Inter Process Communication: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Inter Process Communication:


By closing the writing end, an end-of-file (EOF) character will be put in the pipe. ... When object is created, its creator also allocates a port to represent ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Inter Process Communication:

  • Inter Process Communication
  • ? It is an essential aspect of process
  • By allowing processes to communicate with
  • each other
  • We can synchronize the execution of the
  • processes relative to each other.
  • 2. Share important information.

General IPC Commands
  • IPCS report inter-process communication
    facilities statusIPCRM remove the specified
    message queues, semaphore sets and shared memory
    segmentsDifferent IPC Mechanisms In

  • ?Semaphore is a resource that contains a integer
  • ?This integer value is stored in the kernel.
  • ? Semaphores are a mean of synchronizing
    processes by testing and setting.

  • Semaphores enable multiple processes to perform
  • exclusion on critical section.
  • Critical Section
  • ?Each process has a segment of code in which it
    changes common variable, writing to a file,
    updating table and so onThis section is called a
    critical section.
  • Mutual Exclusion
  • ? Only one process at a time may be in the
    critical section.

  • Semaphores are used to avoid starvation and
  • StarvationIt occurs where a process is
    constantly denied access to resource it needs.
  • Deadlock
  • It occurs when two or ore processes each hold a
    resource that the other need, and will not
    release the until each process obtains the
    desired resource.? Its value is set to the
    number of resources it controls.For example, if
    we are sharing 3 printers then the semaphore
    value will be 3.

  • Two types of operation can be carried out on
  • Wait OperationIf the semaphore value greater
    than zero, the resource is granted to the
    requesting process which decrements the semaphore
    value by the number of resources it acquired.If
    the semaphore value is zero or less, the
    requesting process decrements the semaphore value
    and blocks.
  • Signal OperationWhen a processes releases a
    shared resource, it increments the semaphore
    value by the number of resources it released. ?
    The kernel notifies the queued process that the
    shared resource is now available and allows it to
    acquire the resource.

Shared Memory
  • ? SM can be used in a uniprocessor as well as in
    multiprocessor.? It can be used to communicate
    between different processes of the same user,
    different processes of the different user, and
    even between processes that runs at different
    times.? It is also possible to broadcast data
    from one process to many others and collect data
    from many to one hence we can say that SM is a
    multidimensional communication media.? SM allows
    multiple processes to share virtual memory space
    to exchange and change its content. This requires
    process synchronization to coordinate the access
    to the shared memory segment.

  • The following are the steps involved in the
    client server file copying program. ?Server
    gets access to a shared memory segment using a
    semaphore. ?The server reads from the input file
    into the shared memory segment. ?When the read
    is complete, the server again notifies the client
    using a semaphore. ?The client writes the data
    from the shared memory segment to the output file

Unix Shared Memory System Calls
  • UNIX provides the following system calls to
    perform the above action.Shmget- obtain a shared
    memory identifierShmat attach to shared
    memorySmdat detach from shared memoryShmcnl
    shared memory control

  • ?Pipes provides a one-way flow of data.
  • A pipe is created by the pipe system call.Int
    pipe (int fd 2)Here fd is an array of
    integers to store the file descriptor values of a
    pipe. A file descriptor is an integer that
    identifies the reading and writing end of the
    pipe. If the system call fails, it returns 1. if
    it is successful it returns to integer values
    fd0 and fd1.

  • ?When using pipes kernel provides the
    synchronization between the reading and writing
  • ?when a process tries to write to a pipe that is
    full the calling process blocks until the pipe is
    able to receive more data.
  • ?if a process attempts to read from an empty
    pipe, the calling process blocks until the pipe
    receives some data or the pipe closes.
  • ?if a pipe is open for reading but not for
    writing then the calling process (the reading
    end) blocks.

  • ?Data stored in the pipe is read on a First in
    First Out basis.
  • ?The disadvantage with pipes is that they can
    only be used between processes that have a parent
    process in common. This is because a pipe is
    passed from one process to another by the fork
    system call.  There is no way for two totally
    unrelated processes to create a pipe between them
    and use it for IPC.

  • Two processes communicate with each other
    using pipes in the following way.Before fork

After Fork
  • ?First, process creates a pipe and then forks to
    create a copy of itself.
  • Next, the process closes the read end of the pipe
    and the child process closes the write end of the
  • ?When the writing process finishes sending its
    data it should close its writing end to avoid
    blocking the reading process. By closing the
    writing end, an end-of-file (EOF) character will
    be put in the pipe. The (EOF) informs the reading
    process that there is no more data coming from
    the writing process, hence avoiding it to block.

  • Message Queues
  • ? It is like a pipe and is used to transfer
    messages between processes in Unix system.
  • ? A message queue is a queue onto which messages
    can be placed. A message is composed of message
    type and message data.

  • ?First, process creates a pipe and then forks to
    create a copy of itself.
  • ?Next, the process closes the read end of the
    pipe and the child process closes the write end
    of the pipe.
  • ?When the writing process finishes sending its
    data it should close its writing end to avoid
    blocking the reading process. By closing the
    writing end, an end-of-file (EOF) character will
    be put in the pipe. The (EOF) informs the reading
    process that there is no more data coming from
    the writing process, hence avoiding it to block.

  • Message Queues
  • ?It is like a pipe and is used to transfer
    messages between processes in Unix system.
  • ?A message queue is a queue onto which messages
    can be placed. A message is composed of message
    type and message data.

  • ?It can be either private or public. If it
    is private, it can be accessed only by its
    creating process or child processes of that
    creator. If it is public, it can be
    accessed by any process that knows the queues
  • ?Message may be read by type, and hence there is
    no need to read them in a FIFO order, which is a
    case with the pipe.

  • The msgget() system call is used to create a
    message queue.
  • This system call accepts two parameters 1)     
    A queue key2)      FlagsThe key may be one of
  • IPC_PRIVATE - used to create a private message
  • Positive integer - used to create a publicly
    accessible message queue

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Mach IPC
  • ?UNIX, provide communication between processes,
    and between hosts with fixed, global names
    (Internet addresses).
  • ?There is no location independence of facilities,
    because any remote system needing to use a
    facility must know the name of the system
    providing that facility.
  • ?Mach simplifies this picture by sending messages
    between location-independentPorts.
  • ?The messages contain typed data for ease of

  • IPC in MACH is done through
  • Ports
  • Messages.?Almost everything in mach is an object
    and all objects are addressed via their
    communication ports.?Messages are sent to this
    port to initiate the operation on the
    objects.When object is created, its creator also
    allocates a port to represent an object and
    obtains an access right to that port.Rights can
    be given out by the creator of the object and
    passed in the message.

  • Ports
  • ? Ports are used to provide a one-way channel of
    communication for message passing.
  • ? A port has a single receiver and multiple
  • ? Only one entity the kernel or user task can
    receive messages from a port, but anyone with
    permission may send to it.
  • ? A port is implemented as a protected, bounded
    queue within the kernel on which the object
    resides. They are not manipulated directly by
    the user.
  • ? To the kernel, a port is an object, which
    includes information about the port properties
    as well as internal data structures like locks,
    a message queue, and pointers to related

  • A port is referred by using a port name in the
    port name
  • space. Every task has a port name space and it
    contains a list
  • of port names.
  • ?The port name space are also kernel protected
    means that a user can not simply add and remove
    entries in the port name space, he has to rely on
    the kernel to do it on request.
  • ?If a queue is full, a sender may abort the send,
    wait for a slot to become available in the queue,
    or have the kernel deliver the message for it.

  • Messages?A message is a collection of typed
  • Available types are         Pure-data
    (integers, floats, strings)         Port
    rights Memory regions

Port Rights
  • ? It indicates to access a specific port.Three
    kinds of port rights1) Receive RightIt allows
    task to receive the messages from this port. Only
    one receive right exists for a port.2) Send
    RightIt allows task to send the messages to
    this port. The number of send rights per port is
    not restricted.3) Send-one RightIt allows task
    to send one message to this port. The send-once
    right is destroyed after the message is sent.

  • A message consists of a fixed-length header and a
    variable number of typed data objects.
  • ?The header contains the destinations port name,
    the name of the reply port to which return
    messages should be sent, and the length of the
  • ?There are two types of messages in
    mach.1.       Small messages2.       Large
  • ?The length of small messages is less than 128
  • ?Large messages carries one or two pages of
    out-of-line data.
  • ?Small messages are used for most requests and
  • ? Large message are used for transferring data
    including file and device access and paging

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