Title: The High-Level Trigger of the ALICE Experiment
1The High-Level Trigger of theALICE Experiment
- Heinz Tilsner
- Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik
- Universität Heidelberg
- International Europhysics Conference on
High-Energy Physics 2003 Aachen
Further information http//www.ti.uni-hd.de/HLT
- Physics Applications of the High-Level Trigger
- Online Pattern Recognition and Event
Reconstruction - Computing Infrastructure
3Physics Applications
4Physics Applications I
- Jet-Trigger
- Online jet trigger from TPC inspection of central
Pb-Pb collisions at 200 Hz - Cone jet-finder algorithm for online
- Pile-up removal
- Reconstruction of all tracks in the TPC
- Reconstruction of the event vertex
- Pile-up reduction by using a cut on impact
parameter of tracks - Data reduction about a factor 5
- Open-charm trigger
- Momentum filter (low pt cut)
- Examination of the event topology
5Physics Applications II
Di-Muon Trigger Using information of the
di-muon spectrometers to determine the
transversal momentum ? pt cut
ee- Trigger
Reconstructing J/? and Y by their leptonic decays
into ee- pairs
- HLT reduces event rate about a factor of 10 by
- combining TRD tracklets with TPC and ITS
tracking - adding PID rejection power from TPC dE/dx
6Online Event Reconstruction
7HLT Functionality
- local pattern recognition (detector specific)
- cluster finder
- tracklets
- global pattern recognition
- e.g. global tracking in TPC
resulting trigger decision is based on fully
analyzed and reconstructed events
Time budget Online analysis needs 12s for one
eventwith dN/dY4000 or 2400 CPUs at event rate
of 200 Hz parallel processing on PC cluster
8Fast Pattern Recognition
- low multiplicity events
- sequential feature extraction on space points
- cluster finder
- track follower
- high multiplicity events
- iterative feature extraction on raw data
- tracklet finder (Hough transform)
- parallel cluster evaluation
- FPGA co-processor
- releases CPU resources of host CPU
- online Hough Transform is essential for
trackingin dense environment
9Low Occupancy
- Cluster finder (FPGA)
- cluster finding
- centroid calculation
- deconvolution
- 2. Tracking (host CPU)
Hardware implementation
Verification of functionality C code VHDL
- Decoder
- decoding incoming ADC sequences (ALTRO list)
- calculating charge, sequence charge, and time
ofa sequence - Merger
- merges sequences of adjacent pads to clusters
10High Occupancy Hough Transform
Hough Transform Transformation of coordinate
space (R, F) to parameter space (F0,
?) F0 emission angle? curvature
11Hough Transform in FPGA Co-Processor
Behavioral (VHDL) model of Hough Transform
simulated and compared with software
12Computing Infrastructure
13FPGA Co-Processor as Part of the Front-End
- Front-End Prozessor
- First layer of the HLT-clusters
- Input for event data into the cluster (via
optical link) - normal PC, equipped with Read-Out Receiver
Card (RORC)
- implementing the PCIbus protocol
- co-processor for online analysis
Ordinary PC cluster PCI RORC HLT
14Data Volume Event Rates
15HLT Cluster Setup
Example TPC sector
achieved event rate 430 events/s
16Data Transport within the HLT-Cluster
) Event
new event
new event
(Sub)Event Merger
Bridging between Nodes
Event m Block 0
Event m Block 1
Merging Code
Event m Block 0, 1
17Fault Tolerance
- Software framework with embedded fault tolerance
- Automatic re-configuration of the data path
Test setup with 7 computers
- Network connection disconnected
- Faulty PC node is removed from data path
- Spare node inserted into data path
- ? no single event is lost!
- 32 dual Pentium III PCsrunning Linux
- Network connection
- FastEthernet
- GigaBit Ethernet
19RORC Read Out Receiver Card
- HLT enables event selection based on physical
signatures - Online event analysis assisted by FPGA
co-processor - HLT allows for a significant reduction of the
data volume - Functional concept of the HLT exists
- Fault-tolerant software successfully tested
Further information http//www.ti.uni-hd.de/HLT