Title: The circulatory system
1The circulatory system Heart Blood
vessels arteries veins
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6Arteries carry blood away from heart Veins carry
it back Notice that walls of arteries and veins
are different
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9How the heart contracts cells within the heart
transmit electrical signals Heart will beat even
if nerves are severed! Nervous system adjusts
heart rate Systole- contraction of
chambers Diastole- relaxation of chambers
10Conduction system of the heart
11The cardiac cycle
12How does blood actually get delivered through
the body? Blood pressure- pressure exerted by
blood against vessel walls Highest in aorta-
then drops continually systolic pressure- in
aorta diastolic pressure- when heart is relaxed
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14Factors that affect blood pressure control by
brain raise or lower heart rate control
smooth muscle contraction vasodilation-
lowers vasoconstriction- raises hormones Can
see both events in different parts of the
body vasodilation in muscles, vasoconstriction i
n digestive tract
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16Drugs like nicotine acts as vasoconstrictors Card
iovascular disease hypertension atherosclerosis
heart attack stroke Risk factors heredity di
et lifestyle obesity high blood LDL
17High blood pressure systolic 140 or
more diastolic 95 or more
18Arrhythmias- irregular heart rhythms some are
temporary and normal Athletes
bradycardia Tachycardia- response to exercise or
stress some drugs can cause tachycardia Measured
by ECG
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