Title: Polling on Voters Behavior
Cross-Country Networks on Electoral
Studies Linda Luz Guerrero
Workshop on Polling on Voters Behavior,
Jakarta, Indonesia, 1-2 December 2008 Organized
by Friedrich Naumann Foundation, in cooperation
with Lembaga Survei Indonesia
2National election studies usually cover
- Expectations about the election outcome
- Evaluation of parties and candidates
- Assessment of importance of problems facing the
country - Penetration and effect of election propaganda
- Campaign coverage in mass media
3National election studies also cover
- Feelings of political efficacy
- Trust in government
- Left vs. right positions
- Political participation
- Voting patterns past and present
- Policy positions of politicians
- Economic well-being
4Comparative Electoral Research is expanding and
providing opportunities to compare mass political
attitudes at both election and non-election times
5Comparative Projects, 1 of 3
- Afrobarometer http//www.afrobarometer.org
- Arab Barometer http//www.arabbarometer.org
- AsiaBarometer https//www.asiabarometer.org
- Asian Barometer http//www.asianbarometer.org
- Comparative Candidates Survey (CCS)
http//www.comparativecandidates.org/ - Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
http//cses.org - Comparative National Elections Project (CNEP)
http//cnep.ics.ul.pt - Constituency-Level Elections Archive (CLEA)
http//www.electiondataarchive.org/ - Constituency-Level Elections Dataset (CLE)
6Comparative Projects, 2 of 3
- Eurobarometer http//europa.eu.int/comm/public_opi
nion/index_en.htm - European Election Studies http//www.europeanelect
ionstudies.net/ - European Social Survey http//www.europeansocialsu
rvey.org/ - European Values Study http//www.europeanvalues.nl
/index2.htm - European Voter Database http//www.gesis.org/en/re
search/EUROLAB/evoter/ - Global Barometer Surveys http//www.globalbaromete
r.net - International Social Survey Program
7Comparative Projects, 3 of 3
- Latin American Public Opinion Projecthttp//www.v
anderbilt.edu/americas/English/LAPOP.php - Latinobarometro http//www.latinobarometro.org
- New Europe Barometer http//www.cspp.strath.ac.uk/
- Providing an Infrastructure for Research on
Electoral Democracy in the European Union
(PIREDEU) http//www.piredeu.eu/ - Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
(SHARE) http//www.share-project.org/ - Transparency International Global Corruption
Barometer http//www.transparency.org/ - World Values Survey (WVS) http//www.worldvaluessu
- The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems (CSES)
is a collaborative program of research among
election study teams from around the world.
Participating countries include a common module
of survey questions in their post-election
studies. The resulting data are deposited along
with voting, demographic, district and macro
variables. The studies are then merged into a
single, free, public dataset for use in
comparative study and cross-level analysis.
Comparative Study of Electoral SystemsCenter for
Political Studies, Room 4118Institute for Social
Research426 Thompson StreetAnn Arbor, Michigan,
48104-2321USAPhone(734) 764-5494Fax(734)
764-3341E-mail cses_at_umich.edu
9CSES Module 1 1996-2001
- focused on three general themes
- the impact of electoral institutions on citizens'
political cognition and behavior(parliamentary
versus presidential systems of government, the
electoral rules that govern the casting and
counting of ballots - and political parties) the nature of political
and social cleavages and alignments - and the evaluation of democratic institution and
10CSES Module 2 2001-2006
- focused on representation and accountability
- contrasting views of the logic of elections - to
what extent are elections a mechanism to hold
government accountable, as opposed to a means to
ensure that citizens' views are properly
represented in the democratic process - citizen engagement and cognition across
democratic polities - how voters' choices are affected by the
institutional context within which those choices
are made.
11CSES Module 3 April 2006-2010
- continues some measures from previous modules,
but shifts the substantive them to that of
"meaningful choices" - how electoral motivations
and decisions vary with the choice set available - from a normative perspective, to what degree
different supply patterns allow meaningful
choices to be made in an election, and thereby
make democracy work - from a theoretical perspective, examines how the
choice sets, or limits thereof, affect electoral
motivations and decisions, in order to help to
refine models of electoral choice.
12CSES Collaborators- Modules 1 and 2
- The Asian Barometer (ABS) is an applied research
program on public opinion on political values,
democracy, and governance around the region. This
regional survey network covers virtually all
major political systems in the region, systems
that have experienced different trajectories of
regime evolution and are currently at different
stages of political transition. Data gathered
include issues of citizens attitudes and values
toward politics, power, reform, and democracy in
Department of Political ScienceNational Taiwan
University21 Hsu-Chow Road., Taipei, Taiwan
100Tel 886 2 2357 0427Fax 886 2 2357
0420Email asianbarometer_at_ntu.edu.tw
14Asian Barometer themes
- Economic evaluations
- Trust in institutions
- Social capital
- Political participation
- Election mobilization
- Psychological involvement
- Traditionalism and authoritarian values
- Democratic legitimacy and preference
- Citizen empowerment and system responsiveness
- Quality of governance
- International relations
15Wave 1 Democratization and Value Changes in East
Asia, 2001-2003
16Wave 2 Democracy, Governance and Development,
- The ISSP is a continuing annual programme of
cross-national collaboration on surveys covering
topics important for social science research. It
brings together pre-existing social science
projects and coordinates research goals, thereby
adding a cross-national, cross-cultural
perspective to the individual national studies.
The ISSP researchers especially concentrate on
developing questions that are meaningful and
relevant to all countries, and can be expressed
in an equivalent manner in all relevant
ISSP secretariat for 2006-2009 NSD (Norwegian
Social Science Data Services)Harald Hårfagresgt.
29N - 5007 BergenNORWAYTel 47 555 83246
Fax 47 555 89650
18Documentation of the ISSP modules is available
from the archive's web pages or from the GESIS-ZA
Online Study Catalogue (ZACAT). Data can be
ordered from ZACAT.
- 1985 Role of Government I
- 1986 Social Networks
- 1987 Social Inequality
- 1988 Family and Changing Gender Roles I
- 1989 Work Orientations I
- 1990 Role of Government II
- 1991 Religion I
- 1992 Social Inequality II
- 1993 Environment I
- 1994 Family and Changing Gender Roles II
- 1995 National Identity I
- 1996 Role of Government III
- 1997 Work Orientations II
19ISSP Survey modules continued
- 1998 Religion II
- 1999 Social Inequality III
- 2000 Environment II
- 2001 Social Relations and Support Systems
- 2002 Family and Changing Gender Roles III
- 2003 National Identity II
- 2004 Citizenship
- 2005 Work Orientations III
- 2006 Role of Government IV
- 2007 Leisure time and sports
- 2008 Religion III
- 2009 Social Inequality IV
- Planned
- 2010 Environment III
- 2011 Health
20ISSP Member Countries
- Argentina
- Australia
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Dominican Republic
- Estonia
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Hungary
- Ireland
- Israel
- Italy
- Japan
- Latvia
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Philippines
- Poland
- Portugal
- Russia
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Turkey
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
21Recommended Networks
- Asian Barometer http//www.asianbarometer.org/
- Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
http//cses.org - International Social Survey Program
http//www.issp.org - World Values Survey (WVS) http//www.worldvaluessu
52 Malingap Street, Sikatuna Village, Quezon
City Tels 926-4308, 924-4456, 924-4458, 924-4465
E-mail sws_info_at_sws.org.ph
eyes to see -- Education? to cause hearts to
feel Conscientization? to help minds to
understand Analysis
24Quot homines tot sententiae As Many Opinions As
There are People