Title: Segmentation with Pyramids
1Segmentation with Pyramids
- Partitioning a digital image into multiple regions
- Regular and irregular structures
4Relinking Connectivity Lost
Reassigning Vertex
Segmentation without connectivity preservation
?(v) Parent of v k(v) Childs of v (receptive
field) N(v) Neighbors of v k(?(v)) Vertices
in the same receptive field as v. Examples k(A)
c,d ?(e) B N(d) c, e ?2(f) A k(?(c)) c,d
6Loss of Connectivity Parent Level
- 2 cases
- v is not neighbor of any vertex in k(Pnew). v
may choose only a new parent from the set ?(N(v)) - v is an articulation point in its receptive
field. If v is an articulation point it mustnt
be reassigned.
7Connectivity Higher Levels
8Connectivity Preservation Results
Segmentation without connectivity preservation
Connectivity preserving segmentation
9The Relinking Method
- Energy minimization
- Another criteria
10Adaptive Construction of Successive Levels
- Clustering
- Vertices of lower level are partitioned into
connected sets (clusters). - Each cluster consists in a central vertex and its
neighbors (Graph Decimation). - Receptive field.
- Dissimilarities between vertices are represented
by edge strength.
11Edge Strength and areas
- Need to be corrected by an area factor
12Creating a cluster
- Every vertex that is not in a cluster yet is
given a label. - Every vertex with higher label that its neighbors
is chosen as new cluster center. - A maximal subset of neighbors of every center are
added (avoiding dissimilarities) to complete the
14Considering Boundary Information
As energy of the region (minimization)
Edges in any level of the graph represent
boundaries between regions so we want to maximize
the average edge strength
Combined score
15Considering Boundary InformationEdge Strength
Combined dissimilarity measure
16Final results
- Original image
- Segmentation (a.95)
- Segmentation (a.50)
- Segmentation (a.10)
17Thanks for your attention