Title: Hyperinflation
- Under the Fisher hypothesis and in the long run
when clasical model is relevant - money demand depends only on inflation rate ?
- ?P/P??M/M quantity theory is true
- then ?M/M - ?P/P 0
- money growth is the same as inflation rate
- r R- ? both real and nominal rates are
constant their difference is the steady inlfation
2- In hyperinflationary environments
- prices grow faster then money supply
- ?M/M - ?P/P lt0 ?m/m decreases
- people hold less and less money
- the conditions leading to hyperinflation is
difficult to drive in this course
3How do we correct the IS-LM model in case of
persistent inflation
- Assume there is steady inflation
- government raises M constantly every year which
causes a constant increase in prices - real interest nominal r - inflation
- r R - ?
- r real interest
- R nominal interest
- ? inflation or expected inflation
4- Note that money demand depends on nominal
interest rate - mdL(R,y)
- but investment demand or consumption demand I or
C depends on real interests - I I(r) I(R- ?) and
- C C(r) C(Y,m,R- ?)
- How can we draw the IS and LM on the same graph
R-y graph
5How IS changes
- IS curve a relation between r and y when the good
market is in eq. - Solve it for r
- r IS(y)
- but r R- ? so
- R- ?IS(y) or R IS(y) ?
- the effect of steady inflation on the IS curve is
to shift the curve upwards by ?
6In a steady inflation IS curve shifts up by ? so
eq interest rate is higher then before
IS when inflation ?
IS ? 0
7In the clasical model
Initially there is no inflation Suddenly
government increase M by some amount MDS shit
upwards to MDS Initially Rr ?0 but increase in
?P/P ? ?M/M
R R ?
If this is apersistent change IS shifts to IS?
to preserve Output at yp LM has to shift LM
8- So at the new equilibrium
- Output level is the same Yp but since there is
steady inflation ? eq. Interest rates become R
?r so - Nominal interest rates increased from r to R
- Real money balance decreased mM/P?
9What happens next
Suppose government increase M by the same rate
steadily each period MDS shits upwards
to MDS increase in ?P/P ? ?M/M
R r?
10- In the new eq
- Output is Yp
- Nominal interest rates R
- Real interest rates rR- ?
- At each period
- ?P/P ? ?M/M
11Inflation money and deficits
- Government deficit at time t
- Gt - NTt DPt
- where DPt is debt paid during period t
- Governments finance deficits by
- borrowing or
- printing money or
- combination of the two
- Gt - NTt DPt Bt ?Ht/Pt
- where Bt is borrowing in t
- is real money printed
- Is printing money to finance budget deficits the
source of inflation? - Note that
- Borrowing from the public does not create money
- governments can finance some portion of their
deficits by borrowing and the remaining by
printing money
13- Budget deficits cause inflation if they are
financed by printing money - financing the deficit by borrowing does not cause
inflation in the short run but - borrowing also has its own limits
- can not be continued forever
- Real government expenditures and taxes are
constant for a couple of periods as given below - G 200, NT100 ,r10 or 0.10
- initially no debt payment
- in the first period
- B1 200-100100
- in the second period
- B2 200-100(10.1)100 210
15- In the third period
- B3 200-100(10.1)210 331
- note that even in the third period the budget
deficit is negligible compared to the debt
payments - a major part of borrowing requirement is to
borrow to pay previous periods debts
16- In the forth period
- government has to raise the interest rate to be
able to find more funds - B4 200-100(10.2)331 100397.2
- notice that the composition of debt is changing
- the fraction of interest and previous debt
payments is increasing
17- After some point part or all of the deficit has
to be financed by printing money - The steady increase in money supply may lead to
18Seigniorage Inflation tax and hyperinflation
- Seigniorage is value of real resources acquired
by the government through its ability to print
money - BD G - NT
- if government is unable to raise taxes to finance
its deficit - prints money
- BD G - NT?H/P
19- Dividing and multiplying by H
- ?H/PH/H ?H/H(H/P) ?P/Ph
- Inf tax ?P/Ph?h
- Where h is real cash demand or balance hH/P
- Note that HCR hH/P real cash
- It is different from real money demand mM/P
- inflationreal money demand or real cash
- may be considered as a kind of tax
- inflation rate being the tax rate
- Real cash demand is the tax basis
- Then by high inflation government can collect as
much as tax it desires!
- As inflation raises ?? R? m? h ?
- So at higher inflation rates h decreases
Inflation tax
?m is increasing first But at high ? m
decrease So inf tax starts falling
21- There is a trade off between inflation and
inflation tax - Note that there are two possible inflation rates
to collect the amount of tax d - One a higer rate and the other a lower one
- Find the little mistake in the previous analysis
and repat the exercise with the corrected
version - The books presentation is wrong
- Why?
23Inflation and deficits in Turkey
- In Turkey budget deficits of the government was
financed by public borrowing in the last 15 years - This increased the percentage of real outstanding
debt to GDP ratio dramatically - debt/GDP ratio is also high in many of the
European countries but - the term of debt is very short in Turkey compared
to their term of debt
24Inflation and deficits in Turkey
- Turkish governments raised interest rates even
the real interest rates were very high compared
to developed economies - This increased the burden of debt farther
- if money printing is used in financing the
deficit there is the danger of hyperinflation
- What are possible solutions
- reducing G
- increasing NT
- possible only in the long run
- printing money
- most probably cause hyperinflation
- consolidation
- increases the term of the debt
- possible if the domestic borrowing can be
substituted with foreign borrowing - privatization
- provides extra but temporary revenue
- may provide potential reduction in transfers