A Statewide Report on: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Statewide Report on:


Where differences are significant a red circle is used to highlight this fact ... close by; Having to travel further than for local entertainment; Getting wet. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Statewide Report on:

A Statewide Report on
Prepared for Arts Queensland CB
Contact(s) Sharon Bird Lisa Scott, Colmar
Brunton Research Services Final Report 18th
Sept 2006
Section Page No.
Background, Objectives Methodology Online Survey Sample and Breakdown Key Models from the Qualitative Research 1. Regular Past-times and Participation in the Arts 2. Information Sources for Arts Events 3. Lead Times, Ticket Purchasing and Pricing 4. Venue Awareness, Experience and Perceptions 5. Promotional Materials Findings from Qualitative Focus Groups 6. Segment Profiles Overall Conclusions Recommendations Appendix 1 Qualitative Research Conclusions Appendix 2 Demographics Appendix 3 Additional Demographic Splits 3 9 13 17 26 39 49 76 79 86 96 106 111

Overall Background, Objectives Methodology
  • This research was commissioned to help Arts
    Queensland build a body of knowledge about the
    Arts participation habits and preferences of the
    Queensland public.
  • This research was intended to complement an
    earlier report commissioned by the Australia
    Council (prepared by Saatchi Saatchi in 2000),
    which looked at the Australian publics attitudes
    to the Arts and their Arts participation habits.
    The Australia Council report proposed that
    (within Australia) there are five segments in
    terms of Arts Participation, as follows
  • The Arts Lovers High consumers and/or patrons
    of the Arts who could not increase their already
    heavy involvement.
  • The Satisfied Those who are perfectly happy
    with the state of the Arts, who have set
    participation levels and on this basis will not
    increase their involvement.
  • The Interested Individuals with busy social
    lives, who enjoy incorporating some arts
    activities in their schedule. This group would
    go to the Arts more if it suited their
    regime/needs better.
  • The Disinclined Those who are doubtful about
    the personal or social relevance of the arts and
    who face strong practical barriers to
    participation. They do not have major
    attitudinal objections to the Arts and indeed may
    value their contribution to society, but do not
    view them as a priority activity.
  • The Disengaged - Individuals who feel no
    engagement with the Arts and view them as
    personally and culturally irrelevant to their
    lives. They are unlikely to develop any
    connection with the Arts.
  • The overarching aim of the current research was
    to identify the characteristics, thoughts and
    feelings of the Interested and Disinclined
    segments in Queensland, as these are the groups
    that are most likely to increase participation,
    if the Arts can be delivered in a way that
    tackles their particular barriers to

  • A two stage research project was undertaken
    during the period May-August 2006.
  • The first stage was 6 focus groups 5 in
    Brisbane and 1 in Cairns. The second stage was
    an online survey of a representative panel of
  • The specification for the sample included in both
    the focus groups and the survey was that
    respondents could be identified as being from the
    Interested or Disinclined segments as defined in
    the Australia Councils 2000 Australians and the
    Arts Australia wide survey.
  • It was also a specification that respondents were
    not already heavy participants in the Arts.
  • The qualitative stage of the project aimed to
    profile the characteristics of these segments as
    they are particular to Queensland. The discussion
    during the focus groups was guided to uncover
    whether particular barriers and triggers to
    participation in the Arts are experienced in
    Queensland and to identify what perceptions or
    experiences people have around major arts venues
    in Brisbane.
  • Another aim was to discuss peoples views of
    promotional strategies and ticketing for the
    arts, as well as looking at how they normally
    source information about entertainment.
  • The major objective of the following quantitative
    stage of the research was to confirm and
    consolidate the qualitative findings, providing a
    stronger basis for inference upon which
    strategies for targeted promotion of the Arts in
    Queensland could be based.
  • During the quantitative stage, 429 persons across
    five locations in Queensland were surveyed (see
    page 10 for sample specifics).
  • The quantitative survey was designed to probe
    further into certain areas - such as use of
    information sources or how barriers and triggers
    are experienced on a venue by venue basis to
    provide more immediately actionable information
    that Arts Queensland can use as a basis for
    developing strategies to promote the Arts to the
    Queensland public.

  • The overall aims of the research were to
  • Identify general attitudes towards the arts and
    seek to establish how similar Queenslanders
    attitudes towards participation in the arts are
    to those of the general Australian population, in
    order to establish the generalisability of the
    Australia wide research findings to Queensland.
  • Identify gaps in knowledge regarding what Arts
    Queensland venues do namely, the range of venues
    in existence and the range of arts on offer.
  • Identify perceived applicability of
    events/performances to individuals, particular
    age groups or families.
  • Explore barriers that restrict participation.
  • Explore views about what could increase
  • A number of objectives were explored in the
    qualitative research only. Namely
  • Identify the effectiveness of current promotional
    materials, for example
  • Are events advertised so as to seem important in
    terms of personal identity and development or to
    seem culturally (or sub-culturally) relevant?
  • Is the impression of promoted events that they
    are high-brow or that they are accessible?
  • Are the right aspects of the event emphasised
    can people find information important to them?
  • Elicit suggestions for improving the types of
    promotional material currently used in a way that
    could combat the barriers to participation
    perceived by the various cross sections we
    involve in discussion.

  • The specific aims of the Quantitative stage were
  • To quantify the breadth and depth of
    participation in the Arts by querying
    participation in regular spare time activities
    and general experience of the arts.
  • To quantify what sources of information
    respondents use to find out about arts events and
    to quantify how these sources are used e.g.
    specific sections of a newspaper or specific
    entertainment radio or TV shows. Also, to
    quantify which sources are preferred so that Arts
    Queensland can identify the most appropriate
    channels to reach these people.
  • To investigate perceptions of pricing for
    different kinds of events to quantify any
    misperception about cost, as the perceived cost
    of participating in the Arts (or more accurately
    whether the Arts offer value for money) emerged
    as one of the more significant barriers to
    participation during the qualitative stage of the
  • To investigate how and where people purchase
    tickets for the Arts and how they would like to
    do so.
  • To quantify general awareness and attendance at
    various venues in Brisbane and in regional
    Queensland, amongst these segments.
  • To assess actual experiences or perceptions of
    venues established in Brisbane, versus
    perceptions and experiences of venues in Regional

Project Planning
The majority of this report is based on the
quantitative stage, as quantitative research
provides inferential power to draw conclusions
about the general population, whereas qualitative
research does not. The qualitative stage
provided findings upon which the quantitative
stage was based. Generally, the qualitative stage
then gave insight as to what lies behind the
findings of the quantitative stage. However, it
happens that differences may still exist between
qualitative and quantitative findings. Where
differences exist they are discussed in the body
of the report. All research is used to interpret
the quantitative findings and to draw final
conclusions recommendations. Where conclusions
are based upon qualitative research - which has
no inferential power it is clearly indicated in
the section header. The conclusions and
recommendations from the qualitative research can
be found in Appendix I.
Qualitative Research Stage 6 Focus Groups 2 x
Interested Segment Brisbane Metro (1 x 18-30yrs
1x 31-60yrs) 3 x Disinclined Segment Brisbane
Metro (1x 18-30yrs 1x31-45yrs
1 x 46-60yrs) 1 x Mix Interested and Disinclined
Regional (Cairns 25-45yrs)
Presentation and Quantitative Survey Development
Online Survey n 429 Sample Specifications 5050
Brisbane Metro Regional QLD Respondents Split
between Interested and Disinclined
Segments Representative Spread of Age, Gender and
other demography
Final Report and Presentation
Online Survey Sample Breakdown
Age Group (yrs) Total n429
18-24 28
25-29 40
30-34 47
35-39 67
40-44 43
45-49 51
50-54 45
55-59 52
60-64 33
65-70 15
70 or over 8
Location Total n429
Brisbane 216
Cairns 55
Rockhampton 55
Mackay 53
Townsville 50
Segments Total n429
Interested 266
Disinclined 163
Gender Total n429
Male 130
Female 299
Total Surveys commenced incl. respondents
screened out 829
  • Proportion of respondents per segment was
    balanced between the Regional areas and Brisbane
  • A significantly higher proportion of the
    Disinclined segment were in the 30-44 year age
  • Those who attended more than 3 arts events were
    screened out of both stages.
  • Still, significantly higher proportions of the
    Disinclined had attended less Arts events in the
    last quarter than the Interested.
  • Disinclined assigned a significantly lower mean
    value to the Arts, in personal life and in
    society, than the Interested.
  • Based on the totality of findings from the
    research, we know that certain demographic
    factors play a role in segment inclusion and we
    suspect that inclusion in one segment or another
    is fluid depending on life stage.

Interested Disinclined
Location   Brisbane 52 48
Location   Regional 48 52
Age 18-29 18 12
Age 30-44 33 43
Age 45-59 38 29
Age 60 and above 11 16
No. Arts Events Attended 0 26 56
No. Arts Events Attended 1 32 32
No. Arts Events Attended 2 32 11
No. Arts Events Attended 3 11 1
Mean value of of Arts in (1-10 scale) Personal life 6 5
Mean value of of Arts in (1-10 scale) Society 7 6
The major aim of the research was to investigate
the Arts participation habits of the Disinclined
vs. Interested segments and to explore the
triggers and barriers to participation
experienced by these segments. However, certain
parts of the report e.g. Use of information
sources and general satisfaction with Arts
venues, explore the data on a region by region
basis, as this split provided a more appropriate
basis for future development of Arts promotion
strategies. Throughout the report, where an area
is explored by region, or segment, the results
have been tested for statistical significance.
Where differences are significant a red circle
is used to highlight this fact
Section 4 looks at awareness of and attendance
at, venues around Queensland. It also deals with
perceptions and experiences of venues around
Brisbane and at a regional aggregated level.
Significant differences are circled in red
EXCEPT where the slide deals with a mixed
positive-negative scale. In this case
significant differences are circled in green
where they are more positive
and in red where they are
more negative. The purpose of this is to try and
distinguish between a significantly more positive
experience/perception and a significantly more
negative experience/perception. This will become
clearer when looking at the charts!
Key Models from the Qualitative Research
Several major areas of risk which impact on the
decision to participate and general feelings
about the Arts were identified at the Qualitative
stage. Across segments these have varying levels
of influence.
  • Financial Risk
  • Social Inclusion Risk
  • Practical Risk
  • Enjoyment Risk

Cost risk occurs where there is enjoyment or
social or practical risk involved in participation
e.g. Having the right clothes to wear Not
understanding what everyone is talking about
Being culture specific
e.g. Being able to find food or parking close by
Having to travel further than for local
entertainment Getting wet.
e.g. Unfamiliarity with the genre or the Subject
matter may not like it or companions may not
like it
Arts Lovers
Prepared to accept more risk
Prepared to accept less risk
  • Based on the types of risk associated with the
    arts and entertainments discussed, the risk model
    can be broken into the following four sectors

High Risk, Individual Activity Generally
introspective people may choose to engage in
these alone and they are artistically
challenging. Social risk is high, there is
pressure to understand the message in the display
or the views of the people who are there.
Practical risk may be moderate. Venues accessible
i.e. open during the day and conveniently
High Risk
High Risk, Social Activity Activities in which
people engage to socialise and be highly
entertained. They are probably expensive, they
may be socially elite or have unfamiliar subject
matter. The organiser might feel pressure that
their companions do not like the event. They may
be less practically accessible i.e. unsuitable
timings with limited parking.
Individual Activity
Social Activity
Low risk, Individual Activity Activities in
which people can engage alone. They are free or
cheap to do, are not socially elite and are
practically accessible i.e. open during the day
and conveniently located.
Low risk, Social Activity Activities in which
people engage with a strong social purpose, but
which are free or cheap to do. They are not
socially elite and are practically accessible
i.e. open during the day and conveniently
Low Risk
  • Based on the qualitative research the risk levels
    Queensland respondents associated with different
    types of Arts and entertainment or activities
    were as detailed below.
  • These activities and types of venue were then
    explored further in the quantitative research.

High Risk
Art Exhibitions
Exhibition Opening
Outdoor Arts Festival
New Media Installations
Comedy Show
Rock Concerts
Volunteer work
Low Risk
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