of the Lord of Hosts, the God
    of Israel, Proclaimed That Within TWO Years
    God Would Break the Yoke of Nebuchadnezzar and
    Return the Temple Vessels (Jer. 282, 3)
  • Hananiah Physically Removed the Wooden Yoke From
    Jeremiahs Neck and Broke It To Signify His
    Prophecy (Jer. 2810, 11)

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • Illustration
  • Jer. 5231-34 Describes Evil-merodachs Release
    of Jehoiachin To House Arrest Status In His 37th
    Year of Captivity
  • 2 Chronicles 3621, 22 Describes the Cyrus Decree
    to Release Jews From Captivity After 70 Years!
  • Hananiah Died in 2 Months, Per Gods Decree (Jer.

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Prophets Make Things Up
  • Jer. 2316 - Thus says the Lord of hosts, Do
    not listen to the words of the prophets who are
    prophesying to you. They are leading you into
    futility They speak a vision of their own
    imagination, not from the mouth of the Lord.
  • Jer. 2336 The Oracle of the Lord Forgotten
    Because Every Mans Own Word Became an Oracle

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Make Things Up
  • Cant Just Say, The Oracle of the Lord(2334) -
    Must Speak Faithfully The WORD That God Has
    Commanded (Jer. 2328, 32)
  • Gods Inspired, All-Sufficient Word (Jer. 19,
    10 2 Tim. 316, 17)
  • 1 Peter 411
  • Isaiah 820

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Strengthen The Hands of Evil
    Doers (Jer. 2314)
  • By Perverting the Words of the Lord (2336), They
    Break The Yoke of Restraint (Jer. 55) -
    Encourages Sin - Discourages Repentance (2314)
  • Error Breaks Down Inhibitions Salves
  • Leads to More Digression (Matt. 166,12 2 Tim.
    217,18 313)

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Fill You With False Hopes (Jer.
    2316) See 78-11
  • Notion of Religious Pluralism (God and Idols) -
    Behold, you are trusting in deceptive words to
    no avail. Will you steal, murder, and commit
    adultery, and swear falsely, and offer sacrifices
    to Baal, and walk after other gods that you have
    not known, then come and stand before me in this
    house, which is called by my

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Fill You With False Hopes (Jer.
  • name, and say, We are delivered! - that you may
    do all these abominations? Has this house, which
    is called by my name, become a den of robbers in
    your sight? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,
    declares the Lord.
  • Spirit of Ecumenism!

Characteristics of False Teachers
  • False Teachers Fill You With False Hopes (Jer.
  • Faith Only
  • Once Saved, Always Saved
  • Premillennialism
  • Grace-Unity
  • Romans 14 Covers Sinful Conduct
  • No Hell

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah NAMED False Prophets
  • PASHHUR, the Priest (Jer. 201-6) Prophesied Lies
  • Had Jeremiah Beaten and Placed In Stocks
  • Jeremiah Told Him That The Lords New Name For
    Him Was Magor-Missabib (Terror on Every Side)
  • To Be Carried to Babylon and Die

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah NAMED False Prophets
  • HANANIAH (Jer. 28)
  • Proclaimed That The Yoke of Captivity Would be
    Broken With Two Years And All Temple Articles
    Returned (2-4)
  • Broke the Wooden Yoke From Jeremiahs Neck,
    Claiming That God Would So Break the Yoke of
    Babylonian Control

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah NAMED False Prophets
  • HANANIAH (Jer. 28)
  • God Promised That The Wooden Yoke Would Be
    Replaced With a Yoke of IRON (14)
  • Jeremiah Prophesied Hananiahs Because He Had
    Caused the Nation to Trust in LIES (15)
  • Hananiah Died In Just TWO Months (17)

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah NAMED False Prophets
  • SHEMAIAH (Jer. 2924-32)
  • Responded to the Letter That Jeremiah Sent to the
    Exiles Via Zedekiahs Envoys
  • Told Zephaniah to Tell the People Not to Listen
    to Madmen Like Jeremiah (v.26,27)
  • Zephaniah Read the Letter to Jeremiah

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Jeremiah NAMED False Prophets
  • SHEMAIAH (Jer. 2924-32)
  • Jeremiah Sent Word to Shemaiah That Because He
    Had Preached Rebellion Against God (32) He
    Would Be Punished and All of His Descendants
    Would Be Cut Off!
  • AHAB and ZEDEKIAH (prophets) Also Mentioned For
    Prophesying Lies in Gods Name (2921)

Jeremiah Against False Teachers
  • Hymenaeus Philetus (2 Tim. 217)
  • Demas (2 Tim. 410)
  • Alexander (2 Tim. 414)
  • Diotrephes (3 Jn. 9)
  • Sadducees Pharisees (Matt. 166,12)
  • Romans 1617
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