Title: Involving Inventors in the Technology Transfer Process
1Involving Inventors in theTechnology Transfer
- Dr. J. Scott Deiter
- IHDIV Tech Transfer Director
- FLC Chairman
- john.deiter_at_navy.mil
- (301) 684-0289
- FLC MA Regional Meeting
- Gettysburg, PA
- Sept, 2009
2Training for Scientist/Inventor
- Annual training on IP patent processes and
Partnering through CRADAs - Describe the labs Patent Process
- Filing invention disclosure
- Invention Evaluation Board
- Writing patent applications
- Assignment of rights
- Tech Transfer Office contact info
- Commercial fields-of-use
3Scientist/inventor protection of an invention?
- ORTA reinforce the importance of the lab notebook
- Proof of First to invent
- Keep appropriate records, dates
- Do not reveal your invention to non-government
personnel - Make sure HOME address is on disclosure
- After completion, EMAIL form and any supporting
data, drawings, etc. to Tech Transfer Office - Inventor, ORTA Rep, try to identify commercial
uses - IEB will be convened - 10-minute presentation
4Financial Incentive for Scientist/Inventor
- Patents with Dual-Use
- Government AND Commercial use
- Commercial value means the potential for
Licensing for royalty income to
scientist/inventor - Agencies share the royalties with inventors
- the first 2,000 (each inventor)
- plus 20 of any remaining royalty payment
(divided among inventors) - Have inventor help identify commercial uses for
your technology!
5Inventors Determining Commercial Use
- Identify possible fields-of-use for invention
before completion of patent application - Nobody knows more about invention than inventor
- Nobody cares more about invention than inventor
- Commercial claims/uses in patent
- Easier to identify value of technology
- Makes inventor think about non-federal value
6Inventors Can Help to Commercialize their
- Aggressively seek interaction with businesses,
which could utilize your invention - Report any interest in your invention to the
Technology Transfer Office - Cooperate in providing appropriate
data/information to prospective companies that
have an interest in licensing your invention - Do NOT discuss anything related to
- Costs of a license
- Royalty rate
7Successful Technology Transfer Using
Integrated Maritime Portable Acoustic
Scoring and Simulator Control (IMPASS)
Data Systems, Inc. develops marine technologies
Data Systems aware of IMPASS technology
through contact with scientist/inventor
Partially exclusive Patent License negotiated
Entered into CRADA, allowing Navy inventor to
on development of IMPASS for commercial market
IMPASS successfully commercialized for
maritime portable scoring
simulation control
acoustic signature and sounding
Under CRADA, Navy and inventor receive
royalty income from patent license
first hand knowledge of expanded capability of