Title: The Covariance Matrix Method
1The Covariance Matrix Method and Its Relation
to Soliton Perturbation Theory presented
by Curtis R. Menyuk with B. S. Marks and J.
2The Covariance Matrix Method and Its Relation
to Soliton Perturbation Theory presented
by Curtis R. Menyuk and thanks to R.
Holzlöhner, V. S. Grigoryan, W. L. Kath
3Uniting three conceptual themes
- Soliton Perturbation Theory? Applications to
optical systems - Noise? Applications to communication systems,
lasers - Computer Algorithms? Quantitative modeling of
complex systems
4Perturbation Theory
- Our basic transmission equation nonlinear
Schrödinger equation - Additive
- We write and obtain
- a deterministic (nonlinear) piece
- a noise-driven (linear) piece
noise perturbation
5Perturbation Theory
- Additive
- Only small time shifts can be accounted for.
Example - if
6Perturbation Theory
- Soliton
- Theory is more complex
- Theory can account for large time and phase
shifts shape distortions should be small
7Perturbation Theory
- Soliton
- Theory is more complex
- Theory can account for large time and phase
shifts shape distortions should be small - Observation Complex systems often have
qualitatively similar behavior with different
8Perturbation Theory
- Soliton
- Theory is more complex
- Theory can account for large time and phase
shifts shape distortions should be small - Observation Complex systems often have
qualitatively similar behavior with different
shapes! - Query How do we calculate this behavior?
- Basic Assumption
- Noise sources are additive, white, Gaussian
AWGN assumptionThis assumption is very good in
most optical systems
- Doobs Theorem
- where
- R general linear integro-differential operator
in time - multivariate Gaussian source (not
necessarily white) - ? u( z,t ) is multivariate-Gaussian-distributed
- Doobs Theorem
- u( z,t ) is multivariate-Gaussian-distributed
- What does this mean?
- Discretize
in time - Let
- The entire distribution is determined by m and K.
- We only have to solve for K(z) when m 0
- Doobs Theorem
- u( z,t ) is multivariate-Gaussian-distributed
- What does this mean?
- The entire distribution is determined by m and K.
- We only have to solve for K(z) when m 0
The covariance matrix methods linearizes the
nonlinear Schrödinger equation and its
variants using soliton-like degrees-of-freedom
13Computer Algorithm
- Solve the linearized, homogeneous propagation
equationwhere a is the vector of Fourier
modes - Calculate the transformation matrix, defined
byand the covariance matrix for the Fourier
modesG gain, h I ASE noise contribution
14Computer Algorithm
- Separate phase and timing jitter using two-step
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalizationThis
produces the revised covariance matrix K(r)
15Computer Algorithm
- Separate phase and timing jitter using two-step
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization
Is this really needed?
- Yes!! Without this process resultsare
inaccurate even in quasilinearsystems.
- Comparison
- Covariance matrix method (deterministic)
- Faster ? Approximate
- Multicanonical Monte Carlo (statistical)
- Slower ? Accurate to within statistical
error - Additional difficulty
- System complexity
- transmitter receiver error-correction
- must be analyzed together
Submarine single-channel 10 Gb/s CRZ system, 6120
916 ps/nm
916 ps/nm
34 map periods
16.5 ps/nm-km
?2.5 ps/nm-km
20 km
25 km
45 km
45 km
45 km
Nonlinear scale length 1960 km System length
3 nonlinear scale lengths
Probability density
Voltage (normalized)
Covariance matrix method and multicanonical Monte
Carlo agree perfectly over 15 orders magnitude!
R. Holzlöhner and C. R. Menyuk, Opt. Lett. 28,
1894 (2003)
19Future Perspectives
Powerful methods have been developed that allow
accurate calculation of noise effects in complex
systems! BUT Communications systems may not be
the best application of these ideas
- Modern optical communication systems are nearly
linear - Multiple pulse interactions dominate the
nonlinearity - The advent of FEC means that raw BERs of 103 or
104 arecommon
Lasers may be a good application!