Title: Year 3 Mental Calculation Session 2 Teaching Sequence
1Year 3Mental CalculationSession 2 Teaching
2Progression from Year 2 to Year 3
- Use the progression chart to review progression
in mental calculation pg 74 to 77 - Look at the objectives across Years 2 and 3 in
the three strands - Counting and understanding number
- Knowing and using number facts
- Calculating
- What knowledge, skills and understanding would we
expect children to have at the start of Year 3
that would help them to lay foundations for
mental calculation?
3Progression from Year 2 to Year 3
- Derive all addition and subtraction facts for
each number up to 20 - Derive and recall multiplication facts for the
3,4 and 6 tables and the related division facts - Use knowledge of inverses to estimate and check
answers - Add or subtract combinations of two-digit numbers
- Multiply one-digit and two-digit numbers by 10 or
4Planning cycle
5Block A2 Building on previous learning
- Check that children can already
- talk about their methods and solutions to
one-step problems, identifying and recording the
number sentences involved - read, write, partition and order two-digit
numbers, explaining what each digit represents - recall all addition and subtraction facts for
each number to at least 10, all pairs with totals
to 20 and all pairs of multiples of 10 with
totals up to 100 - add or subtract mentally pairs of one-digit
numbers - recall multiplication and division facts for
the 2, 5 and 10 times-tables
6Key messages for Planning
- Look at the AFL section of the unit.
- Use unit overviews to start the planning process.
These overviews give a balanced view of
childrens learning over the 2/3 weeks they also
provide opportunity to identify links. Yearly
overviews provide the bigger picture. - Make use of prior learning assessment prompts. We
need to encourage teachers to make use of the
outcomes of these assessments to inform their
planning. - At the beginning and end of a unit, reflect on
the overviews ( RAG) has there been appropriate
attention given to all these?
7 Apply
Practise / embed
New Learning
Prior Learning
8I can use it
I can do it
We are learning to
9Jake wants to buy a comic at 1. He saves 25p one
week and 40p the next. How much money does he
need to buy the comic?
Identify patterns to solve problems.9-36. What
is 90-30, 900-300? How do you know?
What is 3x4? Tell me the answer to 12 4. What is
6x3 What fact do you know?
Derive and recall x and facts 2,3,4,5,6,10
Recognise multiples of 2,5,10 to 100/1000
Choose correct operation to solve 2 step problem
Recall x facts 2,5,10 and related division
Recognise multiples of 2,5,10 to 100
Solve one step problem-numbers, measures, money
Recall /- facts to 10 and pairs to 20
10Key Messages
- The learning objectives in the Primary Framework
set out the essential learning steps for children
to make effective progress in mathematics - Looking at the objectives across two year groups
highlights the bigger picture for the year
group and helps to identify the prior learning at
the start of the year - The learning overviews for the year and for a
Unit provide more detail to inform long-term and
short-term planning - Building on prior learning requires some
flexibility in planning planning assessment
questions helps to monitor childrens learning
over a Unit