Title: UGM
2Exec Reports
- Working with NUS WMANUS to bring in the Broke
Broken campaign. - Giving you a voice calling for a complete review
of the HE funding system.
- Have pushed for and achieved a full review of
coursework turnaround times. - Played my part in Freshers and Returners Events
- Created a number of note taking sheets to help
you avoid plagiarising Soon to be available on
the website!
3Exec Reports
Vice President
- Attempted to organise paintballing however it had
to be cancelled. - Family fun day organised and coordinated the
day. - Website trying to update, working on
communications. - Working with the rest of the exec to help plan
things such as graduation, pink party, PGCE,
SSCCs and other events.
4Exec Reports
Welfare Officer
- Made contact with local organisations such as
The Crossway and the department of health. - Assisted in organising successful freshers fairs
- Developed an on-going relationship with West
Midlands Police - Ran a safe drinking campaign where drinks were
pegged with the message It only takes a second - I am now in the process of organising a big event
for World Aids Day along with the launch of the
SIAC when all training is completed!
5Exec Reports
Sports Development Officer
- What Ive done since taking on the job
- Attended Regional Meetings
- Attended and engaged the Executive planning week
- Launched the Newman University College 2008 Kit
- Revamped and launched the NSU Sports Website
- Held discussions on the Score! Newsletter
- Provided support Student Athlete Captains
- Created and implemented STARS (Student Training
Activities Reward Scheme) - Created and implemented Stash! Leisurewear
concept - Negotiated and advertised Activity Card
Discounts for valid card holders at the Sanctuary
Bar on Wednesdays.
6Exec Reports
Entertainments Officer
- Organised a wide variety of Freshers and
Returners Events - Organising the Winter Ball
- Attempted to organise Paintballing with Vice
President - Assisted R.A.G. with organising the Pink Party!
- Set up and met with the Ents Committee!