- The benefits of coordinating animal health
research through a European Research Area Network
2ERA-NET scheme
- The ERA-NET scheme was introduced under FP6 to
support the networking of research funding
organisations (programme owners and managers e.g.
government ministries and research councils) to
develop and strengthen the coordination of
national research programmes.
3Schemes for networking researchers in the ERA
- Collaborative research projects
- Networks of Excellence
- COST Actions
4Research Funding in Europe
- Regional and national funding bodies
- Charities and private non-profit foundations
- Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industries
- European Commission (7)
- (All these funding bodies have their own
agendas/priorities that are set independently of
each other)
5Expected features of ERA-NETs
- Systematic exchange of information and good
practices on existing programmes - Definition and preparation of common strategic
activities - Implementation of joint activities between
national or regional programmes - Funding of joint trans-national activities
6SCAR Collaborative Working Group on Animal Health
Welfare Research
- Improving collaboration on research activities.
- Creating critical mass and focus to deliver the
animal health and welfare research needs .
7Proposed Activities of Collaborative Working Group
- Map the landscape of national, EU and
international RTD programmes in pilot work
area(s). - 2. Map programme objectives against relevant
policy drivers. - 3. Identify gaps.
8Proposed Activities of Collaborative Working
Group (continued)
- 4. Assess research capacities and identify
shortfalls. - 5. Establish common agreement on priorities.
- 6. Develop mechanisms for cooperation on
9Desired outcomes of Animal Health Welfare
Working Group
- Advise SCAR on a co-operative research agenda of
EU/International animal health research
priorities. - Report on current EU RTD capacity and
infrastructure. - Improved cooperation on research procurement.
- Coordination of European research in the area of
animal health, including emerging threats,
infectious diseases and surveillance
11Animal Health ERA-NET
- This ERA-NET will help to coordinate national
research activities and identify common research
programmes and will, thus, fight fragmentation
and exploit synergies between such programmes.
12Scope of EMIDA
- The scope of the project will include emerging
and major infectious diseases of production
animals, including fish and bees and including
those conditions which pose a threat to human
health but excluding food safety issues relating
to livestock products and diseases of wildlife,
except where they act as a reservoir of infection
for humans and animals.
- 26 partners in 19 countries and four associated
partners - Combined research budget in the region of 270
million Euros
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15EMIDA Partners
- Ministries of Agriculture 13 (16)
- Ministries of Health/Public Health 5
- Ministries of Agr. and Health Agencies 1
- Ministries of Education/Research
- Councils 4
- Ministry of Agr and Research Council
- Agencies 2
- Others 1 (2)
- Better sharing of information of current
activities - Better coordination of the national research
programmes - Developing common research agendas
- Joint/common research calls
- Building research capacity relating to animal
17Workpackage Leaders and Deputy Leaders
18WP1 - Project coordination, management,
communication dissemination
- To manage and coordinate the Animal Health
ERA-NET and to manage the relationship between
the ERA-NET and the CWG and other European
actions. - To share/disseminate project outputs for the
wider benefit of non-participating Animal Health
research funders and other stakeholders, both
within and outwith the EU
19WP2 - Mapping and analysis of existing research
and current research needs and research programme
- To systematically gather information on existing
national and EU funded animal health research
programmes, including projects and budgets
existing funding systems and research management
processes/practices research providers,
expertise and facilities perceived existing
needs and priorities at a regional
(sub-national), national or zonal level. Also
mapping any pre-existing regional/national/interna
tional linkages between research programmes and
cross cutting issues relating to human health,
sustainable agriculture and socioeconomic
20WP2 (continued)
- To monitor emerging needs requiring urgent
action. - To evaluate and analyse the gathered information
to identify overlaps, gaps, duplication,
strengths/weaknesses, opportunities and common
research priorities and to establish best
practice for identifying, commissioning and
managing jointly funded research programmes. - To identify common research requirements,
including emerging needs and to develop necessary
research calls.
21WP3 - Developing, evaluating and implementing
instruments for pilot projects
- To develop, test and evaluate the instruments and
procedures needed for transnational funding
activities - To establish common, proven instruments and
procedures for transnational common calls which
will be used by the CWG beyond the end of the
22WP4 - Developing a strategic trans-national
animal health research agenda.
- To set up a framework for a Foresight
Programming unit to develop and maintain a
strategic research agenda. - To undertake a multidisciplinary ten year
forward-look exercise. - To identify Europes regional and trans-national
medium to long-term needs both in terms of
research topics on animal diseases and research
capacity (like infrastructure and expertise) in
the animal health area.
23WP4 (continued)
- To develop a common strategic research agenda
based on shared priorities to be taken forward by
a sustainable coordination network (SCAR CWG) in
the longer term by means of jointly funded
24Project management
- Project Consortium a representative of each
partner organisation. - Network Management Group the leaders and
deputy-leaders of the Work Packages. - Coordinator and Project Office/Secretariat.
- Strategy Board and Advisory Group
25Partners organisation responsibilities
- Provision of information on national programmes
- Delivery of their specific contributions to each
workpackage - Provision of progress updates to the WP leader
for reports - Reviewing project outputs, as requested
26Partners organisation responsibilities (continued)
- Contribution of national funds by some partners
for pilot projects, as appropriate and depending
on budgets - Intention to commit to CWG beyond the end of the
27Common research calls
- In response to policy requirements
- In response to gap analysis
- Basic/strategic science Strategic/applied
science - Industry sector approach
- Joint funding with industry
28Models for project funding Common Pot
Each country provides funds into a real pot in
a single bank account the best projects
resulting from a call are funded regardless of
the nationality of the researchers involved.
There is a trans-national flow of funds.
Advantage Less administrativeeffort for
29Models for project funding Virtual Common Pot
Each country pays only for the involvement of its
own researchers in projects resulting from a
common call. No trans-national flow of funds.
Advantage juste retour
- Disadvantages
- Administrative effort
30Models for project fundingNon-competitive
- A topic is divided between research groups
research suppliers are selected by each partner
according to their expertise. Each country pays
its own researchers results are pooled together
by mutual agreement. Such projects are
non-competitive. No trans-national flow of funds.
31EMIDA and the aims of the ETPGAH
- The Action plan serves to provide an input for
future national research programmes where it will
provide better opportunities to align and
coordinate national programmes. - Mobilise a critical mass of European, national
and regional resources comprising both public and
private financing. - Enable research to be optimised by public and
private funders in a more effective manner
32A Coordinated approach to research and funding
Animal Health Policy, implementation SCIENCE and
Trans National M/S funded Research
EU-funded Research EC Framework programme
Privately funded Research, Industry, Charities
National M/S -funded Research
European Commission, DG Research
ERA-NET supported CWG
Industry Charities
External Animal Health Bodies EFSA, FAO OIE
EC Animal Health Policy Bodies DG SANCO, CVOs
Individual member states
- Access to wider knowledge pool
- Better use of resources
- Generates critical mass
- Improved focus
- Increased research capacity across Europe
- Improved standards
- Enhances Europes competitiveness
34Australian Cooperative Research Centres
- CRC for Beef Genetic Technologies
- CRC for Innovative Dairy Products
- CRC for Sheep Industry Innovation
- CRC for the Australian Poultry Industries
- CRC for an Internationally Competitive Pork
Industry - Australian Biosecurity CRC for Emerging
Infectious Diseases
35Looking to the Future
- (Limited use of common funding pot without juste
retour by existing ERA-NETs). - Shifting further resources from national budgets
towards an ERC-like structure. - Have the different funding bodies acting together
while keeping their individual identities and
priorities. - A livestock industry sector approach
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