Title: Emission Reduction
1Emission Reduction
Through Improved Internal I/M And Driving Habits
CLEAN BUS PROGRAM (Jakarta 1998 2002) Clean Air
Project - Swisscontact
National Workshop on the Improvement of Urban Air
Quality of Pakistan 13-15 December 2004 -
Lahore, Pakistan
- Background
- Action
- Achievement
- How do we achieve it?
- Lesson learned
- Jakarta suffer with severe air pollution problem
- Economic crisis and transport sector
- Limited bus maintenance
- Emission test is not part of maintenance
procedures - Driving skill of bus drivers
- Launching of the clean bus program with the
objective to - reduce fuel consumption and exhaust emission of
bus fleet in Jakarta
- 9 bus fleet operators involving 5,245 buses
joined the program - 27,076 emission tests performed
- Average 33.7 opacity reduction recorded
- 82.9 of corrective actions without additional
cost - 96 staff, 246 technicians and 2,086 drivers
trained - Potential fuel saving from regular maintenance 5
and 11 from correct driving recorded - Three seminars conducted
6Achievements (cont.)
7How do we achieve it?
- Start with careful assessment of the existing
problem - Program development to address existing problem
- Selection of suitable partner
- Program implementation
- Collaboration with industry
- Awareness raising
81. Assessment of the Problem
- General assessment of bus condition and operation
on the road - Detail Assessment of bus workshops
- Findings
- Low awareness of bus operators on air pollution
issue - Emission testing not part of the regular
maintenance procedures - No proper emission test during roadworthiness
test - Lack of knowledge and skill of technicians
- Lack of skill of drivers on good driving habits
- Lack of management capacity in the workshop
92. Program Development
- Program developed to address the assessed problem
- Program development focused on
- Awareness raising of bus fleet management,
technicians and drivers - Enhancement of regular maintenance procedures
- Capacity building of workshop management,
technicians and drivers - Incentive program by providing subsidized spare
parts, emission testing equipment, fuel meter.
102.a. Awareness raising of partners
- Objective to get support of the staff for
program implementation - Activity meeting with management, technicians
and drivers prior to program implementation - Message
- Contribution of bus emission on air pollution
- Role of technicians, workshop management and
drivers in the emission reduction effort - Potential benefit of improved bus emission
- Understanding the program objective and activities
112.b. Enhancement of regular maintenance procedures
- Improvement of workshop condition
- Emission measurement before and after service
- Step by step corrective action according to
following scheme
Green Did not require additional cost. Red
Require additional cost.
122.c. Capacity building
Training Module Development
Diesel Fuel System
Maintenance of Commercial Vehicle
Repair Maintenance of Diesel Engine
Economical Driving (Training for Trainer)
The Basic Technique for Driving Commercial Vehicle
Technician Training
Basic Maintenance
Training Implementation
Preventive Maintenance
Nozzle and Injection Timing
Engine Overhaul
Driver Training
Train The Trainer
Economical Driving
Staff Training
Workshop Management
133. Selection of suitable partner
- Survey to bus workshops
- Selection criteria
- Awareness of management
- Capability of workshop management
- Commitment for program implementation
- Availability of workshop facility
- Result
- 3 bus operators, 2 private and 1 state-owned,
selected in the 1st year. State-owned bus
operators was dropped from the program due to
lack of commitment - 4 bus operators in the 2nd year and another 3 in
the 4th year joined the program
144. Program Implementation
- Preparation
- Initial meeting with partners
- Development of detail activity plan
- Set up target and priorities
- Assign responsible person for each activity
- Define evaluation procedure criteria
- Equipment procurement
- Implementation according to plan
- Regular monitoring, data analysis and feedback
provision - Program evaluation
155. Collaboration with industries
Bus Manufacturer
Daimler Chrysler Mercedes Benz
Hino Manufacture Indonesia - Hino
Lautan Berlian Utama Motor - Mitsubishi
Injection Pump workshop
Workshop Equipment Supplier
166. Awareness raising
- Sticker on buses
- Hotline phone number
- Seminar
17Lesson Learned
- Economical benefit will be best accepted then
just emission reduction, - Developed program has to be able to address the
existing problem, - Select the bus operators that show commitment to
reduce emission start with bus operators who
already implement good management, - Focus on awareness raising and capacity building,
- Collaborate with bus manufacturers.
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