Title: Getting down to business
1Getting down to business
- Ana and Tiffany
- December 14, 2006
- Pre-algebra
- Lakeshore Middle School
2The Hot Dog Stand
- We strongly believe that you should do the plain
hotdogs instead of the gourmet. Mostly because
they make more profit and people are more
familiar with them. Recent studies show that more
people like the plain verses the gourmet. The
plain ones ore less expensive over all anyway.
3The Popcorn Booth
4Why do we have What If questions???
- We have what if questions so that we can see what
we need to do in the future to help the profit
get higher.
5Profit at Tee-Time
The higher the price is less people will buy the
shirt. No, people will only buy up to a certain
price for a shirt and if you go above that price
les people will buy therefore you wont get as
much money as you would for selling it cheaper.
6How much profit at Tee-Time
We think 14.00 is the best price because it
makes the most profit. Preferably because it
isnt too expensive for the people that are
buying it.
7Profits at Tee-Time
The shape of the line has an upward trend then, a
level trend, and finally a downward trend. When
the price is really cheap the income increases
but when the price is high the income will
8Profits at Tee-Time
9Price vs. Profit
This graph has a very complicated plan. First it
goes up when the prices are lower, then it goes
down as the prices get higher. This tells us that
as the prices get higher you dont sell a lot.
10All Three Graphs
When we compared all three graphs we saw that all
of them were pretty much the same. All of them
showed that the higher the prices the lower the
expenses, income, or profit.
11Where does income come from??
Income comes from people that buy the tickets.
The Cinema sold a total of 6000 tickets. We sold
1500 tickets for 4.00 equaling 6,000 at the
afternoon shows. We also sold 4500 tickets for
7.00 per ticket equaling 31,500 for the evening
shows. The combos also had a part in all of
this. We sold 3500 combos for 3.50 each equaling
up to 1,750 last week.
Expenses are what we have to pay to get
everything that we need. Expenses include the
film rental which costs 1200 per theater per
week for four theaters. Others are that we have
to pay 150 for utilities per week and 750 for
the employees per week.
Profit is the money that you have left after
paying your expenses. Profit is good because the
more profit you get the more money you get.
14The Cinema!!!
- We have discovered that if less people come you
will have less income which leads to less profit.
But dont worry we have something to do. We think
that you should either raise all of the prices by
fifty percent or increase sells/prices by 25.
Not Quite
- Our strengths in this project was creating the
actual slideshow. Our weaknesses were the
formulas and spreadsheets. We learned how to
apply what if questions to a graph. We can use
this in the future by helping companies profits.