Title: Second Annual Progress Seminar
1Second Annual Progress Seminar Supervisor Prof.
S. N. Merchant
2MPOE Prefiltering
3- ?DS-CDMA Limited by
- 1. MAI (Multiple users)
- 2. ISI (Multipath Channel)
- ? Multi-user signal processing overcomes MAI
ISI - ? Difficult to implement in handsets
- ? Ideally suitable for uplink transmission
- ? Prefiltering provides a way for downlink
Signal MAI Noise
4System model for Joint Prefiltering
1. FIR filter 2. What is the criterion for design
5- ? MMSE optimal for AWGN channels.
- y x ?
- ? MPOE significantly better than MMSE in
interference 1 -
y ? -
- ? We develop prefilter to minimize probability
of error in - mobile receiver
- ? FIR filter with complete channel knowledge
6- ? The chip waveform
- ? The signal for user u is
- ? The total transmitted signal
- ? The x(t) is sampled and prefiltered
7- ? The received signal after matched filtering
- ? Conditional probability of error is
formulated. - 1. Since base station knows tx bits
- 2. Provides Linear complexity 1
- ? Conditional probability of error expression
is -
8- ? The joint conditional probability of error is
- ? By invoking independency assumption
- ? By invoking indentical assumption
- ? Simple gradient search is used to find the
prefilter coefficients
9System model for Individual Prefiltering
10How to improve the performance further
- ?Diversity techniques can be used to improve
performance. - Instead of transmitting the signal through one
antenna, we send it through M different antennae.
- ? Since the knowledge of the channel is assumed,
we can - take further advantage of this information
- ? MRT provides full transmit antenna diversity
when the channel information is available - ? Channel estimation is not feasible at the
receiver, - hence STBC is not considered
- The beamforming weights are calculated adaptively
- ? MRT is suitable
- Does not require complex receiver
- Does not boost the transmit
power -
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13The signal total signal
After simple manipulation
Signal transmitted from MRT m is
14- Simulation parameters
- Number of users 4 (U)
- Chip gain 128 (N)
- Correlation coefficients of PN code (0.1)
- Channel complex Gaussian mean 0.5 variance
0.1655 - Channel FIR filter length 5
- Prefilter length 4
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21MPOE Prefiltering for statistical channel
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28Multihop cellular Network
29Cross layer routing protocol
Node constraints 1. Cooperation of the nodes.
2. Connectivity of the nodes. 3. The
interference caused by the call
initiating/forwarding nodes. Path
constraints 1. End-End throughput 2.
End-End delay
- We select nodes which has sufficient number of
neighbors. - We select nodes which has 5.1774(log(n))
number of neighbors. - To make sure that call is intact
- Reference
- F. Xue and P. Kumar, The number of neighbors
needed for connectivity of wireless networks.
SpringerWireless Networks, vol. 10, pp. 169.181,
Mar 2004
G -- Processing gain -- PN code cross
correlation n -- number of nodes Pij
-- Transmitted power
33End-End Throughput
? Defined as the probability of successful
transmission from source to destination
Which involves successful transmission
at each and every intermediate nodes.
The successful transmission from node i to node
its neighbor node j (single hop) occur
when the received SINR at node j
from node i is stronger than a ß
34? Message is successfully transmitted from source
1 to destination h is given by
?This gives lower bound on end-end throughput
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38Simulation results
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44Access Mechanism Design
- OFDM-CDMA based access mechanism
- Source node, destination node intermediate relay
nodes will be grouped together - CDMA PN code assigned to each group
- In a particular the hops are assigned with OFDM
45Spreading codes are chosen according to the data
rate requirements
46Code reuse
47Open problems
- Capacity analysis
- At a time how many such a
communication can take place for a given
interference level - Graph coloring problem
- 2. Code reuse
- Is it possible to reuse the CDMA
spreading code at far distance - 3. Proper NOVSF design
- Is it possible to reuse the CDMA
spreading code at far distance -
48Open problems
- Error propagation along the path
- 2. MPOE for multihop communication
- 3. Mobile to mobile fading channel design
49MIMO Relay networks
50 Thanks